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Uprisings against Cade?

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Dad cadhaysan oo shiid kala daalay aqalka madaxtooyada Puntland ee garoowe

Warkii 25-Oct-2007 iyo Qormadii: afnugaal

Kumanaan dadwayne cadhaysan ayaa dhagaxaan kala daalay xarunta madaxtoyada Puntland ee bartamaha magaalada garoowe , dadwaynahaas ayaa ka cabanaya gaabiska ku yimid balan qaadyadii madaxda Puntland ay shacabka ugu sheegeen inay maalmo gudahood dib ugu qabsan doonaan magaalada laascaanood..........



Banaabaxayasha ayaa ku dhawaaqayey ereyo lidi ku ah xukuumada madaxwayne cadde muuse iyagoona ku canaantay in maamulka Puntland uu talaabo ciidan ku dhameeyo arimaha laascaanood..


Dadkan ayaa sidoo kale ugudbiyey madaxtooyada Puntland waraaqo qoraal ah oo ay ku muujinayaan cabashadooda ,iyagoona ka cadhaysan gabi ahaanba siyaasadaha maamulka Cadde muuse uu gadhwadeenka ka yahay oo ay ku tilmaameen maamulkii ugu xumaa ee taariikhda Puntland soo mara..


Ilaalada Madaxtooyada Puntland ayaa rasaas ooda kaga qaaday dadka dibad baxa yaasha ah ,mana jiraan ilaa hada wax khasaara ah oo nasoo gaadhay wallow warar aan la xaqiijin sheegayaan in hal qof ay haleeshay rasaasta ay ridayeen ilaalada madaxtooyadu.


Sidoo kale waxaa jira khasaare soo gaadhay qaar ka mid ah dhisamaha madaxtooyada oo ay ka jabeen qaar ka mid ah muraayadaha daaqadaha iyo gawaadhi tiilay banaanka hore ee aqalka madaxtooyada...


Tan iyo intii ciidamada Maamulka Somaliland ay soo fadhiisteen deegaanka adhi-cadeeye oo 30km dhanka waqooyi ka xiga magaalada laascaanood sanadii 2003 ayaa madaxda ciidamada iyo hogaanka sare ee puntland waxay si is daba jooga usheegayeen in maalmaha soo socda weerar lagu qaadi doono Somaliland si looga saaro dhulka ay soo galeen , hadaladaas oo ay markii danbe ka daaleen reer laascaanod aakhirkiina ku dhamaatay mudo 5 sano ah kadib in Somaliland si dhibyar kusoo gasho gudaha magaalada laascaanood..


Afnugaal News Disk

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^^These protesters represent the clannish fervor to exact vengeance on Somaliland militias occupying SOOL region. It has nothing to do with any particular uprising against Cadde. In fact, it seems to me, these stone-throwers came out in full after they realized that Puntland Isims decided to solve whatever internal issues within SOOL/Puntland before widening this conflict.


This is a hopeful sign, the Isims declaration is---it represents first time Diaspora folks with positive agenda got influence on the direction of that entity. Hargeysa admin will be given amble time to withdraw its militia before war is initiated. And that is a good step.I have even noticed Xaabsade feeling the heat and changing his tone a bit, suggesting the establishement of indepedent state in SOOL [that suggestion is world away from Somaliland's initial goal, closing the colonial border].


As for Cadde’s future, it seems this latest act from Riyaale gave him a lifeline. The priority now is to resolve SOOL issue, one way or the other, before any serious talk about accountability is considered. But that noble pulse of reform is there…

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This is good and has nothing to do with Adde but the L.A issue, the patriotic pple of Puntland in Garowe have demanded an immediate action against the ************* militia, immediate action is certainly required whether that be peaceful/forceful repulsion of Riyaale's mafia from SOOL.


It is also good news that Puntland Isims have initiated a peaceful end to this quarel and demanded that Riyaale's gang vacate SOOL very soon, perhaps a last and tactical Warning ala style of "Inii Dacawtuhum Jihaaran"...


We wait and see...


[ October 25, 2007, 09:12 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

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Apparently, it was a political gaffe and miscalculation on the part of SL invading SSC..but I assure you whatever comes out from this mess Mr. Xaabsade and others in his camp will have no place in that soon to-be administration in that part of the country. Meaning traitors are loosing in the long term as much as SL is.

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