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Mindless Euphoria, what happened on 17 March? NOTHING

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Mindless Euphoria


I for one was totally against Riyaale’s visit , I wanted to stop it I thought it was a political coup for the secessionist lot that the silent majority would be cheated. Oh how wrong I was how naive I had become to think that the “SOMALILANDERS” could pull it of, alas my North Western brothers are no different to us alas they also take every opportunity to lose an opportunity.


I live in London and Mr NSS commanders visit did not get any air time on the local radio or TV, who are his media advisors people, Ooodweyn could have done a better job, what happened?

Hell you would think the secessionist camp conquered the world showing pictures of our pretty sisters waving the flag outside the British parliament.


I remember a number of years back some Kurds of Turkey where demonstrating in the same spot waving the flag for their Kurdistan Republic but these people where real patriots they set themselves on fire in order for them to get attention, the incident was picked up by the local media, so NASIR, SPADEZ AND ANGEL come on we are waiting to see some patriotism so your leaders visit is not in vain.


There is a real pattern emerging from the secessionist camp, they just talk, we will get 100,000 demonstrators, we will get recognition, we will become a country we will invade LAS ANO we will do, you get the picture.

Fake army of 30,000, fake national borders, and now fake diplomatic initiatives who will wake up this bunch ?

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One of the posters from yesterday had the following on it



Actually we were chanting the same thing :D:D

SOMALILAND DIIDOOW DILAAC - we don't give a damn icon_razz.gif

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my friend days before riyaale came you were bombarding us with propaganda of how there was going to be large demostrations agains him, how you and your lot would show him up, chase him out, now please could you explain to us what happen, not a single goat came, or as i have suspected long time ago was a steam of hot air

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Qudhac, the Somaliweyn Camp did well. It seems they are very well accustomed to political manupilation. They argeed wholly to organise a demo against HIM would only be counterproductive-- he will get some air time in Britian; that is why they aborted the demo;; what a clever bunch.

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Originally posted by Sophist:

Qudhac, the Somaliweyn Camp did well. It seems they are very well accustomed to political manupilation. They argeed wholly to organise a demo against HIM would only be counterproductive-- he will get some air time in Britian; that is why they aborted the demo;; what a clever bunch.

sure sophist, whatever you say ;)

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Let them dream , dont spoil their dream plz , The realty will slap them on the face . british government will not regonize somaliland THE REGONITION COMES FROM WITHIN , AND SOMALILAND IS FAKE STATE WITH NO POWER OF CONTROLING THE LAND THEY CLAIMING .



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i think it is time we somalis should come together and reconcile, and talk about our problems. Let us remove the hatred and enemity between us.As most of somalinland is affected by drought and famine. we should wish luck Riyale,He may get donations to support the poor. Also It would have been better for the somalilanders to seek recognition within the somalis, instead of going where they didn't even get enough attention.


Kuwiina ku faraxsan hadii la xumeeyey ,kana xumaanaya hadii la wanaajey, waad khalddan tihiin,,Jabka walaalka lagu ma farxo,,malaha waa waxa aynu u heshiin la'nahay.



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Diid o Dilac




Ama Dhimo ama Dhus*lol*





Seek Recognition from Somalia???? What government excatly shall we be holding these talks???


Somalilnd Toujours


As for the this space brother. and you shall see.



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Daahir Riyaale oo ku hungoobay socdaalkiisa Britain



Jimce, March 19 2004


Waxaa dhowrkii casho ee lasoo dhaafay socdaal ku joogay wadankan Ingiriiska madaxweynaha dowlada iskeed isu magacawday ee Somaliland Daahir Riyaale Kaahin iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo.


Intii aanu Riyaale imaan Ingiriiska ayey saxaafada reer Somaliland waxey fidinayeen warar sheegayey in Riyaale khudbad ka jeedin doono baarlamaanka Ingiriiska maalinta Arbacada ee ay bishu tahay 17 Maarso. Hadaba doraad oo aheyd 17ka Maarso maxaa qabsaday Riyaale iyo wafdigiisa.?


Aroornimadii Arbacada ayuu Riyaale booqday wasaarada arrimaha gudaha ee Britain halkaasoo uu kula kulmay sarkaal wasaarada u qaabilsan arrimaha qaxootiga laguna magacaabo yahay Beverly Hughes, waxeyna kawada hadleen suurtagalnimada in qaxooti reer Somaliland ah oo sharciga loo diiday loogu celin lahaa Somaliland.


Maalintaas arbacada ee ay bishu aheyd 17ka Maarso waxey ku beegneyd maalinta ugu muhiimsan shaqooyinka uu qabto baarlamaanka Ingiriiska waayo waxey aheyd maalin uu baarlamaanku ansixinayey miisaaniyada qaranka ee 2004.


Waxaa aroornimadiiba baarlamaanka buuxiyay dhamaan xubnaha dowlada Ingiriiska oo ay ugu horeeyaan ra'iisul wasaare Tony Balir, ku xigeenkiisa John Prescot, Chancellorka dhaqaalaha Gordon Brown iyo dhamaan xubnaha dowlada iyo xildhibaanada labada aqal ee sharci dejinta.


Waxaa dhacday in Riyaale iyo wafdigiisa ay la socdaan dhalinyaro aad u da' yar ay duhurnimadii isugu yimaadaan aqalka baarlamaanka hortiisa isla markaana Riyaale khudbad u jeediyay dhalinyaradii halkaa isugu timid oo la sheegay in aaney sidaa u badneyn.


Khudbadii Riyaale ee dhalinyarada reer Somaliland kadib, waxey ciidanka booliisku u sheegeen Riyaale in uu meesha ka dhaqaaqo kadib makii ay qaar kamid ah dhalinyaradii halkaa isugu timid ku kaceen falal aan munaasab aheyn, wuuna aqbalay Riyaale amarkii ciidanka booliiska oo waxey Riyaale iyo wafdigiisu u dhaqaaqeen hotel ku yaala bartamaha London, halkaasoo ay ka qadeeyeen.


Hadaba miyaaney ayaan daro aheyn beenta aan xishoodka laheyn ee ay saxaafada Somaliland u tebineyso shacabka Soomaaliyeed? iyagoo 30kii casho ee lasoo dhaafay ku andacoonayey in Riyaale khudbad heer qaran ah ka jeedin doono baarlamaanka Britain, balse xaqiiqadu noqotay in Riyaale laga soo eryo banaanka aqalka baarlamaanka iska daa khudbad uu ka jeediyo gudaha baarlamaanka'e.


Kama xumin booqashada Riyaale ee Britain waana mid aan soo dhoweyneyno balse waxaa wax laga xumaado ah beenta uu maamulka Riyaale ka dhaadhicinayo shacabka Soomaaliyeed isagoo adeegsanaya saxaafada aan qaangaarka aheyn ee reer Somaliland.


Riyaale iyo wafdigiisa waxey wadankan kusoo galeen baasabooro Soomaali ah waxeyna visa kasoo qaateen safaarada Ingiriisku ku leeyahay dalka Itoobiya, waxeyna Riyaale iyo wafdigiisu degen yihiin hotel ay lacagtiisa iyaga iska bixinayaan.


Saraakiil ka tirsan wasaarada arrimaha dibada ee Britain ayaa horay u sheegay in aaney ka warqabin booqashada Riyaale, iyagoo intaa raaciyay in hadii ay arintaasi jirto ay tahay booqasho shakhsi ah.



Mohamud Yusuf Garre


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Diid o Dilac




Ama Dhimo ama Dhus*lol*

Is that what RIYAALE was chanting outside the parliment?


This week has proven that the secessionist camp are on their last legs. For is they could not mobalise in London where can they?


If the so called SOMALILAND government did not understand the importance of this week to the UK [budget announcement] what chance have they of getting any influance or convincing any one of anything?


Few back bench MP's and a trip to London resturents is all you have to show, then I pity you and your dream.


Abdiqasin who controls a few quarter of MOG was invited to the UN and has a permenant Ambasador to the UN and several others in Arab countries. He has used the Arab and African media and states to full effect, what has your national government even under Egal acheieved in comparison?


So dear Somalilanders come to your senses understand that you are Somali's and its time to get over the delusion and rebuild our shattered home.

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Oh man these guys are quick to jump on conclusion. How do you know inay Somaliland ku hungoobeen the meeting with the British? Somaliland has never told anyone what they talked about, as you know this is a top secret and everything is kept on the low. This is not cabdilahi yusuf and his cats meeting. No government should talk about what they have secretly spoken to another government about which surely will jeopardize their interest and future goals. British Foreign minister has said, if U.K recognizes Somaliland, we will be blamed for ruing the Somalia peace talks. What does that tell you my friend, for ones use your head to come up with some logic and tell me what that line tells you?

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