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Cusmaan Caato, a reborn Somali nationalist

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I think Aideed was killed by the same evil he helped breed. What goes around has a funny way of coming around, doesn't it?


Originally posted by HornAfrique:

you do know Caato's wife is from the northeast right?

Honestly, I didn't get this at all. You saying Cismaan Caato can't find a worthy partner amongst his kin? :D


ANYWAYS, its good to know that Cismaan Caato has turned an ardent nationalist. Him, Qanyare, I wonder who's next?


Oh, yeah. The Mbegathi government really needs Cismaan Caato to help fight off all obstacles in its way. I mean - his military prowess is absolutely necessary. He's proven to be a brilliant military tactician, ordering the unwarranted murder of nabadoons - old, frail men on a peace mission. How noble and nationalistic! The Mbegathi gov't needs him to send his military forces to secure strategic places such as the area between two rock formations in southern Mudug.


AND there's no difference between Abdullahi Yusuf and Cismaan Caato. They're both greedy men (murderers) pursuing their own personal mission of absolute power.

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Originally posted by wind.talker:

AND there's no difference between Abdullahi Yusuf and Cismaan Caato. They're both greedy men (murderers) pursuing their own personal mission of absolute power.

The saying of a wiseman...bravo WT...adiga oo kale Sooomaalida waxay dhihi jirtey..'aabaha aya garta goyin jirey'

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Inna Caydiid wali dowladda sharuud buu dabawadaa: wali afkiisa lagama hayo, haddii xil la ii magacaabo iyo haddii kalaba, si buuxda ayaan dowladdan soo celinta qaranaka, u taageersan ahay hiil iyo hooba.


Can we say his Soomaalinimo is CURRENTLY at a little bit above 0.50, not far away from where he was when his mama gave birth to him?


Xuseen Caydiid “Dowladda federaalka waan taageersanahay waana ku qancayaa xilkii la iiga magacaabo



Eng. Xuseen Max’ed Caydiid oo ka mid ah baarlamaanka federaalka KMG ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in sanadka 2004-ta uu ahaa sanad wanaagsan, isla markaana la dhisay dowlad dib u heshiisiin ah, isagoo ku nuux nuuxsaday in sanadku sidoo kale lahaa waxyaabo lagu xasuusto oo dhibaato ah ayna dhaceen dagaalo sokeeye.



“Xukuumadda federaalka taageerayaasheyda gacanta ku haya Villa Somalia iyo Radio Muqdisho abaal marin ayey ka mudan yihiin, waxeyna xafideen goobo muhim u ah dowladda†ayuu yiri Xuseen Caydiid oo intaasi ku daray in dowladdaan aysan aheyn tii rasmiga aheyd ee samatabixin laheyd shacabka, balse tahay tii lagu gaari lahaa arrintaasi waxna ka qaban laheyd inta badan samatabixinta.


Wuxuu sheegay in xil kasta oo looga magacaabo xukuumadda federaalka uu qaban doono, kana fiirin doono danta maslaxadda guud ee shacabka, isagoo sheegay in muwaadin kastana looga baahan yahay sidaasi oo kale.



“Ummadda Soomaaliyeed wali ma gaarin yoolkeedii, waxaanse qabaa in uu hadda u bilowday†ayuu yiri Xuseen Caydiid oo intaasi ku daray in Soomaaliya ay imaan doonaan wafdi ballaaran oo uu ka mid yahay ra’iisul wasaare Geeddi, una kuurgali doonaan dhibaatooyinkii ay geysteen duufaanadii dhul gariirka watay ee ku dhuftay xeebaha Soomaaliya.



Ugu danbeyntii wuxuu sheegay in uu soo dhaweynayo in la kordhiyo wasiirada, maadaama ay dowladdu tahay dib u heshiisiin.







Ku noqo beejka



Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan ,Dayniile Muqdisho




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