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ICU : No Talks Until Ethiopia Leaves Somalia

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I don't think marke hore they really wanted to enter talks with the T.F.G apart from Sheikh Shariff and some of the other members of the alliance that was formed in Asmara. Now some of them found an excuse to distance themselves from these talks..........

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Originally posted by LayZie G.:


By ethiopia leaving, it will just get worse. They dont even listen to the great sheikh sharif, what is to say they will listen to anyone sitting in the peace talk table?

Call it Power Vacuum.

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I don't think that the situation can get any worser when Ethiopians leave. Granted that it wont be all roses or honey and milk... The people who argue that there will be a great vaccum say this because they fear that the T.F.G will overpowered by and over-run.

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

I don't think marke hore they really wanted to enter talks with the T.F.G apart from Sheikh Shariff and some of the other members of the alliance that was formed in Asmara. Now some of them found an excuse to distance themselves from these talks..........

^^Saaxiib peace and unconditional dialogue are the most unarticulated need for Somalis back home. ICU should not be the ones shirking that challenge! I think in the end, under the leadership of Sh. Sharif, ICU will make to the next round of peace talks in Jabuuti.



ps---the argument of Ethiopia’s presence being beneficial in anyway or shape is just silly and needs no refutation at all.

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Hence why I'm saying Sheikh Shariff needs to discuss this issue and come to an understanding with his brothers in Somalia. To agree to a large United Nations Force, recognising the T.F.G and perhaps even take seats in a secular government-and particpating in secular elections will probably sound like a great sacrifice to make people like Sheikh Ibrahim Suley and other Islamic Courts leaders inside Somalia, something Sheikh Shariff has to deal with before he makes any compromises or signs on the dotted line . That is, if we are to believe some of the so-called conditions being reported in the Somalia media!

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^^I agree he should drag as many folks as he can into this peace initiative. But ultimately the man has to lead. This should not be a matter of preference adeer. Secular or not we need to have some thing resembling a government in Somalia to stop this tragedy. And Sh. Sharif understands that or so I hope! There are a lot of bitterness and anger in some circles and he understands that as well. What’s also unarticulated is the fact that these talks, if they succeed, could be a very effective way of achieving Ethiopia’s withdrawal. The good Sheekh shall at one point articulate and communicate that to the Somali people.


And akhiiran yaa racil-Ibil, it’s folks like you who the good Sheekh shall ignore and pay no heed to for they clearly construe his courageous position of entering peace with the current players a political naivety on his part!


This is not a video game. Real people are suffering on the ground. Brave are those who do every thing they can to alleviate that suffering. Clearly what the men like Sharif are attempting to do is just that. People will blame him for it though for some still dwell in bitterness and lack good judgment. All they see is the Ethiopian atrocities or the arrogant warlords in Xamar or the injustices that's out there and the innocent people that suffer because of it. Clearly they are not in a position to offer a good counsel for finding peaceful route. And the good Sheekh shall pay no heed to them...the real Jihad is what he has been doing last few weeks and he shall continue doing it...

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Clearly Sharif has made headways and uttered very important words whether he succeeds enlisting as much support as possible from the nay sayers is another matter...

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^I agree he should drag as many folks as he can into this peace initiative. But ultimately the man has to lead. This should not be a matter of preference adeer. Secular or not we need to have some thing resembling a government in Somalia to stop this tragedy. And Sh. Sharif understands that or so I hope! There are a lot of bitterness and anger in some circles and he understands that as well. What’s also unarticulated is the fact that these talks, if they succeed, could be a very effective way of achieving Ethiopia’s withdrawal. The good Sheekh shall at one point articulate and communicate that to the Somali people.


And akhiiran yaa racil-Ibil, it’s folks like you who the good Sheekh shall ignore and pay no heed to for they clearly construe his courageous position of entering peace with the current players a political naivety on his part!


This is not a video game. Real people are suffering on the ground. Brave are those who do every thing they can to alleviate that suffering. Clearly what the men like Sharif are attempting to do is just that. People will blame him for it though for some still dwell in bitterness and lack good judgment.
All they see is the Ethiopian atrocities or the arrogant warlords in Xamar or the injustices that's out there and the innocent people that suffer because of it. Clearly they are not in a position to offer a good counsel for finding peaceful route. And the good Sheekh shall pay no heed to them...the real Jihad is what he has been doing last few weeks and he shall continue doing it...

Labada dhinacba waa loo baahan yahay saxib, meel in laga wada waashana ma fiicna, in la iska wada seexdo iyadoo mindida qoorta kaa saaran tahayna waa waalli kale, haddii maanta dagaal aan lala gelin Xabashida, Addunka wuu iska aamusnaan lahaa iyadoo Soomaaliya iyo Dadkeeda tartiib u dhimanaayaan. There are two options and both warrant death anyway. Something good will come out of this struggle, and peace is acceptable only if it comes with good terms. First is freedom to live unmolested and without fear, is difaacuna waa xaq. We know that first important goal in untenable as long as the Xabashis stay put. You would agree now the drive for peace is directly related to the losses and pain inflicted on Ethiopian troops. Xabashi intuu meel soomaali deggan tahay yimi isagoon laga oggoleen iska tagay iskiis taariikhda laguma sheegin.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Clearly Sharif has made headways and uttered very important words whether he succeeds enlisting as much support as possible from the nay sayers is another matter...

AKhi, now the good Sheikh is saying that HE will never talk to the " Dabodhilifs-Mujrims". Rather he's gonna talk to the UN. Another day in Soomaali bolitikz!

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That's why I said the Shariffs are being naive.........

They're NOT, they're Brokers, Dullaalo, AFAR JEEBLAYAA, getting money from here and there....


whenever they see the figures are going down .. they say we're ready .....wnd when the BALANCE is bright they say until this done and that done we are not sitting with tehm ...


they're TRADING somali peopele's BLOOD and FLESH


theyr should be brought here, the HAGUE

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Sheikh Sharif is a flip flopper. In his interview with BBC he denied he ever said he will meet the TFG but he will sit down with the UN, clearly non-Muslim organization but not the TFG, I wonder what is the difference. They don't know how to conduct war or bring peace. The sad part is they are the ones that we expect to bring the Somali nation back.

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

Hence why I'm saying Sheikh Shariff needs to discuss this issue and come to an understanding with his brothers in Somalia. To agree to a large United Nations Force, recognising the T.F.G and perhaps even take seats in a secular government-and particpating in secular elections will probably sound like a great sacrifice to make people like Sheikh Ibrahim Suley and other Islamic Courts leaders inside Somalia, something Sheikh Shariff has to deal with before he makes any compromises or signs on the dotted line . That is, if we are to believe some of the so-called conditions being reported in the Somalia media!

Well, it seems like he didn't take that advice and seems determined to go on his own path, which means that the ARS is divided into factions, ICU rift opened in Yemen and the armed grous at home are divided also. And, word is that more ways and mechanisms will be planned to create further fitna and disunity between Somali groups. Well done Djibouti!

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