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Sh.Sharif Doesn't Have The Power To Sack The PM. (PROOF)

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XUSUUSTA RAXANREEB: Madaxweynaha Xilka Kama Qaadi Karo Raisul Wasaaraha (Condoleezza Rice Dec, 16 2008)



[sawirka: Condoleeza Rice oo 16 Dec 2008 ka hadashay xilka qaadistii Nuur Cadde]


Iyadoo ay haddaba taagan tahay dooda ku saabsan xilka qaadista madaxweynaha dowlada Soomaaliya ee wasiirka koowaad [raisul wasaaraha] ayaanu keydka wararka ee warbaahinta waxaanu dib uga soo fatashnay xogyahihii hore ee arimaha dibada ee dowlada Mareykanka Condoleeza Rice (dowladii Bush) oo sheegeysa in madaxweynaha Soomaaliya aanu awood u lahayn inuu xilka ka qaado ama shaqada ka fariisiyo raisul wasaaraha.


Condoleeza Rice ayaa hadalkaasi sheegtay wareysi lala yeeshay 16-December 2008 markii uu khilaafka xoogan soo kala dhexgalay madaxweynihii DKMG C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo raisul wasaarihii xilligaasi Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde). C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa xilligaasi sheegay inuu shaqada ka farsiisiyey wasiirkii koowaad taasi oo dood dhinaca sharciga ah dhalisay.


Haddaba madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif ayaa shaley [17-May-2010] sheegay inuu kala diray xukuumadii raisul wasaare cusubna soo magacaabi doono, taasi oo uu diiday Mr Sharma’arke.


Yaa iska leh xilka qaadista raisul wasaaraha?


Haadaba waa kan wareysiga Rice oo qoran oo aan qeybtaasi ka soo qaadanay:


SU’AAL: Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya waxaa uu ceyriyey raisul wasaarihii, Soomaaliya waa kee qofka iska leh awooda ceynkaasi ah?


XOGHAYE RICE: Waa hagaag eeg,,, ugu horeyn waxaanu aaminsanahay raisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya waxaa kaliya xilka ka qaadi kara barlamaanka. Sidaasi darteed waan aqoonsahahay (Nuur Cadde). Taasi waanu u cadeynay madaxweynaha Soomaaliya (C/laahi Yuusuf).


Haddaba mar haddii xilligaasi Mareykanku sheegay inuu aqoonsan yahay xukuumadii Nuur Cadde, sow Ma aha in haatana uu aqoonsan yahay xukuumada Cumar C/rashiid?!!!.


QUESTION: Does the U.S. favor imposing sanctions on Eritrea for its role in the internal conflict? And with the president now firing the prime minister, who is actually authorized in Somalia to authorize this?


RICE: Well, look, first of all, we believe that the prime minister of Somalia can only be relieved by the parliament, and therefore we recognize him. And we’ve made that clear to the president of Somalia.


Secondly, they need to work together. They have too many problems to be involved in these kinds of spats. I mean, the people of Somalia deserve better than this. And I just sat in a session in which the international community pledged all kinds of support to Somalia, all kinds of help to Somalia. Whether we agree or disagree among ourselves about exactly what kind of force can bring security, everybody in there wants to see security for Somalia, wants to see the Djibouti process work. The least that the leaders of Somalia can do is be equally committed to that cause, and we’re sending that message very strongly.


You can verify the condelezza rice comment on Abdullahi Yusuf Sacking Nur Cade and she said that the president doesn't have that authority and still recognized nur cade as the PM. Verifcation can be seen below


Condolezza Rice Verifies President Cant Sack PM

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This TFG is a reconcillation government. Sheikh Hotel is its figure head and while it is OK for him to ask and change Ministers and MPs from his clan, he cannot change the PM and other Ministers from other clans. Therefore, our PM in the name of Omer Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke stays put and it is the Macallin-Dugsi Shariif who has to eat back his words. :D:D


Meesha reer reer ayaa loo kala fadhiyaa, marka inta dawlad quman la dhisayo, rer-hebel rer hebel ma eryi karaan. :D


All the way with Omer. I supported Nur Cade against Yusuf and I supported Sheikh Shariif against Prof,Gandhi, but this time I am with my Tolkay, especially when the clueless Sharif dissolves the government solely to appease the useless Sheikh Adan Madoobe.

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I know. But I am not trying to appease the Pirates, who will all support Omer in any case. Even, Xinn will betray the Shariif now.


Laakin, the way Sh. Hotel handled this is disgraceful. One sheikh Adan Madoobe fails to get the respect of the parliament. Omer's cabinet had no problem with one other and also with him. Sh. hotel comes to a press conference and says 'dawladii waan kala diray' as if the cabinet and the PM are ardo-looxleey la fasaxay. And no reason is given why? All to appease a former warlord, who reality has caught up with and who is told he can no longer pretend to be a respected leader of the Parliament.


And in any case, when and if the Pirates stop piracy and human trafficking, they are the closest I have in Somalia, markaa waan u sii waji dhigan! :D:D Note that I am not optimistic the family mafioso led by Faroole and Sons will give up the underground businesses any time soon!

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lool@waan u sii waji dhigan, dantaada waad taqaan :D



It is true, Sharif failed miserably on this, but also lets not forget, meesha markii horeba waxba ma oolin, Sharmaake qudhiisa nin xarakaat badan ma ahan oo ka hadlo conferenceyada, meesha more than 550 MPs waxay u joogaan dhowrka kun ee dollar ay qaataan bishii, hadii mid ka mida mushaarka la siin waayo on time, usually they get it by xawaalad from Nairobi, wuxuu iskugu yeeri illaa kontomeeyo MPs oo kale si loogu codeeyo in gudoomiyaha barlamaanka laga saaro waayo asagaa lacagta faquuqsadey,


I have close sources that tells me waxan dhan mushaar la'aan ku dhacdey qebya ka mida MPska ayuu ka bilowdey.


not the first time,it happened before, but not in this level we have seen lately.

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This is closer to Yusuf sacking Geedi than Nur Cade, Cawke. If the parliment is who sacks the PM, how in the world could Sh. Sharif fail when he has his own 275 there? In the end you know it's the PM that will have to go. We've been here before.

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^^ I should do a thread to find out what side everyone is with these days. Horta are you still with Sh. Sharif or have you switched to Al Shabab by now? OR, are you back fully with SL?



I think Castro is supporting Sh. Aweys these days. :D

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Even if Abdirashid's government gets dissolved, priority of his replacement will be given to Puntland since TFG desperately needs to expand its base of political support and it can't afford to alienate a strategic State like PL is to the TFG II, methinks.


What if Jengeli, Asharo, or some public figure of high profile from Puntland gets nominated?

When it comes to the two, Abdirashid will definately be forced to resign. Shariif has a huge international support for his TFG regardless of his leadership incompetence and poor performance. (His 275 MPs is enough :D )I hope a middle ground between the two will be found.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ I should do a thread to find out what side everyone is with these days. Horta are you still with Sh. Sharif or have you switched to Al Shabab by now? OR, are you back fully with SL?

I'm in the despondent camp these days.

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