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SSC Explained

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^No, not yet, Somaliland must first realise its secession dream and get full independence from the rest of the republic and recongnition from the international community. Then, and only then will we attest the secession of SSC from Somaliland.


So JB, stop distorting reality, SSC are not secessionists but contrary to that they are unionists keeping the union of what is former British protoctrate Somaliland with the former Italian protoctrate of Somaliland. SSC is the power that blocked the secession ideals of Hargeisa and the main reason that Somalia today is one nation, one people.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

SSC = Somaliland Secessionist Camp



We're moving forward with that powerful phrase from now on.

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It is part of the political development in Somaliland.


When you have political parties, the governance system in place, national army and then an army group fighting for a region to secede ........ that is what you call a political maturity.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

It is part of the political development in Somaliland.


When you have political parties, the governance system in place, national army and then an army group fighting for a region to secede ........ that is what you call a political maturity...

... a la Somali style icon_razz.gif

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^Lol..Dude , you were left alone long enough to shoot yourself on the foot. Time and again, you would only show up with such retarded statements that only exposes your secessionist joke.




Maxaa ku jaban if SSC decides to secede from the actual secessionists ? Haddi lagaa bartay oo lagaa badiyey soo caadi ma aha ?

SSC, assuming that they plan to secede, will be on firmer grounds to make their case than your beloved SL. The greatest irony of all times- Seceding from the secessionists. You guys are so 1960 late! Get over it man.

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Jacaylbaro;631793 wrote:
Now someone tell me they're not secessionists ...

They are not.They are unionists and somali nationalists who fought and died for their country of somalia which you guys are part of.

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SSC is an acronym for Sool, Sanaag, & Cayn State of Somalia, SSC stands for Somalinimo/Somalia, Sinaan, & Cadaalad



Now SNM clan secessnionists are more desparate than ever before, they are copying Northern Uniniosts in SSC Region, but they should know that plagiarism and forgery are serious offences.


SSC is a brandname and trademark exclusively owned by Northern Unionists in SSC Region.




In fact SL = Somalia Land

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