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Puntland Names New Deputy Commander Of Puntland Police

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Garowe, June 07 | Wareegtooyin ka soo baxday madaxtooyada Puntland, uuna ku saxiisan yahay M/weynaha Puntland C/raxmaan M. Faroole, ayaa lagu magacaabay taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka bilayska Puntland, iyo la taliye M/weyne ee arrimaha ciidanka amniga.


G/sare Cumar Saalax Maxamed 'Canjeex' ayaa loo magacaabay taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka bilayska Puntland, halka G/sare Yaasiin Cumar Dheere loo magacabaay la taliyaha M/weynaha ee arrimaha ciidanka amniga.


Wareegtada lagu magacaabay taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka bilayska ayaa u dhignayd sidan:



Xeer Mdaxweyne Lr43, ee June06, 2009, kuna saabsan Magacaabid Taliye ku xigeen Ciidanka Booliiska Puntland.


Madaxweynaha Dawladda Puntland.

Markuu arkay: Dastuurka DGPL Qodobkiisa 54aad faqaradiisa 19aad,

Markuu Tixgeliyey: Talo soo jeedinta Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliiska DGPL,

Markuu Tixgeliyey: Aqoonta iyo waaya aragnimada sare ee uu u leeyahay Ciidanka Booliiska aan looga maarmi Karin hawsha Ciidanka Booliiska.


Wuxuu xeeriyey:

a) Waxaa G/sare Cumar Saalax Maxamed (Canjeex) loo magacaabay taliye ku xigeenka ciidanka bilayska ee Puntland.


Wareegtada lagu magacaabay la taliyaha M/weyne ee ciidanka bilayska ayaa u dhignayd sidan:


Xeer Madaxweyne Lr44, ee June 7, 2009, kuna saabsan Magacaabid la Taliye Madaxweyne Xagga Ciidamada Amniga.

Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland.


Markuu arkay: Dastuurka DGPL Qodobkiisa 54aad faqradiisa 19aad,

Markuu arkay: Aqoontiisa iyo waayo-aragnimadiisa Ciidan,


Wuxuu xeeriyey:

1. Waxaa loo Magacaabey G/sare Yaasiin Cumar Dheere la taliyaha M/weynaha ee Arrimaha Ciidanka Amniga.


Diiwaanka Wararka,

Idaacada Daljir.

Source: http://www.radiodalj 596

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As a strong supporter of Puntland,i don't we have the luxury of sitting around, we need to build our Navy,Army and Air force, you hear me right we have the means to do so and the support Puntland needs. Let's go to work right away ,not point of looking back the past mistakes move forward Puntland. God Bless Puntland.

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Isseriyole..hold your geel for a moment. Puntland is seeking to build it's navy, that what the brussel conference was set up to do. It is setting up 3000 coast-guard to monitor the coastline of the region.


As for the army, in 2007 we signed a deal with ethiopia to be provided our military toys and training for the daraawish from addis ababa and the toys are all around puntland military bases. So Ethiopia is still providing those tools and training to that sector. Watch here.



And inshallah with the oil drig at the end of the year and with somalia arm's ban lifted by the united nation, the administration i am sure will further invest in upgrading the inventory to european and american standard.


Right now our military tools are provided from ethiopia, or captured from the former somalia government during the early 90's war.


But I do agree with you on that we further need to improve and never just give up. We will with god's help, and our history speak's for itself where the greatest civilization in the world egypt called our region "the land of gods"..marka keep proud, keep strong, stay puntland :D

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