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Who is the hater?

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Asalaamu Calaykum


kawaran dalkii, safarkii wali ma ku jirtaa mise waa saa noqotay, sala cala nabi dagaalka naga yaree ninyahow


Buufis wax la dhaho baa jira ee iska jir, intaasi kaftan bey aheed



Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea:

Topic: Who is the hater? conclusion do we deserved to be labeled as haters



who is the “we” you talking about yaa red sea, you saying that people of Somaliland don’t deserve to be labeled as haters that’s right, but also you should know that other Somalis like people of Puntland & SSC don’t deserve as well to be labeled as haters


Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea:

I am sadened to say not a single clan from our neighbors(somali waqooyi and Puntland)that sent an Ergo to sort of try to ease the tension.

Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea:

Also I'd like to prove that somalilanders are more somali loving

Gross generalization is a dangerous notion, no Somali region can be labeled as haters, the one who accuse an entire population of any region as haters is guilty of hate himself



First, saxib red sea you shouldn’t accuse and target an entire communities, its unfair



Before you address the truthfulness of your political opponents, you should question the truthfulness of your political proponents; ask them hard questions, like who is behind really the secession project?

Why should the secessionist entity claim all the territories that Britain surrendered in 1960 (not even all the territories of former British Colony, because Haud Regoin/the reserve area was also part of former British Somali protectorate one time)


Why the secessionist entity still consider Ethiopia friendly neighbor in the light of what is happening in Mogadishu for the last several months? Where is the courage?



Why the secessionist entity is against the right of self-determination of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn people, while it was seeking for itself the right of self-determination for the last 17 years without success?


You believe that those promote unity and brotherhood based on somalilaweyn are not truthful, while not indicating that those who promote unity and brotherhood based the territories Britain surrendered in 1960 are as well not truthful, and colonial lagecies, or reer woqooyinimo sometimes



Personally, I believe all Somali people regardless of their regional or clan affliliation are equally and evenly Somali, of course there is some bad apples in every region, but to say Somalis of one region are more or less somali then Somalis of other regions is a dangerous, and it inspires tribalism, superiority and inferiority believes


Sida uu MMA sheegay, waa dhaqan soomaaliyeed oo jireen ah in hadii laba qabiil oo soomaali ah wax dhexmaraan in la dhexdhaxaadiyo, wax cusub maaha


People of Sool & Sanaag have mediated between the sub clans of the Northwest clan million times the last one was the fight between two subclans of same clan in Daroor, delegation from sool, sanaag and Buuhoodle went to Daroor immediately to defuse the tension



Before the unfortunate events of Buuhoodle took place recently that claimed more then 30 people, the unfortunate events of Daroor took place first earlier which claimed more 100 people , and delegation from Buuhoodle went to Daroor to end the fighting and save lives


Aqoonyhanadii iyo odayaashii ka tagey Sool Sanaag iyo Buuhoodle si ee u caawiyaan reer Daroor, waxay u arkayeen inay waajibkooda gudanayaan, Illaahay hortiisa ayeey u sameeyeen waxbana ma sheeganyaan,


Odayashii tagay Daroor inkastoo ee siyaasada Somaliland kasoo horjeedeen in wadanka lakala gooyo hadana si dhakhsa ah ayeey ugu gurmadeen reer Daroor, waayo waxa ee ogaayeen in arrrin siyaasad shaqo ku laheen, markaa red sea siyaasada iyo arrimaha kale haa isku khaldin



In 1980s, as leader of Sool/Sanaag Garaad Abduqani (may Allah have mercy upon him) was one of the few people who openly spoke against the Siyaad regime’s, although SNM committed crimes against the people of Sool/Snaag, and never agreed anything with Siyaad regime, he felt the responsibility to stop the northern civil war, the Garaad met secretly with snm leaders in 1980s at a great risk to his life, Gaa time when Riyaale was still working as senior officer of NSS, Faysal Waraabe was still a spy for NSS, the current parliamentary speaker of Somaliland was still senior diplomat representing Siyaad in Moscow



Here is how one Somalilander described the Garaad Abduqani and his bravery

“ (Garaad Abduqani) acted in the tradition of the noble garaads of his family. Everybody in Somaliland knows, and has close to his heart, that the Garaad acted like a lion when the historical moment called him that day.”


Again during the northwest civil war between the sub-clans of northwest clan Hageysa 1994 and Burco 1996, it was Garaad Abduqani who led Ergo peace delegations from Sool/Sanaag to mediate between the factions of Egal/Siilaanyo and Tuur to bring an end to the conflict.

True Hadraawi and other somalilanders mediated between the subclans of Buuhoodle, also it was the traditional elders of Buuhoodle, Sool,& Sanaag who have mediated between the subclans of Daroor earlier


True it was boqor Buurmadow who sought to make peace between Cadde Muse and A/Yusuf when they had conflict back in 2001, also it was Garaad Abduqani who sought to make peace between Egal and Tuur when they had conflict back in 1994-1996.


Qof kasta oo dad muslim ah nabad ka dhex dhaliyey, Illaahay khayr iyo ajar ka siiyo dunida iyo aakhiraba


Markaa red sea ma fiicna dafiraadu walaal, labo beeloodo kasta oo jaara waligoodba saase isku caawinayeen oo waa dhaqan soomaaliyeed oo soo jireen ah, wax cusub maaha



Any one who claims that other Somalis never helped people of Daroor and Boohoodle in their time of need or that other Somalis never mediated Egal vs Tuur or Yusuf vs Cadde conflict is lying and no different from haters


During the northern civil war 1980s, people of Mogadishu welcomed their fellow Somalis from north in Mogadishu,


For last 17 years, more than 1 million people left their country and crossed oceans; they landed a very distant lands as far as United States, Canada, Australia, New and zealand, people of new countries welcomed Somali Muslim refugees to an extent although they were gaalo, even Somalia’ s historic enemy Ethiopia allowed thousands of Somalis refugees from northern regions in 1980s, and later Somalis from other regions of Somalia to enter their country. Also Kenya is another country that allowed thousands of Somali people to enter their country. Although, Ethiopia and Kenya never offered somali refugees much help, they allowed Somalis to enter their countries, while somali civil still raging in Somalia, but at least Somali refugees used Kenya and Ethiopia as steppingstone and transit point to western and Arab countries.


When millions of Somalis are refugees in all corners of the world, its not surprise if people of Djibouti, Hargeysa, Burco, Laacaanood, Boosaaso, Galkacyo, Bladweyne, Baydhabo, Kismaayo welcome to their homes their fellow Somalis from Mogadishu who left after the recent Ethiopian invasion. Its shouldn’t be surprise, its expected


Dadka reer jabuuti, Hargeysa, Burco, Laacaanood, Boosaaso, Galkacyo, Bladweyne, Baydhabo, iyo Kismaayo dhamaan waa ku mahadsanyihiin inay waajibkooda guteen oo soo dhoweeyeen walaalahood dagaalada kasoo barakacay.



Red sea, you should reduce reading fadhi kudirir websites, wax khayra ma sheegaan, fadhi kudirir people have no sympathy for no one, there are those with low IQ who feel no sympathy for people of Sool/Sanaag/Buuhoodle, they get excited every time when two subclans of Sool/Sanaag/Buuhoodle clash. These are apparently the same people that claim of somalilandnimo, reer woqooyinimo, jaar baanu nahay, taariikh baanu wadaagnaa etc



And of course, there are those with low IQ as well who feel no sympathy for people of northwest (Somaliland) and get excited when there is clash between subclans of northwest clan, true these are apparently the same people that claim of somalinimo.



My advice for you is its not healthy to read fadhi ku dirir sites, Somalia online is also becoming lately more like other fadhi ku dirir sites these days, thats why I don't contribute much anymore.


Almost all threads like this one, are about hate toward one clan or another clan, its either about hate toward people of Sool/Sanaag/Buuhoodle, or hate toward people of Northwest (Somaliland), or toward people of another Somali region




Again, saxib gross generalization is very dangerous, not all people from Somaliland/northwest, or SSC & Puntland are good, and not all people from Somaliland/northwest, or SSC & Puntland are bad, same with any other region


The reason why some nomads always support right or wrong the warlords that hails from their region/clan is because they think that everyone from their region/clan is good, while all others are very bad


So its not surprise when see here in SOL, those who supporting blindly C/Yusuf , F/Waraabe, Riyaale, Gheedi, Siilaanyo, Hiiraale, Qanyare, Suudi, etc waxa kaliya ee madaxa kaga qafilan waa hebel waa saxsanyahay wax kasta uu sameeyo 100%



The important thing is the fact that the majority of the people of Puntland, Sool, Sanaag and Cayn are peace loving people who wish every peace, prosperity and success for their brothers from Somaliland (Northwest).


And I am sure that the majority of the people of Somaliland (Northwest) are as well peace loving who wish peace, prosperity and success for their brothers from Puntland and Sool Sanaag & Cayn


same with all Somali regions


There is major political disagreement between the population of Northwest (Somaliland) and population of Sool, Sanaag & Cayn on the issues of secession/union, but that is minor because politics is not everything, because people of Sool, Sanaag & Cayn share many bonds with their western neighbors of northwest/Somaliland, as they share similarly with eastern neighbors of Bari, nugaal, &Mudug.


Therefore, Red Sea you should pay no attention what some corrupted characters wrote in some fadhi kudirrir sites whether they are from Sool, Togdheer, Puntland, Somaliland, or any other region, it doesn’t matter really, because these individuals are mentally disable


Markaa maaha ninka waalan inuu nawaalo, oo dad muslim ah nagu diro, waa inaanu intaa ka caqli badanaa, haduu ninka waalani wax ka sheegu hooyada muqadaska ah, qabiil iska dhan, deegaan ama magaalo iska dhan, waa khalad inaanu la tirsano oo aanu khalad kiisii galno oo aanu wax ka sheegno hooyadiis, qabiilkiisa, deegaankiisa, magaaladiisa, haduu isagu Illaahay ka baqeen waa in dadka kale ka baqeen.


Haduu dhaho mid reer qudhac ah waligood reer qansax, shaah nama siin ama labo reer qudhac ah mee dhexdhexaadin, maaha in dadka kale ee khalad kiisa galaan oo dhahaan reer qudhac na waligood shaah nama siin, ama labo reer qansax mee dhexdhexaadin, markaa fadhi kudirir lama dhegeestu, waayo waa wada sakhraan oo jaad/khaad baa waalay.


[ August 22, 2007, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: SOO MAAL ]

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So fair enough, but what you guys have done about what is happening in Mogadishu? nothing, right?

What 'they'(whatever that means) have done needs no explaining. The finest thorougbreds Burco is capable of producing lined the fields of combat, and with their blood, and with their lives, gave the greatest testament to what Islamnimo, Somalinimo, and walaal-tinimo is all about. Have you been to Hargeysa recently ? It is now the home away from home to those who have fled the systematic and intentional destruction of the capital city of Somalia. Word has it, the real estate market is swamped, yet the rental prices stay the same. Compare and contrast that giving spirit with the loud-mouthed fake 'Somaliweyn'ists who have proved, time and again, to be nothing more than than virulent clannist charlatans in the thinly-veiled guise of Somalinimo. At a time when the homeland is facing destruction, genocide, and Xabashi occupation, they, dhabo-dhilifs who dare call themselves Somali, are in bed with the enemy, content and happy to prostitute away their faith(if they had one in the first place, seriously in question), their concience, and their dignity. In the name of fowr-bointi-fife, in the name of clan-based rule, in the name of genocidal warlords, in the name of regressing Somalia to a state that is subservient to Ethiopia, they sit there and throw out 20-dollar words like 'Qaran'(read:my qabiil) and Dawladnimo(read: warlord status quo)


Allamagan-ow, 'seccession' is a cheap red herring and battle-cry for those who would dodge the grim reality(their infamy, as well) that's staring out at them day in and day out: The physical Ethiopian occupation of Somalia after years of puppet-mastering behind the curtains.


Don't fall for it. There will be a day to worry about seccession but it is not today.




Enough with this 'us' and 'they' talk, bro. No need to foster divisiveness at a crucial moment in Somali history like this. One thing should never escape you: The dhabo-dhilifs do not represent their clans. Abdullahi Amxaar, Xabashi maggot since his youth, does not speak for Puntland. The men who speak for Puntland already said their piece, in the truest way possible: with their blood, on the historical grounds of Idaale & Diinsoor. On the side of Deen-ul-Islam against the forces of Kufr & Nifaaq. In the same vien, Gheedi and the USC warlords do not speak for Mogadisho, Hiraale and the JVA does not speak for Gedo, and the RRA warlords speak not for Baidoba. It would be an insult to tie the names of this Xabashi slaves to the clans they were born in. Let give you an example. During early skirmishes between the Islamic Courts of Somalia and the Tigray/TFG alliance, two armies met, head to head. It just so happened that both units were primarily composed of soldiers from Gedo province. Picture that. Brother against brother. Father against son. On one side, everything that is good, noble and true of Somalinimo. And on the other, the rotten stench of Qabiil overwhelms. One is a force composed of men with Ideas & Vision(which were turned into reality in Moga and K-town) for a strong vibrant Somali state. The other, stuck in the same clannist status-quo following men who Ethiopia has bought, sold, and played like a deck of cards over the course of 17 years. Picture that, akh. As close as two opposing sides can be, it came down to: "Fareequn fil Jannati wa fareequn fil Saceer".


So let'em hate, pay them no mind. Soon enough, when the TFG is annihilated, they will be consumed by the bitterness in their heart. Anaka, patriotic Somali Muslims of the Horn, we got us a country to liberate and a people to free. Big tingz on the horizon, brah. Don't for one second think that you have to justify yourself to anybody for your convictions. Also don't feel like you have to always defend Somaliland. It is a political construction and not holy or sacred, and as such, is open to criticism. Keep in mind that most people who criticise either the SNM or Riyaale's admin are doing it of principles and nothing against the shacab and the people of Somali-Waqooyi, although I do agree with you that it's been fashionable of late for dhabo-dhilifs to bash Somali-land as a way of scoring cheap shots. The ol pathetic " Since you're a seccessionist, you can't talk about the atrocities we're committing or how we're dismantling Somalia piece by piece" or the "Riyaale is a Zenawi stooge, too. So, I'm a stooge, He's a stooge, You're a stooge, the mukulaal is a stooge. Let us all wallow in our stooge'ness and stop pointing out the hard cold facts"


We may have our political differences(as you know, I vehemently oppose any notion of kala-goys-goys of Somalia. One peoples, one country, inshallah), but there are a few things in life that principled Somali men will never disagree on: Islam. Honour. Justice. Resistance. Independence, among other things. And that is the common ground on which we can bridge our differences. Put myself, you, Rudy, MMA, and as conflicting as our viewpoints are I believe we would be able to hammer out an agreement and action plan for the way forward. How so ? Simple ingredients: Sincerity and a broader outlook than 'Tolaaaaaaayyyyyyyy'. On the other hand, put me in a room fulla those of the dhabo-dhilif persuasion and um, well, it wouldn't be a pretty sight.


Maanta Soomali way kala baxthay and history(and the Internet) keeps an accurate record for posterity's sake. Those who have sided with the Xabashis will never be able to explain it away. Or to 'intelleculise' it. Or to rationalise it. Lakala baxay. Muslim vs Munaafaq. Soomali vs Xabashi. Gumaysi-deed vs Gaalo-raac. Men of the Muqaawama vs Dhuli Dhabo-dhilifs


The average Somali on the ground today is weak & voiceless. In the absence of a national government for going on 2 decades, he resorts to the clan structure for survival, and finds himself stifled and weak within that clan structure , unable to express his fury, his revulsion, and his disgust at the Ethiopian occupation and the dhabo-dhilif'ing infamy of his clan leaders. But if you threw a random dart at a map of Somalia and were to interview a nomad, you will find that the spirit of Somalinimo is alive and kicking. That even after bitter wars and atrocities, the bind of walaal-tinimo is still strong. You would read defiance in his eyes and full support for the Resistance, moral support if he is unable to afford anything else. That is Somali-nimo. That is Gobonimo. That is Islam-nimo. And that is why we have among the ranks of the Resistance, diverse nomads who hail from Waqooyi to Koonfur and Galbeed to Bari. These men and women, with clean clan-free hearts(qalbun saleem), turned Mogadisho, city that became a byword for death & destruction, into that internationally praised oasis of peace & prosperity. Those same thoroughbreds are on the ground now, and Allah willing, Somalia's salvation will be at there hands.

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Originally posted by Abdiladiif:

quote: Also I'd like to prove that somalilanders are more somali loving and have shown time and again that they do indeed feel sorry for other somalis who are suffereing

Arintan horeybaa looga hadley e bal maqal tuducdan adeer:


Sarsar orodkiibaa idinku jira wali sunaysnaaye

Maamulkaad samayseen haduu suruq idiin raacay.

Ama suus dhex galay shacabku waa inay saluugaane

Saqajaanka iyo ceebta waa laga sariigtaaye.

Sumcadiinii qaarbaa ka gaday Xabashi suudh leeye.

Suniyihii miyaad xiirateen kaama siqaysaaane

Ehelkiinii siicdee hadii laga san taagaayo.

Amaad saahansateen qolo kaloo sagal idiin muuqdo.

Saantiyo badala hadalku waa baadi kala sooce.

Sa daan(soomaalinimada) daaya oo magac la baxa meelo kale saaraan.
Calaankaydun sidataanba waa suurad gooni ehe.


Yaa tiriyay gabayga ??? ....... i don't think you even know.


sisi bay kuugu durugtaa hadalka siinleeye

sowtaa xabashidii xamar soorta ku cunaysa

sowtaa la wada arkee saaran guradiina

soydinkaa u yeedhee weliba sooryeeyay

sidaad dhulkii uga gadeenba waydin sidataaye

sideebaad aniga ii marmarin sibiqda kugu taala

sideebaa lagaaga asmici waabad sidataaye

Saatir baa na watoo annaga ceebi nama saarna

sibirta kugu taaliyo orodoo iska maydh

dhiiqada kugu saydhan :D

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one think i admire about my fellow slanders! they together with their lil piece... i give yall that...however, i dont like the way they standalone cuz..u know u gotta have a friend to lean on when shyte happens.. and that friend is other malis. why ignore that. its a big mistake.


meanwhile, i just cant get over my brethrens in somalia...overthere, they aint no homies left.. just chearleaders shaking their azz!!


its mucho shame... if u ask me.

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Originally posted by rudy:

one think i admire about my fellow slanders! they together with their lil piece... i give yall that...however, i dont like the way they standalone cuz..u know u gotta have a friend to lean on when shyte happens.. and that friend is other malis. why ignore that. its a big mistake.


I agree with you but what about if that friend doesn't want you to exist ?? hates you ?? or running for your destruction again ??

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thats when u need to separate the cheerleaders from the real ppl. disregard those cheerleaders and their uncles...its just temporary.


dig lil bit deep. u know what floats to the top. the smelly stuff.


u know changing is coming...first sign.. cheerleaders spent more time sleeping than dancing around cuz uncle aint paying them cash no more. smile.gif

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good point! acu and tfg--no difference.. govt must include all clans not just couple clans.


what i was referring to here mostly is the pple of somalia and not come and go warlord tugs in different masks.


sland needs to support the ppl of somali..and in anyway, they do cuz there thousands of somalia folks living in sland now. but the sland govt needs to get involved more politically and widely in caaweyn to locals in somalia.

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That is a good idea and i think SL is doing its best to help those people. Currently thousands of them are living in the country.


The problem is that the people don't control somalia ,, it is controlled by those warlords whichever shape they come ...... you hear they don't allow the UN to deliver the humantarian stuff ,,,, what do u think about SL involving markaa ??


yes, i agree with you more help is needed but in the righ time Insha Allah ...

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Now that we have established the fake facade that is 'somalinimo' amongst some of our esteemed contributors, lets hope the ‘I am more Somali than you’ mud is not tossed this way anytime soon.


JB, the ICU was not perfect and could have handled things better but the ideology (when ironed out) represented something great. This time last year kids were playing football on Jazeera beach and today they are being shot :(

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I know but helping them out was tackled by them threatening SL existance in public so many times. If they play more smart cards they would've been better off today. Once they secured Muqdisho they wanted to attack everybody and every country.

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I agree with Rudy on this, one can not disagree on true Somalinimo and hold his ground on this forum. He is also right on seperating the real from the fake, allot of people cloaking themselves under the banner of Somalinimo, so why should some segments of our society only scream that the Somalinimo of some Somali's is fake while they are absolutely distancing themselves from the ideology.


I am glad that ours secessionist friends are about to take their last stand and say 'yes' Somalinimo exists, but the ones professing are fakers. my reply to them is then, why don't you tell us what real Somalinimo is and why aren't you professing it.


Kashafa sxb your all over the place on your last post, in one paragraph your saying there is no such thing as Somalinimo and on the next your saying 'this is true 'Somalinimo islamnimo and walaaltinimo', so aren't you actually saying that Somalinimo exists and thats the way forward.

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Somalinimo does exist and indeed is the way forward.....just not the kind practiced by dhabo-dhilifs, warlords, and Xabashi slaves. You do agree with me on that point, right ?

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Absolutely Kashafa. But then the question is, can what they practice be termed as Somalinimo?

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