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The phantom debate about the Ethiopian participation in IGAD peace keeping forces in

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The phantom debate about the Ethiopian participation in IGAD peace keeping forces in Somalia


It is politically naive to assume that Banadir warlords are honest about their opposition to the deployment of Ethiopian peace keeping troops in Mogadishu because the Ethiopians want to occupy Somalia or support some of their allied warlords.


It will be both a historical and a crucial mistake to forget and to underestimate the God-fathers and beneficiaries of the past, ongoing or coming infernos in the country. If we list the names of the pathological killers of Mogadishu, we will find and hear them today speaking on behalf of the oppressed and enslaved people in the Agricultural heart land of Somalia. Does anyone of the biased or naive Somali academicians and intellectuals believe that displaced Somalis for example from Merca and afgoi will oppose the disarming of their present Masters no matter who does it and how it happens?


The ugly and hateful game of the Mogadishu warlords is quite clear. They want simply to keep the present status quo in order to protect what they have taken away from all Somalis. Mr. Said Saryan has described in his very outstanding article published in Awdalnews Network the life profile of the warlords in Mogadishu as follows: “More than any other group, the Mogadishu Warlords were responsible for the destruction of the capital and the total obliteration of the State’s intellectual and physical assets. They illegally occupy private and public properties, including the capital’s international airport and seaport, which have been out of commission for the past 12 years. They subsidize their income by running Moryaans for Hire businessesâ€.


Remembering the barbaric and disheartening pictures of Mogadishu or Baidao is sufficient for all Somalis to see or hear again how the professional killers of Mogadishu are manipulating the people again and again with the help of naïve Somali pseudo-intellectuals in the diaspora. Nevertheless a well know Religious warlord named Sheikh Hassan Awaes who is an undisputable partner of the anti peace coalition warlords in Mogadishu said today on a BBC interview that he and his friends will not accept foreign troops in their country what ever that means. That statement shows clearly that the debate about the rejection of the Ethiopian peace keeping troops in Somalia by the Mogadishu warlords wasn’t honest but fague, unreal and a trick.


For all those who are not clan oriented but politically naïve the second round of the debate about the peace keeping forces in Mogadishu is about to start. IGAD officially declared that Sudanese and Ugandans troops are going to Mogadishu. The Somali exile Government is going reasonably to Baidoa (The Somali home of death) and Jowhar until the situation is cleared in Mogadishu. One must not be a prophet to know that soon or later the Religious warlords and all ‘Secular’ Warlords like Musa Sudi, Osman Atto, Mohamed Qanyere or Mr. Bootan known as Xaarankunaax will bring new obstacles to the fragile Somali peace process.


It is time that the Somali intellectuals’ show their people on which side of the ongoing political struggle they stand.


Aden Mohamed Tani



© 2005 Awdalnews Network

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