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De-emphasize Mogadishu city, Emphasize Interior Regions

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

Miskiin reer caasabobulare maa tahay.... ciyaal xafadeedkii la waayey aa tahay


Magaca African Village walle xasuus waaye

Reer Kaasabalbalaare ma ahayn, laakiin kama dheereen oo ciyaal Isgoyska Bakaaraha ahayn, saas inooma jirin waana tagi jirnay mar walba, siiba Shaneemo Shuun (also known as Shaneemo Kaasabalbalaare). Plus my habaryar saraha African Village deganayd oo badanaa aadi jirnay.


Kaasabalbalaare, along with xaafadda Taleex, meel isku dhaceyso ahayd, a quiet, unassuming, safe xaafad. No wonder both xaafad degmada Hodan ku yaaleen, in my eyes -- and I might be biased -- the best degmo in Banaadir, no questions asked, hands down. :D

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