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Beledweyne: Heavily armed Ethiopian troops enter Hiiraan Holly land

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Today 22/09/2010, heavily armed Ethiopian troops enter Hiiraan region heading up to Beledweyn in support of troops in the area.


1. Why are we not losing our collective minds?

2 where are Maadey's holly warriors to defend the holly lands?

3. When will Sharif Ahmed declare a Jihad on Melez as he did in 2006?


Will keep you update as the news develops.

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Ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo soo gaaray Isgoyska Kalabeyrka ee Gobolka Hiiraan.

Kalabeyr: (Sh. M. Network) Ciidamo aad u farabadan islamarkaana ku hubaysan gaadiidka dagaalka ayaa saacadihii la soo dhaafay waxaa ay soo buuxdhaafiyeen Isgoyska Kalabeyr deegaanka Jawiil ee gobolka Hiiraan.


Sida ay xaqiijinyaan wararka ay Shabelle ka helayso deegaanka kalabeyrka ee duleedka Maagalada Baladweyne barqanimadii maanta ayaa ciidamo Ethiopian-ah oo wata gaadiid dagaal waxa ay soo gareen deegaankaasi iyadoona sida ay dad goobjoogayaal ah xaqiijinayaan ay halkaasi ka bilaabeen dhaq dhaqaaqyo Milatari.


Ciidamada Ethiopian-ka ee la sheegay inay soo gaareen deegaanka kalabeyrka ayaa waxa la socday saraakiil ka tirsan dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya oo uu ka mid yahay duqii Magaalada Baladweyne Yuusuf Axmed Hagar (Dabageed) iyadoo wararku ay xaqiijinayaan in ciidamadu ay kasoo ruuqaansadeen Xuduuda uu gobolka Hiraan la wadaago dalka Ethiopia.


Markii ay soo baxeen wararka sheegaya in ciidamo Ethiopian-ah ay soo gaareen deegaanka kalabeyrka ayaa Shabelle waxaa ay qadka Taleefoonka kula xiriirtay Taliyaha ciidamada dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya ee gobolka Hiiraan Axmed Cabdulle Cismaan (Axmed Ingi) hase ahaatee waxaa uu beeniyay Taliya in ciidamo Ethiopian-ah ay soo gaareen deegaanka kalabeyrka ee gobolka Hiiraan.


Marka laga sootago Taliya ciidamada dowladda KMG ee gobolka Hiiraan ayaa dad goob joogayaal ah oo ku sugan gobolka Hiiraan waxa ay Shebelle u xaqiijiyeen in ay idhahoodu ku arkeen ciidamo Ethiopian-ah oo dhaq dhaqaaqyo Milatari ka sameeynaya deegaanka kalabeyrka iyagoona sidoo kale xaqiijiayay in ay la socdeen ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya.


Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee

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Dadka Ku dhaqan magaalada Beledwayn ee gobolka Hiiraan ayaa ka Cabsi qaba in dagaal xoogan uu ka dhaco Beledwayn,kaasi oo dhex mara ciidamada DKMG Ah ee Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Ururka Al shabaab ee iyagu gacanta ku haya magaaladaasi.


Wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in ciidamo ka socda DKMG ah ay ku sugan yihiin banaanka magaalada Beledwayn kuwaasi oo dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan oo xoog leh kawada halkaasi.


Qaar ka mid ah dadka deegaanka ayaa sheegaya in ay ka walaacsan yihiin Ififaalaha dagaal ee ka soo muuqday magaalada Beledwayn ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan.


Ilo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo laga helayo magaalada Beledwayn ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada DKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ay isu diyaarinayaan sidii ay magaalada ula wareegi lahaayeen isla markaana ay uga qabasan lahaayeen Kooxda Al shabaab ee gacanta ku haysan magaalada Beledweyn ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan.


Arrintaan ayaa waxay ku soo beegmaysaa xili Warar laga helayo magaalada Beledweyn ee xarunta gobolka Hiiraan ay sheegayaan in Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ay soo galeen qaybo ka mid ah gobolkaasi gaar ahaan deegaanka Ceel-gaal oo qiyaastii magaalada Beledwayn u jirta 12 KM.


Cabdi-naasir Saciid Maxamed

Horseed Media


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Ethiopians are 12km's outside Baladweyne, Sharif Ahmed used to declare Jihad on them a few years ago, whenever they came or passed by. No such thing now not even a press release. :D

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The Zack   



Same thing can be said about you.. how come you are not telling us that the Ethiopians are heading to Beledweyne to defend the TFG? Will you tell us so as u did in '06?

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Funny quote by Sharif Ahmed:



Sheikh Shariif ayaa yiri “Ma dhacayso inaan dad Soomaaliyeed dilno, ama dagaal la galno iyadoo Ethiopia ay ku sugan tahay dalkeenna, waxaana xooggeenna intiisa badan ku bixinaynaa la dagaalanka ciidammada Ethiopia illaa aan ka saarno dalka Soomaaliya oo dhan”

Translation 'It will never be that we kill fellow Somalis, or that we go to war with them when Ethiopia (troops) is inside our country and we will direct all our energy to fight the Ethiopian troops until we eject them from all of Somalia'

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Originally posted by The Zack:



Same thing can be said about you.. how come you are not telling us that the Ethiopians are heading to Beledweyne to defend the TFG? Will you tell us so as u did in '06?

War leave him alone dee. In this game of Musical chairs he's lucky he got hismelf a seat (even though it's one that was vacated by his opponents). :D

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The Zack   

Originally posted by NGONGE:

quote:Originally posted by The Zack:



Same thing can be said about you.. how come you are not telling us that the Ethiopians are heading to Beledweyne to defend the TFG? Will you tell us so as u did in '06?

War leave him alone dee. In this game of Musical chairs he's lucky he got hismelf a seat (even though it's one that was vacated by his opponents).
:D:D . Ok ok, I think organizing demonstrations against the Ethiopian invasion in the west will follow miyaa? Gartay.

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In the conclusion of the press conference, Sheik Sharif has called on all Somalis to take part in the fight against Ethiopian troops who aggressed and violated inside Somali territory. While calling on all Muslim states in the world wide to pray for Somali people as to defeat their enemy (Ethiopia)

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Meanwhile, Sheik Sharif has also criticized the policy of United States of America accusing of having or playing double standard policy in regard of Somali situations. Ethiopian would not have attacked Somalia if it had not the support of America. He added.

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