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Response to Gediid

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Sxb I wanted to question what you ment by a comment you made in the tacsi for the dead marxuum, so I opened up this thread to not disrespect the other tacsi one.


Condolences will suffice.Your history lesson though highly flawed as it is is better off somewhere else.

What was so highly flawed about my saying Shire Jamac Ahmed wrote the Somali latin script :confused:

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I know I can't change what you believe is right but I will try.In 1972 the Somali government appointed a committee to draft the Somali language.That committee after examing the various scripts decided to adopt the latin script.Also considered were Arabic,Usmaniya and an older script used in Saylac known as Far Gadabursii.A committee normally compromises of several people and if I'm not mistaked that committee was made up of 7 individuals.I fail to understand first why one person can then turn around and claim to have been the brain behind this..... :rolleyes:

Having explained that to you I will now try to also explain something else...How can that committee claim this when high school students in Amoud and Sheikh were writing themseleves lil notes in Somali in the latin script as far back as the 1950's to avoid their English teachers from busting them..If Shire Jamac was the pioneer don't you think he should have been the 1st person to write Somali in latin?

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If Shire Jamac was the pioneer don't you think he should have been the 1st person to write Somali in latin?

Who said he wasn't?


Gediid you are right about the committee, but sxb that committee wasn't put up in 1972 under Siad Barre. That committee (yes head by Muuse Galaal) was already set up in the early sixties, however, because of the corruption of those days it didn't do much. There was alot of scripts that were involved such as the Cusmaaniya, farta Gudabiirsi, Kadare, Arabic, and the latin script that Shire Jaamac had already remodeled for the Somali language.


In 1964 Shire Jamac wrote the first Somali book in the latin script called "Iftiinka - Aqoonta". The politicians, youths, and even Muuse Galaal (who had supported the Arabic script until then) were taken back by a script they hadn't considered before. From then on they gave the Latin script of Shire Jamac unofficial support, but couldn't support it in public because they would loose influence with the Wadaads who just out with a new slogan (Laatiin waa la' diin).


Muuse Galaal, besides being the first Somali professionally trained in phonetics, was a protege and a good friend with the famous B. W. Andrzejewski. He was naturally the right person to head the Somali Language Committe.


However, Shire Jaamac was a scholar and travelor who had been all over the world. He knew the practicality of the Latin script and set out to proof it. it was because of that his script was chosen.



5- Muuse Xaaji Ismaaiil Galaal oo xilligaas ahaa ninka ugu cod-dheer ragga u


dooda xuruufta laatiinka qudhiisu waa la magacaabey, laakiin xanuun hayey


dhowr bilood awgiis baa wuxuu dhaawacay firfircoonidiisii iyo niyadii


wanaagsaneyd ee uu howsha u haayey.


6- Shire Jaamac Axmad oo ahaa ninka fartiisa laatiinka ah la doortey


sanadihii 1961-kii iyo 1966-kii, isagu kuma uusan jirin guddiga markii hore,


mardambe buuse ku soo biiri doonaa.




Kedib markii uu guddigu dersaad ku sameeyey far kasta wax ay ku fiican tahay iyo waxa ay ku liidato, guddigu waxay soo jeediyeen in farta Shire Jaamac ee “Laatiinka†ee dib-u-habbeynta lagu sameeyey inay tahay “tan ugu wanaagsan†iyo Kaddariya oo noqotey “tan labaad ee ugu wanaagsanâ€. Inta aan go'aanka la gaadhin waxaa guddigii iska casilay oo ka baxay Ibraahim Xaashi Maxamuud iyo Maxamuud Jaamac Afballax, sababtoo ah ma aysan taageersaneyn in af Soomaaliga farta Laatiinka lagu qoro. Waxaa booskoodii lagu beddelay rag kale




The act that made the latin script ours.


Kedib markii ay la tashi la sameyeen khubaraadii luuqada, waxay Golihii Sare iyo Golihii Xoghayeyaashu ( ama Wasiiradu) go'aan ku gaadheen in farta Laatiinka ee Shire Jaamac loo qaato farta rasmiga ah ee af Soomaaliga lagu qori doono, laakiin wax yar oo isbeddel ah ayaa lagu sameeyey nidaamka erayada loo kala qeybineyo. Sannad guuradii saddexaad ee Kacaanka oo ku beegneyd 21 Oktoobar, 1972 dii ayuu Madaxweynihii Golaha Sare ee Kacaanka Maxamed Siyaad Barre ku dhawaaqey go'aanka ah in farta Laatiinka loo isticmaali doono qoraalka far Soomaaliga.


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Saaxiib I know that laakin all I'm saying is that this was already in use but among a small minority.What they did was basically take an already existing mode of communication among school kids to new levels.That for certain does not qualify someone as a pioneer.He might have made changes and improved upon it but he in my book isnt and shouldn't be branded as the 1st person to write Somali in latin.We just unfortunate to really know who that person or person are....

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all I'm saying is that this was already in use but among a small minority

Sxb any language can be written in the latin script. What Shire Jaamac did was condition it for our language. Xaruufto aan ku qorno waa ninkii daabacay. He took a common international script (latin), dib-habeyn buu ku samayay and the effect was a unique script suitable for a language (Somali) not any way or form similar to the Indo-European languages.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

[ He took a common international script (latin), dib-habeyn buu ku samayay and the effect was a unique script suitable for a language (Somali) not any way or form similar to the Indo-European languages.

Please show an example of how he 'altered' the latin script to suit the Somali language. And please note that he used the script as it is and he made 'dib-habeyn' are two different statements. Looking forward eagerly for your example...thanx..!

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^quuqle aa tahay Juma :D


How about this:

dh, kh, sh, = one letter.

q =! kiyuu but = qa'

x =! ex but = xa'


Haye hee qajajac kale keen hee :D

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gediid iyo hornafrique, you both are right. gediid you are right that shire jaamac is not the pioneer of the somali latin script, many people used the latin script for somali but without the 'x' and 'c' and all that. hornafrique is right that it was shire jaamac who gave the somali latin scrpit the finishing touch by changing the function of different letters. ok? laakiin hornafrique you are making the job of shire jaamac bigger than it is. how hard can it be to 'remodel' an existing script like the latin script?

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Hello thats only a few letters.


I agree sumthing used for a thousand years surely does not require a nuclear scientist to reconfigure especially when you have had high school students use it before you.All you need is government willing to introduce it and claim it as an achievement and young Horn defend it 30 years later.... :D

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^ :D Yes but someone had to do it right? Halkaad la aaday sxb. Somalizing a Latin script and selling it to skeptical and cynical parliament is not a piece of cake awoowe. Ragga libinta looma diido dee!

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Originally posted by Baashi:

^quuqle aa tahay Juma


marki hore ayan ka afeeftey...using the script and altering it are different. And I was looking for an example on the latter, but Bashi my dear friend you came back with weightless,as usual, arguments.

The man used the 'script' he did not alter it. Now using the script to suit your phonetical sound of a particular language does not qualify as actually altering the script at all.

Hence I rest my case...and saxiibo why the attachment 'quuqle' so ma ogiid in aan xidiid noqon karno amaba nahey... :D

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Awoowe xaal baan bixiyey marba hadaad tiri xidid baanu nahay :D . I'm believer of the Somali saying "Qaraabo waa qaar danbe" :D See baad ii gashay...nice come back though.

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All you need is government willing to introduce it and claim it as an achievement and young Horn defend it 30 years later....

:D:D Now we are on the defensive huh? ;)



As for Juma, sxb ninka jawaab ku siiyo baaba kaaga daran :D:D Lagu baray, lagu yaqiin icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

quote: All you need is government willing to introduce it and claim it as an achievement and young Horn defend it 30 years later....


Now we are on the defensive huh?
;)Horn, you started this thread, and interupted the 'marxuum's one because?...

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