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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

I suspect the west and their allies did not want to kill him anway for political purposes and to not turn him into a martyr.This would further complicate things for the t.f.g.

america and its allies dont give a shh about hurting the feelings of few million poor africans nor will it complicate anything for them and their allies.....and xamar not more important den baghdad, baitul Qudus and their sheikhs.....u right only Allah knows best.....but this is suspious activity.....we will c the treatment he gets u know what i mean.

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Khalaf, jacaly and others you are being suspicious for no reason.You know the guesing game is no no in Islam.


We have to wait and see for more,but please let us not false and wrongful speculations as of yet.


As for the Jihad, he was the leader, a Macalim,a mentour,not military commander did you not know that.


However, this could be tactical move,I sense something fishy in here and it's not what you guys think,Sh.Shariif is still the one we come to know,but something else is in here.I see light at the end of the tunnel.



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May be the light is just an illution ,, u think the Americans don't feel the same fishy thing you feeling ???


Come on man ,,, i can't believe he is in 5 stars hotel in Nairobi ,,,,,,,,, where are the other poor young men that are still under America's bombing ???

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Waxaan maqli jiray Jiirka baa marka uu ku cunaayo, ku afuufa si aadan u dareemin, Waxa aan fahmi waayey Maraykanka baabiyey Maxaakiimtii, oo raaskambooni ku rusheeyey, laayey asxaabtii, Shariifka oo dhan, hadana la kulmaya oo leh waa nin wanaagsan, Waxbaa Xadfan? Shariifku haduu ka yeelana farbaa baa ku godan? :confused:

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Imikadaasay ku godan tahay ,,,,,,, maxay ku dhacday intuu aayar oo dhalatay soo dhukuso inuu 5 star nairobi ku yaala soo fadhiisto iyadoo duqayntii weli socoto ??????

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Imikadaasay ku godan tahay ,,,,,,, maxay ku dhacday intuu aayar oo dhalatay soo dhukuso inuu 5 star nairobi ku yaala soo fadhiisto iyadoo duqayntii weli socoto ??????

OMG, what can I say? waa la yaaban yahay ninyahoow!

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you guys realy funny wallahi , sharifka wa heroe sxb ,



you dont see bush in iraq fighting do you sxb , but he gives the go ahead and mobilizes the troops and the nation .


if sharifa was jajus he would have done better job then to run to raskoobaani and continue the jihaad , sharifka was in dubai while the fighting was goin on , he could of stayed their or take the last plan that was leaving xaamar , no he chosed to stay and fight.


Iuc can continue the the gurill warfair for as long as they want to , in that case you also need a persone to negotiate with Or represent the group movement true or falls .


Furthermore The americans , West and TFG came to realize that somalia will not be stable withouth these noble mens ,


Minister AFey a men who fall in love with iuc movement who is a honest working somali /kenyan mp in the kenyan administration was the key men who through the locals in the border negotiate to bring sharif over to kenya to end the violance .

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