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Ethiopia setting up new baracks inside Mogadishu while it is time to leave...

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Muqdisho: Waqtigii ay ciidanka Itoobiya ka bixi lahaayeen Magaalooyinka oo maanta ku e'eg & Fariisimo ay ka sameysteen meelo cusub oo ka mid ah Magaalada Muqdisho.

20. november 2008



Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Heshiiskii ay Jabuuti ay ku saxiixeen Axmed Cabdi Salaan Xaaji & Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo kala matalayay dawladda Faderaaliga ah & Garabka Jabuuti ee Mucaaradka dawladda horeyna ujoogi jirey Magaalada Asmara, ayaa maanta qodobadkii ugu awoodnaa hirgalintiisu ku e'eg yahay.


Qodobadka bixitaanka ciidanka Itoobiya ayaa maanta ahayd in ay ka baxaan gudaha Magaalooyinka, gaar ahaan Fariisamaha ay ku leeyihiin Magaalada Muqdisho ee kala ahaa Wasaarada Gaashaandhiga, Garoonka Ciyaaraha, Warshada Baastada & goobo kale, taasi ayaan maanta ka hirgalin Magaalada Muqdisho waxa ayna dad badan sheegayaan in heshiiskaasi badankiisii fashil ku dahmaaday.


5-tii bishan ayaa la dhowrayay hirgalinta Xabad joojin caam ah oo laga filayay labada dhinac kamana aysan hirgalin gudaha Soomaaliya, waxaana socdey dagaalada lugu qaadayay ciidamada dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ayadoo la xasuusto in kii ugu dambeeyey shalay galab ka dhacay Magaalada Muqdisho.


20-kii Bisha oo ah maanta ayaa looga fadhiyey ciidamada dawladda Itoobiya in ay ka baxaan Magaalooyinka gudahooda, waxaase ay fariisimo ka sameysteen goobo hor leh oo kuyaala gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasumada Soomaaliya, waxa ayna talaabadan tuseysaa in uusan hirgalin heshiiskii ay wada saxiixeen rag ka socoda Xukuumadii hore ee Soomaaliya & Garabka Sheekh Shariif ee Isbaheysigii kala tagey ee Dibu xoreynta.


QM ayaa wel-wel ka muujisay in ay hoos usii dhaceyso rajadii laga qabey in uu heshiiskii Mucaaradka & dawladda Soomaaliya hirgalo, waxaana Xaafiisyada Qaramada Midowbay ee Magaalada Nayroobi laga soo saaray bayaano ku aadan heshiiskaasi.


Saraakiisha QM ee la socodka arimaha Siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in aysan qabin rajo wanaagsan oo ku aadan hirgalinta qodobadii ay kala saxiixdeen dawladda Soomaaliya & Mucaaradkeeda qaar kamid ah, ayagoo sabab uga dhigey khilaafka Madaxda dawladda Soomaaliya & qodobadii oo aan howshooda ilaa hada la galin.


Dawladda Soomaaliya ayaa horey usheegtay in ay hirgalineyso qodobada Heshiiskan, ayadoo si taasi la mid ah Bayaan uga soo baxay Garabka Jabuuti ee Isbaheysigii kala tagey ee Dibu xoreynta Soomaaliya labaxay, waxaana labadii Bayaanba umuuqdeen kuwa ku egaa oo kaliya waraaqihii lugu saxiixay oo kaliya, maadaama waqtigii la saxiixayay heshiiskaasi uu jiray Mugdi weyn oo udhaxeeyey dhinacyadii goobta joogey.


Siyaasiin badan ayaa aaminsan in aan lala heshiin cidii dagaalada kula jirtay dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ayagoo sheegay in lala heshiiyey dad kooban oo meelo kooban oo kaliya ka dagaalamayey, markaasna loo baahan yahay in ay QM dibu hesiisiinta ka qeybgaliso Xubnaha Asmara & Ururada ka dagaalamaya gudaha dalka Soomaaliya.


Siyaasiinta & Wariyaasha la socda Siyaasada Soomaaliya ayaa ku macneeyey heshiiskii Jabuuti mid sidii la doonayay aan loo hirgalin, markaasna aysanba awal heshiiskaasi saxiixin dad fulin kara, waa sida ay hadalka udhigeene.


F. C. Geylan


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Time for them to head home but that is not happening…. :mad:



Yes today is the date and time when the Ethiopian troops should have departed and fulfilled their full withdrawal from Somalia as agreed in Djibouti peace deal. What’s going on, what went wrong.


Xiinow, you inundated us with so much information on that, we call it an info-overflow, and you owe us an answer. Why is that Caravan of your isn’t coming up with that magic it claims to posses and meet the expectation.

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Xaaji Emperor, these new fariisimo the Ethiopians are doing is a tactical one, they are building a safe route for their withdrawal, it is in Yaaqshiid, near the Guryaha Ceymiska if you remember where they had their new fariisimo now, just oppossite guryaha ceymiska is the road that connects you to the suuqa xoolaha of huriwaa then off to Hiilweyne iyo Balcad and to their route to Ethiopia, so, I see it as a tactical re-enforcement for their well beings to safe guide themselves.



Just waiting the time they would be heading home, anytime that could be they think is safe for them!



Remember, all the routes to Balcad, Beledweyne, Jowhar and upto the border near Feerfeer is controlled by Maxaakiimta or Alshabaab, so it is gona be hard withdrawal for them unless Maxaakiimta gives them free withdrawal immunity oo aan la taaban inta ay ka baxayaan which is zero chance!

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Allpuntland, Garoweonline, Carmooyin, Allidamalle, and all TOLKA sites are running funny stories in the last couple of days. They don't want to see Ethiopia, and have suddenly become 'Arab Affecinados' as if they are "terrorists".


These are people who all along were claiming to be supporting an internationally backed Government. When YEy is impeached next week by the false Parliamnet (as my sources confirmed from Addis), that is the last time you will hear them talking about TFG.


Instead of falsely claiming to have been supporting TFG, they should have came to the open and said like Cawke ( rumored to have uttered emotionally during a match in Ciyaarihii Goboladda involving waqooyi galbeed) -ANAGAA WADANNA!

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^^ AT&T, niyahow maad iska deysid reer Puntland, toosh baad ka daba qaadatey, not all of them support Ethiopia, or TFG, or even Yeey!!

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Most of the SOL guys from Puntalnd do! Let us speak with numbers Nuune. I am talking to them. Plus, this is not about Puntland, it is about exposing tribalists whenever the chance presents itself. I have in the past made the same remarks Somaliland. I do not hesitate to say the same against ONLF when they invade another tribe, or when they are trying to impose a clan name onto others.


Yet, I support all those who are fighting Ethiopia, becuase with their struggle shall the grand vision of Somaliweyn be realised!

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