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Life Threats Faced by Asha Ahmed Abdalla, TFG MP

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This news indeed caught me bewildered at first, and I had thought that it was contrived media coverage until I listened to the announcement she imparted to the press. The MP is now complaining that she is under daily attacks and life threats by the body guards at the Presidential Palace. She said they menacingly approach her every day, aim her with AK-47 and insult without any reserves or the manly etiquettes known of our culture.


As far as I know, Asha Ahmed is part of the opposition group, often being a source of criticism. She particularly attacks government policies and Abdullahi Yusuf with strong voice, which implies the government and its policies as deceptive, disingenuous, and destructive. She also warned those who are targeting him that she has the capacity to retaliate if they don't refrain.


According to the news bulletin, the threats came after she advised the government to establish a special and exclusive forces that will take full guard on the Palace.


Any inside info into this development? :D



Listen to MP Asha Ahmed




Xildhibaan Caasha Axmed Cabdalla ayaa ka cabatey aflagaado iyo gacan ay u geesteen ciidamada dowlada ku meel gaarka ah.


Baidabo, Nov 28(Dhahar)-Xildhibaan Caasha Axmed Cabdalla ayaa ka cabatey aflagaado, hanjabaad, iyo gacan ay u geesteen ciidamada dowlada ku meel gaarka ah.


Xildhibaanada ayaa siyaasad ahaan ka soo horjeeda dowlada TfG iyo Madaxweynaha . Xildhibaanada oo ah qof codkar ah ayaa ka cawatey askarta madaxtooyada oo ku qabta qoryo maalin kasta.


"Waxaan idiin sheegayaa saaka laga bilaabo xildhibaan qaran ah baan ahey waana is difaacayaa. Wixii halkaa ka dhaca iney masuulayadooda qaadi doonaan Madaxtooyada iyo wixii ciidanka soo dirsideyba." ayey tiri Xildhibaan Caasha.


Xildhibaanada ayaa ku tilmaantey ragga dhibaatada ku haya iney yihiin rag gaara oo bar tilmaameed ah. Caasha ayaa sidoo kale ku boorisey dowlada iney sameysato Ciidan u gaar ah.


Shir Jiraaid oo ay Xildhibaanadu qabatey ayaa si qaas ah u tilmaantey Indhageele oo ah sarkaal ka mid ah ciidamada dowladda.





Caasha Axmed Cabdalla oo kamid Xildhibaanada Barlamaanka Somalia oo siyaasad ahaan si weyn ugu soo horjeeda Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federaalka Somalia Cabdilaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta cabasho ka hormujiyay Barlamaanka Somalia.




Caasha ayaa ka cabatay qaar ka tirsan ciidamada ilaalada khaaska ah u xarunta Madaxtooyada DF oo sheegay inay falal anshax xumo ah ugula dhaqmeen isla markaana ay jirdil iyo aflagaado u geysteen.




"Maalin kasta wadada ayay ii galaan ciidamada dharka cagaaran wata ee Dowlada Federaalka ka tirsan, hada kadibna aniga waan is hubeynayaa waxii qasaaro ah oo ka dhasha arintaasina madaxda Dowlada ayaa qaadi doonta," ayay tiri Caasha Axmed Cabdalla.




Caasho ayaa sheegtey in jirdilka loo geystey ay ka danbeeyaan dad ka tirsan DFKMG ah oo aysan carabaabin.




Hadalkaan kasoo yeeray Caasha Axmed Cabdalla ayaa noqday mid maanta si weyn looga hadal hayay dalka Somalia gaar ahaan magaalada Baydhabo.



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Woman MP vows to protect herself after police harrassment

25 Feb 25, 2007 - 11:14:34 AM



BAIDOA, Somalia Feb 25 (Garowe Online) - A woman legislator in Somalia’s interim parliament said on Sunday that she would protect herself by any means from being harassed and abused by security forces.


MP Asha Ahmed Abdalla, a representative from Puntland, said her and fellow lawmakers were continuously subjected to unnecessary searches that often lead to verbal harassment and physical abuse at the hands of “men in green uniform” in the southwestern city of Baidoa.


The green uniform is officially worn by Somali federal troops.


Baidoa is home to President Abdullahi Yusuf, as well as the entire transitional Somali Federal Parliament, since Mogadishu remains unstable despite the presence of Somali and Ethiopian troops.


Addressing the parliament, MP Abdalla said government leaders would be held responsible for whatever happens after she hires private security for her own safety.


The outspoken parliamentarian became the second woman lawmaker this month to criticize the behavior of security forces towards the legislators. Last Wednesday, MP Khadijo Mohamed Dirie voiced similar grievances. [ Full story]


Somali leaders have not responded to either lawmaker’s complaints and Baidoa police officials would not comment on this story.


Source: Garowe Online

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