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looooooooool ,,, yes the Sultans played a remarkable role in the process of the peace and stability ,, they made a huge contribtion to build the government but that was their role and thanks to them. Not it is time they go back to their communities and do their real job.


The same goes to every clan leader in Somaliland whether in Sool, Awdal, Togdher, Sanaag, etc ...


I'm glad that the constitution made clear of their role and that is something they have to adapt. After all it is the governemnt they build.


In Sool, yes i agree with you they need to bring the communities together ,, not to declare a WAR on their own people.



Yes, from Aakhiro ,,, :D

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i think its quite sad that the Sultaand/garaads of today have become lackeys for politicians and have become basically the stooges to whatever warlord was running for power in somalia.


what really saved somaliland from destruction was the fact that our sultaans/garaads never gave in to these poisonous polics and treacherous politicians, whether they be in hargeysa burco laaska or ceerigabo they always stuck to their job which was to solve conflics bring comminuties together avert wars or dampen a seething clan conflics.


Yet Today its sad to see the students of Garaad abdi qani all guest in Garowe as Prawns a tool for Cade muse and abdullahi yusuf, to be used as political tools agains their political foes.


subxanalah how times have changed laaska is more safer than Garowe, yet sharaftii magaca garaad lagu yaqaanay ayey iska qadeen oo garoowe ayey marti ugu noqdeen what is in essence a warlord to be used then dumped.


Their people are going through drought and major other problems such as lack of development, yet all they can think about is executing the political agenda of siyasi for all they know Riyaale and him could be on the phone every night, how shamefull is it to carry that tittle and be used as a stick to beat your people up with.



these garaads know fully well somaliland will never do anything to them, and they could march up to hargeisa and beyond withough nobody saying nopthing to them but nobody is asking them to be lackeys for Riyaale, but they should be with their people in their hour of need, and not carry the shoes of a lowly and principleless warlord/politician.

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Graadada rer Sool waa Isimo sharaft leh oo 100% kalsooni ka haysta dadkood, marka caydiinu waxaba ma dhibayso. Groowe iyo Puntland shaqo culus bay kawadaan and that is to kick your militia from LA.


There is one reason and only one reason that all the SSC graads united to oppose SL militia in Sool. This simple reason is that they do not want to break the country up and they want to stay with Somalia.


For all your bravado, the only think you brought to LA is death and destruction. It is one of the most unstable frontline cities in Somalia. In four month you have done more damage than good and it's people are still refugees outside this great city.

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what damage ?? tell me.


Ohhh Yeahhhhhhh ,,, i've just remembered that Muqdisho is very secure and developing and there is a war, demise and destruction in LA ,,,,



I think the Garaado have made the biggest mistake in their entire life ,,, they are humans and can do mistakes. With this, everybody knows they don't have 100% of the kalsooni ,,,, may be 50% for now.

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