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Maxaa keenay inay isimadii *********** ka soo qayb geli waayan aaskii iyo Tacsidii Garaad Ismail ???


Waxa kaliya oo Goobtii yimid Garaad C/laahi Maxamed Guuleed oo aan isagu waxa Shuruud ah habayarate ku Xidhiin ka soo Qaybgalka Geerida Garaadka,isimadii *********** kama fogayn Meesha Garaad Ismail lagu Aasayey laakiin Nasiib Darro kama soo Qayb galin Tacsidii iyo Aaskii Garaadka


Hadaba Shacabka SSC ee uu ka Geeriyooday Alle Ha uu naxariiste Marxuun Garaad Ismail Ducaale,isimada *********** ma ku Qancindoonan Mamulka Somaliland baa laascaanood ka taliya ama ma uu noqonaysa cudur daar iyo marmarsiinyo ??? Jawaabta waxa leh Akhristaha ….. Garaad Ismail Go,aamadii Ugu danbeey ee isimada *********** soo saareen Shierkii Boocame waxa uu Joogay wakiil garaadka Ka socday wuxuuna la mid ahaa mawqaf isimada ***********,


Su aalaha aan jecelahay in akhristuhu ka jawaabo

isimada Reer SSC ma waxay ka baqayeen Mamulka Somaliland ???

mise Cabdulahi Yuusuf baa amar ku bixiyey in aan laga Qayb Qadan Aaska Garaadka ???

mise madaxda sarsare ee puntland baa amar bixisay in ninkii laascaanood taga uu danbi ka galay Mamulkooda???

mise waxay ahayd balan aay isla ogyihiin isimada SSC iyo puntland in aan xita idaacadaha loga tacsiyadayn garaad ismail oo ninkii laga maqla uu danbile yahay ???


Isbuuci Hore bay ahayd markii uu geeriyooday midka mid ah Dagaal Oogayaasha puntland Ninkas oo lagu magacaabi jiray Xiif Cali Taar wuxuuna ka ganacsan jiray Badaha Soomaliya iyo afduubka marakiibta uu Raran Ganacsatata Soomaaliyeed.

waxaa kale oo la yaab leh in uu ahaa khasnajiga Dawlada KMG ah, waxa lagu soo hagaajin jiray hubka,hantida dadweynaha ee laga soo dhaco Koonfurta Somaliya, waxaana Masuul ka dhiigtay C/lahi Yuusuf…!!!I Isbuuci la soo dhaafay aayu ku Geeriyooday Tuulada tukoqar isago ku guda jira sidii loo baro kiciin lahaa dad muslin ah oo aay tabaaleyeen Abaaruhu iyo in layska horkeeno dad walaalo ah oo wada dhashay lana dhexdhiigo Colaad Guun ah oo aan waligeed hadhiin isaguna wakhtiga ku sii dheeraysto


Hadaba Akhristo Puntland waxay usamaysay Xiif Cali Taar waxay ugu Yeedhen Aas Qaran,Dawlada KMG ahina waxay usamaysay Goobo badan oo ka mid ah faydhyadeeda Baroordiiq Cajiib !!!! Garaad Ismail oo ahaa Issim Magacweyn ku leh iyo mamuus Bulshoweynta Soomaaliyeedna iska daa in aay ka soo Qayb galane waxay is hortaageen dadkii ka Qayb gali la haa Aaska Garaadka



Garaad Ismail wuxuu ahaa Garaadka Ugu Xilka haynta weyne Isimaada Soomaaliyeed

isla markan ahaa Garaadka ugu dada weyn Garaadada beelah Soomaaliyeed

Garaad Ismail wuxuu Xilka Garaadnimada Hayeey ilaa laga Soo Bilaabo 1962 oo ah 46 Sanadood

Garaad Ismail Ducaale wuxuu ahaa Nin aad iyo aad uu Nabad Jeceel Dadkiisuna Muxuubo Iyo Kalgacaltooyo u hayaan.


Akhristow fakarka aad ka qabto arinkan Igu soo hagaaji emailka hoosku qoran Si aan marlabad ugu soo gudbiyo warbahinta.



Adan muuse

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Do you guys want to arrest or welcome them to the city? Make up your mind JB, you and your fellow Slanders were here not long ago trying convince us that any participants in the Boocaame conference would be arrested. Also,how foolish of you Slanders trying to instigate a conflict between the people and their Garaads. you have a very low opinion of SSC people, then why fight so hard for them? again, make up your mind.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

Do you guys want to arrest or welcome them to the city? Make up your mind JB, you and your fellow Slanders were here not long ago trying convince us that any participants in the Boocaame conference would be arrested. Also,how foolish of you Slanders trying to instigate a conflict between the people and their Garaads. you have a very low opinion of SSC people, then why fight so hard for them? again, make up your mind.

with this ,,, are you telling me they were scared ???

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For the moment they didn't make any justification and as long as you're not one of them i don't think i can take that.


If they can't come to their land, meet their people, attend funerals and associate with their fellows then i don't think they are doing great sxb.

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well, all we are doing is thinking so am not explaining any think for the Issims of SSC but i think you would be mistaken to think that they need a justification or that their people need an explanation. I think its very simple for these people and their Issims, what i don't understand is why people like afnugaal and perhaps you see an interest in instigating? clearly we see what has happened and can take a lesson from what has happened in the south with breakdown of traditional systems and disregard for elders. were it even possible to set the people against their issms, what do hope to accomplish and Is this the supposed "development" that sland is trying to buy people with?

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Honestly the Sultans, Issims, Garaads and Boqors need to give up from the politics and perform their normal duties where there is a governmental system. In SL we're still struggling with those Sultans wants to create problems and interferring the governmental systems. It is a long process but i believe the Issims in Sool are just part of that in the whole region.

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Lol, if by "politics" you mean determining your future, then no, they should not stay away from but lead their communities. further more, i think you are a little ungrateful to your Sultans, were it not for them, hargeisa would have been the same as mogadishu, with or without those "governmental systems". they have lead you guys through a very turbulent times where those "politicians" have failed and continue to fail. lets not discount their accomplishments yet. as for SSC, more then anytime before, they are needed now. they are human, have made and will continue to make mistakes yet there is no better mechanism to deal with the problems that affect those regions, to bring those people together, deal with treaters within such as Maakhirites and darwiishlanders and neighbors that for some reason insist on aggression and to bring a solution on how to deal with the states apparent inability to deal with an incompetent and even destructive administrations such as Cade muuse's one in garowe.

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