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By any means necessary. Prof Togane

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Malcolm X AKA El-Hajji Malik El-Shabazz's uncompromising slogan was "by any means necessary" which he explained thus:




"When you hear me say, 'by any means necessary,' I mean exactly that I believe in anything that is necessary to correct unjust conditions---political, economic, social, physical, anything that is necessary."




By any means necessary: that was the mantra and the measure of Malcolm's utter and uncompromising loyalty and commitment to the struggle of the black race for freedom for justice for dignity.




Likewise all sane Somalis are now united in their utter and uncompromising commitment to making Mogadishu once again the peaceful and proud capital of the Somali nation.




By any means necessary.


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I have read just a couple of articles and an interview with Mohamud Togane and I find his writing, ideas, extremism, eccentricity, outright hatred.... quite fascinating. I dont know what to make of him and we are all shaped by our life experiences. I wonder if some1 knows about his background?

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^^^ No you can't talk about the President OG-girl ;)


Toogane is a crazy old dude, he aims to provoke and courts controversy. I dont much like how he generalises, but he does know how to get people's attention.

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Malcolm X AKA El-Hajji Malik El-Shabazz's uncompromising slogan was "by any means necessary" which he explained thus:

I just read some of his opinion the man is crezy.


Hajji malik must be Hajji qabilista.


Qorshal sxb the man is too mutch :confused:


Og_Girl markeey maqasho madaxweeyne Soomaalia Mudane C/yusuf axmed madaxaa xanuunaayo :D Please don't mention The Persident's name while OG_girl is around ;)

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I salute Mr Togane for he's up 4 it, the pain and xasaasiyada and nothing but that pure Xasaasiyada..


Whether you like it or not, Surely it's time you should give it to the man, a man who affords to go beyond the line ..... the line of the enemy i.e Qabyaalada, he aint giving a damn cake

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War gabadha iska dhaafa ha baashaashee..


OG, Ina abti Do you Love the President? Just imagine how cute he was his young days :D


Duke has his phone number, warya pass it to her and tell Odaga she is one special girl..

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Originally posted by Qorshel:

[QB Duke has his phone number, warya pass it to her and tell Odaga she is one special girl.. [/QB]

Ouch..! So Duke supplies 'odeyga Yeey' with special girls, no wonder he is very defensive of his adeero... business must be booming he Duke.... :D:D

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So Duke supplies 'odeyga Yeey' with special girls, no wonder he is very defensive of his adeero... business must be booming he Duke....

:D:D don't misinterpret my words warya, Juma dhib badnidaa sxb, Duke I never said bro.. dagaal ha igu soo qaadin..


All I intended to say was OG-girl might need Odaga numberkiisa so who is there to help...


OG-lady sowie just joking

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^^Wallahi, guys, you have no life at all!


Wiil-duco, inadero, I have no qabil reason to hate or mdaha egu hanono when his name mentioned , he is my uncle too ( for juma, JB,and some others here)Plus my granpa knows him very well in their early age when your adeero was "Askary as granpa likes to call him" icon_razz.gif ..I just have different opinion than yours and that doesn't mean I hate him or like him.


For Qorshel, saqajamkaga igala tag huuno :rolleyes: If you don't know how to talk respectfully , please don't talk to me or mention my nick!uuuuuuuuuuuuffff



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Og shactiro badanidaa :D <----Means you are comedic ;)icon_razz.gif


Let's mess up this thread dedicated to a hateful creature's qabiil bashing. :rolleyes: Sida loola soo cararay ayaan la yaabanahay.

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