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Qardho: New Hospital Opening

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Qudhac, You have no clue what you are going on about, i am happy for galkacyo as i am for buhoodle. You don't know the way I operate, I want all my brothers to be lifted up to glory, like recently sharmarke appointing jangeli, and jangeli meets obama. This is the way we operate sxb.


You have no clue, even though i am superior it doesn't mean i am going to make them feel inferior, no i will lift them up with me so we can share the glory however not all think like this and therefore we have conflict of interest and i need to set the record straight from them.


Their was a woman that needed some money in buhoodle to get some surgery done, i sent my share to the lady through paypal to help the woman.


Because that is my people no matter good or bad, what disturbs them, will disturb me, what pleases them will please me. Don't worry partner you have no clue the way kings are. We the eldest son therefore we think wisely and not like our other immature younger brothers.

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Qudac Adeer we are all from the kings clan if you need to know the problem with Cowke like some in SOL he pretends to be what he is not all this talk of kings and so in is to mask his identity, unless he is sick like someone said and thus needs help. Lol.

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Duke, I can't believe you're still trying to make sense out of this boy. Cowke is one delusional kid. His only purpose here is to start pissing contests and get folks worked up. He's been like this ever since he showed up here under his former aliases. Encourage him at your own risk.

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Their was a woman that needed some money in buhoodle to get some surgery done, i sent my share to the lady through paypal to help the woman.


Do you wanna reward for that? Cajiib!


Was this your first charity given to needy individual?

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cowke is imposter who has to assume other clans identity to feel any sense of worth, it shows he must have huge issues in order to resort dispicable tactics

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Qudhac, You have no clue what you are going on about, i am happy for galkacyo as i am for buhoodle. You don't know the way I operate, I want all my brothers to be lifted up to glory, like recently sharmarke appointing jangeli, and jangeli meets obama. This is the way we operate sxb.


You have no clue, even though i am superior it doesn't mean i am going to make them feel inferior, no i will lift them up with me so we can share the glory however not all think like this and therefore we have conflict of interest and i need to set the record straight from them.


Their was a woman that needed some money in buhoodle to get some surgery done, i sent my share to the lady through paypal to help the woman.


Because that is my people no matter good or bad, what disturbs them, will disturb me, what pleases them will please me. Don't worry partner you have no clue the way kings are. We the eldest son therefore we think wisely and not like our other immature younger brothers.


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Originally posted by Poker:

quote:Originally posted by Cowke:

Their was a woman that needed some money in buhoodle to get some surgery done, i sent my share to the lady through paypal to help the woman.


Do you wanna reward for that? Cajiib!


Was this your first charity given to needy individual?
First time I agree with poker.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^No adeer no one doubts that Bari is large and important or so on. One doubts that you are from Karkaar or the "Kings" as you refer to that family of ours. In fact your identity is quite easy to fathom and your motives simplistic.


Now again lad no need for the mask, its just ammusing.

War this one is all yours. I know what you're playing at. We don't want him. :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

War this one is all yours. I know what you're playing at. We don't want him.


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NGOONGE: No adeer he is not a secessionist or even from the NW regions of yours, but he aint from Qhardo neither. The dude is from an area in between these two regions. Why he pretends to be a "Kings clan" and so on is quite strange. :D

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Waryaa Duke why do i get the feeling that there are traces of inferiority complex in you? You should be proud of your king brethren. Boowe the last time i checked,no one had the census of the whole Tol so easy with the condemnation. Boowe bacda madoowna iska fur hada.


By the way,adigu yaa ku soo xaqiijiyay yaadna u cayaartaa :D


P.s. Congrats to Qardho residents on this new development.

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Zinki, don't bother with duke that guy has an identity crisis one minute he is "qudhac" dissing puntland, next minute he is under his other character duke dissing hamar.


I don't bother with those sorts of ppl, sheegatos should be given no time as far as i am concerned and that guy is a sheegato and just seeking drama like daynille style. Totally unprofessional in my opinion.


But on good note i found more pics of the hospital in qardho and the advancements happening.

Totally puts a smile in my face. I Personally suggest we should use qardho as regional capital, bayla as local port, and isku-shuban and karkaar mountain ranges as holiday homes. We really need to work on karkaar and not bossaso anymore. We definitely need to keep our presence in bossaso, however we need to start to diversify into our other towns.


You can go here to view more pics of the hospital opening.

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