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UN lauds new initiative by Somali president to reach out to foes

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UN lauds new initiative by Somali president to reach out to foes


Posted to the MOL January 11, 2007, 3:11 pm


NAIROBI, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- United Nations top envoy for Somalia on Thursday welcomed the new initiative by Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed to reach out to former foes, describing it as a positive move to bring reconciliation to the war-torn nation.


In a statement issued in Nairobi, the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia, Francois Lonseny Fall, welcomed the positive outcome of talks this week between Yusuf and former Somali presidents Abdikassim Salad Hassan and Ali Mahdi Muhammad.


"This is a hopeful sign and an important step towards reconciliation in Somalia," Fall said.


"I commend President Yusuf and Prime Minister (Ali Mohamed) Gedi for this initiative, which is in line with the appeal made to the TFG (Transitional Federal Government) by the international community to commence an inclusive dialogue with key stakeholders in Somalia," the UN envoy said.


President Yusuf held closed-door meetings with the former Somali presidents at Villa Somalia, the presidential palace in Mogadishu, on Wednesday.


After their meeting, President Yusuf told reporters that he and former president Abdikassim had discussed elements of the current situation in Somalia and agreed on them.


Abdikassim said they were both in agreement that international and African peacekeepers should come to Somalia immediately to replace the Ethiopian forces now supporting the Transitional Federal Government.


"I would strongly encourage them to move forward and to continue to reach out to all those in Somalia who have a stake in the country's peace and stability," said Fall.


"The continuation of such meetings with key political actors would send a strong message to the Somali people that reconciliation is indeed possible in Somalia and that differences that have festered through some 16 years of conflict can be resolved," he added.


Fall added that the United Nations and international community were committed to supporting the Transitional Federal Government and the opportunity it now had to bring about an all- inclusive process aimed at peace and reconciliation in Somalia.


"Somalia desperately needs reconciliation and a political settlement that is based on the Transitional Federal Charter and includes religious leaders, clan elders, women, youth, the business community and other members of civil society," he said.


"When leaders agree, as we have seen this week, it is much easier for others to follow."

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"I commend President Yusuf and Prime Minister (Ali Mohamed) Gedi for this initiative, which is in line with the appeal made to the TFG (Transitional Federal Government) by the international community to commence an inclusive dialogue with key stakeholders in Somalia," the UN envoy said.

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This is it. The devil is in the detail though as they say.


Should a national dialogue be held under the gun? Ethiopians soldiers gotta go and go soon.

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Second version of Soomaaliyeey Toosoo


Soomaalyeey Toosooy

Toosoy isku Tiirsada oo,

Hadba kiinna Taagdaraneey

Taageera weligiineey!


Ummadyahay mar kale toosoo

Calankiinna wada tiirshoo,

Danta guud ku taagsada oo

Isu wada tanaasula eey.


Soomaaliyeey Toosoo …


Tawaabkoo qudhaa bixiyoo

Gobannimada taam ka dhigee,

Rabbi toobad weyddiistoo

Talo saarta Weynaha eey.


Soomaaliyeey Toosoo …


Qabiilkaad ku tookhdaan baa

Qawmiyaddaada kaa tira oo,

Tayo li'ida qoysqoyskaa

Idin bada tabaalaha eey.


Soomaaliyeey Toosoo …


Inuu Naar ku taro mooyee

Dagaal ehel ma taabaggalee,

Shacabkaa in loo tudho oo

La tabantaabsho kaa mudaneey!


Soomaaliyeey Toosoo …


Curaddadaada taargo'ayaa

Tiiraanyo qaran weeyee,

Walaalkiis kan tooganayow

Adays jaray tagoogaha eey.


Soomaaliyeey Toosoo …


Quruun teeda hanan weydaa

Tiqo kuma leh dunideenee,

Adduunyada ka tamin qaadtoo

Assaagiina tiigsada eey.

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^^^As you know old man, their stay is limited and they are not as significant a force as many here would like us to belive, its the Americans behind this new drive to support the TFG. The devil is in the detail, its the gun that has focused the minds of the foes of the TFG.


The TFG has already 1/4 of their national troop estimate. The AU countries are on their way.

Its long and difficult and not easy, but we are moving in the right direction.

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