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Abdiqasin Salad recognises the importance of Puntland Somaliland..about time.

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Cabdiqaasim Salaad Xassan oo Ka Hadlay Khilaafka Masuuliyinta Dowladda Federaalka


May 20, 2010 Madaxweynihi hore ee Dowladda Carta lagu soo dhisay Mudane Cabdiqaasim Salaad Xassan ayaa ka hadlay khilaaf dhowaan soo kala dhexgalay masuuliyinta ugu sareysa Dowladda Federaalka,ka dib markii Madaxweyne Sheikh Shariif ku dhawaaqay inuu kala diray Xukuumadi Ra’isulwasaare Cumar C/rashiid.


Wareysi uu siiyey warbaahinta VOA-da qaybta Afsoomaaliga ayaa waxaa uu nasiib darro ku tilmaamay mugdiga iminka soo kala dhexgalay Madaxweyne Sheikh Shariif iyo Ra’isulwasaarihiisa Cumar C/rashiid,wuxuuna ka codsaday in ay arintaas xal ka gaaran oo ay ku dhaqmaan axdiga Kumeel gaarka ah oo ay ku dhaarteen xilliga ay la wareegaayeen xilalka ay iminka hayaan.


Mudane Cabdiqaasim ayaa intaa ku daray in Dowladda Federaalka iminka looga fadhiyo waxqabad isla markaana wax ka bedesho xaalada Soomaaliya.


Mar la weydiiyey siduu u arko xaalka dhibaatada ka jirta Soomaaliya wuxuu sheegay inuu qabo in la qabto kulan balaaran oo ka dhaca gudaha dalka gaar ahaan goobaha nabdoon sida Puntland iyo Somaliland oo ay isugu yimaadan Soomaalida ayna heshiis ka gaaran khilaafka ka dhex aloosan.


Horseed Media

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Mar la weydiiyey siduu u arko xaalka dhibaatada ka jirta Soomaaliya wuxuu sheegay inuu qabo in la qabto kulan balaaran oo ka dhaca gudaha dalka gaar ahaan goobaha nabdoon sida Puntland iyo Somaliland oo ay isugu yimaadan Soomaalida ayna heshiis ka gaaran khilaafka ka dhex aloosan.

What a difference failure makes, the fact this ***** wanted to destroy Puntland and always insulted Somaliland, when he had "power".


The fact that this man armed his clan and even supported the fake Jihad of the Clan Courts and now speaks of peace is a change.


Is it my birthday? :D

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Abdiqasim salad Boy wasn't he the former Hotel president , We did not care what he had to say when he was the tng president what makes u think we care what he has to say in 2010.


With no significant Political Influence in somalia. This might be in the interest of the pirate state, as they always want or love to be Acknowoledged by ex warlords and former hotel presidents, Good luck pirate sate with the former Hotel warlords.

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Xaji, you are right the Pirates might welcome Abdiqasin, however we in Puntland state are just finding it hard to fathom the sheer ignorance of the man.


Does he forget his past actions and utterences?


As for you, we are looking forward to Riyaale's coronation in the NW of Somalia.

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Xajji Xunjuf these "hotel" boys are stopping you from getting your recognizing and the international community by and large consults and takes their policies towards you lot much more seriously, that is that your part of Somalia.


But dont give up yet folks in your recogniztion, its been "hard" desperate 20 years with that, but do keep on with your attempts.

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^^What have you been doing during that same 20 years, how was your situation like? Think about that..


Keep up your desperate attempts to bring your country together.

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And when we do the North western region which styles itself with the colonial name Somaliland will be part of it.


But until the South gets its act together do keep desperately trying.

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Keep the desprate attempt of getting your act together up. After all these years you didn't amount to sh!t, and you wont ever.

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Lol at the irony, what on earth did your pathetic enclave amount to? Somalia may be broken but atleast it exist and the tfg has full jurisdiction over your recognition.

I was expecting such an emotional outburst when confronted with the truth and that is that your part of Somalia and your enclave is stuck within that.


It wont be long laakin until Alshabaab or a Somalia state come knocking at your door. We wont leave our North western region alone and so far havent.

Until then do your keep sucking off to melez (who willl never acknowledge you existance) and killing ssc citizens over your sad state offairs continue with the desperate yet futile attempts in getting any sort of recognition. Its been 20 pathetic years but do keep on.

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