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Mowqifka diinta ee qabyaaladda

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Had iyo goor waxaa caadi bulshadeenna ka ah in culimadu ka gaabsato inay dhaleeceeyaan qabyaaladda. Anse in badidoodu ka qayb qaataan ayaa jirta. Waxaaba lagu oranayaa fiqi tolkii kama janno tago.


Marka maxaynu diiniyan ka qabnaa qabyaaladda iyo xeerarkeeda?


Halkan hoose waxaa ku qoran sheeko xariiro tusmo u ah xeerarka qabyaaladda ee dalkeenna hooyo ee Soomaaliya. Haddaad waqti u hesho oo akhriyi karto bal waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aad aragtidaada ka bixiso.


Diinta ma waafaqsan yihiin xeerarkan sheeko xariiradu ka hadlayso culimaduse maxay in badan uga hadli waayeen ama u xaaraantinimayn waayeen?


Sheeko xariiro: Soomaalida iyo hayb sooca.


Xeerarka qabyaaladda



Habeenkaas farxad iyo rayrayn dheeraad ah ayaan dareemay . Markii ugu horaysay in muddo ah ayaa kalgacal nololeed i galay. Sheekaduse waxay sii macaanaatay markii Xange weydiiyey nimankii haybtooda ee ay ugu jawaabeen soomaali baan nahay. Arrintaas oo aniga iyo Xangeba ka yaabisay ayey nimankii noogu micneeyeen inay ku timi bulshadooda oo dhowr boqol oo sano ka hor ka soo gudubtay heerka habdhaqan bulsho ee qabaa'il hoose ay jiraan. Waxay noo sheegeen in waqtigaas kadib ay wadaageen magac ah soomaali magacaas oo ay haddaba la wadagaan soomaalida kale. Waxay noo sheegeen in hadda ay horumar xoog leh ku talaabsadeen oo ay og yihiin in habdhaqankan ka waxtarsan yahay kaas hore. Faa;iidooyinka uu noo keenay waxaa ka mid ah bay yiraahdeen cadaawadii dhexdayada oo baaba’day iyo hayb soocii oo aan jirin.


Sheekh Cali ayaa hadal xikmadi ka buuxdo bilaabay oo yiri ” qabiilka iyo ku dhaqanka qabyaaladdu waa habdhaqan bulsho oo la maro. Waase laga gudbaa. Waxaa yimaada waqti sida dhimbiisha faraha lagaga gubto oo ay khasab noqoto in dhabarka laga tuuro”.


Hadalkii intaan boobay ayaan weydiiyey” sidee bay u tahay habdhaqan bulsho oo la wada maro”?.


Sheekhii oo sii waday hadalkii ayaa jawaab ku yiri” Haddii dib loo noqdo taxanaha taariikhda jiritaanka bilow-aadmiga waxaa la gaarayaa waqti ay dadku aad iyo aad u yaraayeen waqtigaas oo dadka meel wada deggani aysan ka badnayn qoys ka kooban aabe, hooyo iyo haddii ay tarmeen carruur. Barwaaqada oo badnayd awgeed qofka ama qoysku keli ayuu noolaan karay. Khatarta bahalaha wax cuna oo ahayd dhibaatada ugu weyn ee haysatay dadkana dhirta ayey habeenkii ka fuuli jireen. Waagii dambe ayaa intay barwaaqadii yaraatay bilow-aadmigii oo markaas tiradiisii korodhay bilaabay in ay xayn xayn u degaan oo ragguna ugaarsi u baxo dumarkuna carruurta iyo guriga joogaan. Markii dambe waxaa bilowday in xoolaha sida geela, ariga fardaha iwm. la rabeeyo si loo manaafacaadsado ugaarsigana loo yareeyo ama layskaba daayo. Waqtigaas ayaa waxaa soo baxay habdhaqan bulsho oo ay qabiilka iyo xeerarkiisu ka mid yihiin”.


“Markaas ma waxaad u jeedaa in qabyaaladda iyo xeerarkeedaba laga ilbixi doono?” ayuu Xange ku celiyey sheekhii.


Nin kaftan badan oo ragga ku jiray ayaa hadalkii la wareegay oo yiri “ haa , sidaan idiin sheegnay annagu waannu ka gudubnay qabyaaladda oo hadda dhammaatayo soomaali baan nahay. Awoowayaashayo ayaa tuuray haybtii ka hoosaysay soomaalinimada. Dadka kale ee soomaalida ahna markasta way nagu soo biiri karaan waayo magaca soomaali wuu na kulmiyaa. Waxay u baahan yihiin keliya inay tuuraan waxaan ahayn: soomaali baan ahay”. Intuu hadakay si hadalku noogu dhibco ayuu yiri “ Kama aanaan ilbixin qabyaaladda ilaa aannu fahamnay xeerarkeeda kadibna aan laalnay”.


Hadalkii intaan ku soo booday ayaan weydiiyey “ anigu ma ogi xeerar qabyaaladeed oo dhibaato abuuraa ee maxay yihiin, maxaadse ku beddesheen”?


Sheekh Cali baa ku soo noqday hadalkii oo yiri” saddexda xeer ee tolnimo, hiil iyo hoo baa qabyaaladda jiritaankeeda kobciya la’aantoodna ma jiri karto.Sida saddexda dhardhaar ee dheriga weeyaan qabyaaladuna waa waxa dul saaran. Hayb sooca iyo dhibaatooyinka kale ee qabyaaladana xeerarkan baa abuura.”


“Xeerka qabiil ee loo yaqaan tolnimo wuxuu ka hadlaa wada dhalasho iyo dhiig wadaag. Waa xeer daboola baahi caadi ah oo qof u qabo inuu ka tirsanaado koox ama qabiil uu is leeyahay isir baad wadaagtaan. Madaama qofna uusan keligiis isku filayn in uu cid garabka ku qabtaa waa wax dabiici ah oo xitaa xayawaanka ayaa sidaas u dhaqma. Dhibaatooyinka ay tolnimo ahaanshuhu leedahay waxaa haddaba ka mid ah marka dad isku dhiig iyo dhalad ah sida soomaalida oo kale ay qabiilooyin hoose u kala baxaan oo wada dhalashooyin ama isbahaysiyo abuurmaan waxaa dhacda muqaalufo darro, is-aamin la’aan iyo tolka oo soo koobma. Kelmad shisheeye la yiraahdo ayaa soo baxda wuxuuna qofku garabka ku qabtaa afar xabbo inta kalena wuu ka fogaadaa”. Intuu yara hakaday buu waday hadalkii oo yiri” dawadu waxaa weeye in tolnimada guud lagu soo laabto oo qofku yiraahdo, tusaale, soomaali baan ahay qof kasta oo soomaali ahina waa tolkay. Sidaas weeyaan sida aannu ku xalinay” ayuu ku soo xiray hadalkiisi.


Codkii baa intuu yara go’ay ayaa nin ka mid ah odayaashii oo ul uu haystay hortiisa xariiqimo ku samaynay dhulka meel holaca dabku saani u iftiiminayey yiri “ Sheekha aan hadalka ka yara nasiyee qodobka labaad ee xeerarka qabyaalada oo ah hiil wuxuu ka hadlaa caddaalad. Isaguna sida qodobka kowaad oo kale waa baahi dabiici ah oo uu qofku u qabo inuu caddaalad helo. Marka qofka xoolihiisa la dhaco amase naftiisa ama inta uu mas’uulka ka yahay loogu yimaado aanuse iska fujin karin wuxuu dalbaa cid u hiilisa. Taas oo micnaheedu yahay in xaqiisa loo dhiciyo ama la difaaco haddii weerar lagu yahay. Dhibaatadu waxay timaadaa marka inta qabaa’il la abuuro dadka oo u kala safan magacyo ay sheegtaan xaq iyo xaq darro ay koox waliba gaarkeeda isugu hiiliso. Natiijadu waxay noqotaa caddaaladda oo lunta”. Intuu madaxii sare u yara qaaday oo noqday sidii wax dabkii ku dhaygagay ayuu yiri “ Dawadu waxaa weeye in qabaa’ilka hoose ama isbahaysiyada inta la baabi’iyo loo abuuro bulshada waaxyo garsoor oo caadil ah oo xaquuqda qofka ilaaliya. Waxaa kale oo loo bahan yahay hay’ado nabadgelyada iyo xasiloonida dhowra. Sidaas ayuu qofku uga maarmi karaa qabiil danihiisa difaaca oo isaguna uu midiidin u noqdo. Sidaas ayaannu ku xalinay qodobkaasna” ayuu yiri.


Markii ay halkaas arrintu marayso ayaa waxaa yimi iman hor leh oo sida haruub-gaallo ay caano geel oo xoor leh ka buuxaan. Caanihii markii la dhex dhigay nimankii oo iyagoo kala fariistay ay bilaabeen in ay wadaagaan ayaan aniguna yara istaagay si aan u manjo baxsado. Caways dambe oo mugdi ah bay ahayd waxaana dhacaysay neecow macaan oo nafta raali gelinaysay. Waxaad maqlaysay dhawaaqa xasharaadka iyo cayayaanka kaynta oo intu isku darsamay aad muusik moodaysay. Cirka oo habeenkaa aan daruura lahayn ayaa ku dednaa xiddigo dhalaal dahabi ah leh. Dareen nabadgelyo oo farxad iyo deganaansho i geliyey ayaa maankayga buuxiyey dabkii oo holac badan bixinayeyna wuu i diiriyey.


Markuu milicsaday in caanihii laga dhergay ayaa Xuurteeye oo caawa oo dhan aamusnaa soo booday oo isagoo codka sare u qaadaya yiri” xeerka saddexaad waa igu aniga oo walle waa igu aniga”.


Inta la wada qoslay ayuu nimankii mid ahi kula kaftamay ” waar garmalayte ayaad tahay ee adigu maxaad sheegaysaa”. Xuurteeye ayaa intuu laabta istaabtay yiri” waar ma geed baan joognaa maxaa garkayga ku tusay”?


Mar labaad baa inta qosol dheer lagu dhuftay Sheekh Cali yiri isagoo Xuurteeye farta ku fiiqaya ” daaya inan rag aamus waa loo dhamaa”.


“ Xaal qaado, xaal qaado ” ayey dhowr qof iska daba yiraahdeen iyadoo codkooda aad kaftan ka dareemaysay.


Xuurteeye ayaa bilaabay oo yiri “Xeerka saddexaad oo ah hoo wuxuu khuseeyaa wax-isa- siin iyo wax-is-tar. Wuxuu oranayaa dadku sida ay kuu kala xigaan wax siinta ugu kala hormari. Haddii aad xil-qabatona marka hore tolkaa naas-nuuji. Waxaa dheer oo uu qofka qabiiliga ah xeerkani farayaa in xoolahiisa ilaa xad tolkiis la leeyahay. Xeerkani waa eexda iyo caddaalad darrada aabahiis iyo hooyadiis. Qaranimona ma jiri karto marka bahweynta soomaaliyeed ay xeerkan iyo kuwa kale ee la soo sheegay ku dhaqanto. Dawadu waxaa weeye in la laalo is-naas-nuujinta, wax-is-tar kasta iyo eex qabiilka ku salaysan. Taas weeyaan ta aannu ku dawaynay dhibaatooyinka uu keeni karo xeerkan” ayuu xuurteeye yiri isagoo kalsooni ku hadlaya.


Sacab bay raggii qaar ka mid ah oo dhallinyaro u badnaa isku dareen markaas ayaa mid ka ahi yiri


” Eebbaa igu og oo gabanku waa cod kar”. Dadka intii kale ay qosol dheer isku daray.


Xange oo aad u dhuuxayey xikmaddii meesha laga soo jeediyey ayaa hadal deggan ku yiri” Xeerarka miyaad ku darteen xeerka hee?”.


Markii dhaqso loo jawaabi waayey ayuu sii waday hadalkii oo yiri” Hee waxay la xiriirtaa dhego nuglaan uu qofku maqlo dadka kale ee uu is leeyahay way kaa aqoon roon yihiin, way kaa waayo-aragsan yihiin ama xushmad bay kaa mudan yihiin. Waa dhaqan dabiici ah oo wanaagsan. Laakiin waxay dhibtu timaadaa marka qofku u dhego nuglaado inuu xumaan falo ama uu u dhaqmo sidii uu yahay qalab sanaaci aan feker madax bannaan lahayn oo wax kasta oo qabiilkiisu ka dalbo xaq iyo xaq darro ku raaco. Dawadu waxaa weeyaan in dadka la baro inay si madax bannaan u fekeraan oo raacaan fekero san oo ka soo maaxda maankooda ama maanka bahweynta guud ee soomaaliyeed. Hayb sooca jira waxaa u aabo ah iyadoo xitaa wax-garadku ay u dhego nugul yihiin qabaa’il loo sheegay inay ku abtirsadaan” ayuu ku soo gebagebeeyey.


Hal cabbaar ah markii la wada aamusay ayaa sheekh Cali hadalkii ku soo noqday oo yiri “Waa runta waanna nasiib darro. Dadka noocaas u fekeraa waxaysan ogeyn in dadku yihiin sidii laamo iyo caleemo ka wada baxay geed harweyn. Cid kala nasabsan ama kala fadilan ma jiri karto waayo isku geed bay ka baxeeen kuna yaalaan. Allaheen sidaas ha ina garansiiyo sidaasna aan fekerkeenna gelino”.


“Aamiin” ayaa loogu wada jiibiyey.


(qormo dambe sug)




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I often meet brothers and sisters who are concerned for the wellbeing of the Ummah. While this is admirable and needs to be encouraged still it lacks sincerity. charity begins at home; it begins with your family; then your neighbors, your extended neighbors, your country and extends outward in that manner until it encompasses the Ummah and beyond.


While, among other things, discrimination and segregation is rampant in our doorstep and we are mostly silent spectators or in many times supportive to these socially repressive practices to claim then that we have feelings for Ummah is hard to swallow.


Is there any one who would come out, in here and now, and say clear and loud” THE TIME OF OUTCASTS IN OUR SOCIETY IS OVER. WE ARE ALL NOBLES OF THE SAME ORIGIN AND OUR FAMILY IS SOMALI?


As Nur asked in another thread: Are we prepared For A National Reconciliation And An Apology For The Oppressed Social Outcasts( at least in this forum)?


The Awakener2

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Positive walaal


I have always fought discrimination regardless of which form it takes. I consider myself a nationalist and will in most cases base my choise of friends from that stand point but i will never take away or deny anyones just claims on any basis.


On somali forums i have always fought tribalists and those that enshrine ignorance and will continue to do so.


I once had to battle my own family ,all of them older than i, for refusing to accept some long lost people to join back in.


I personally think it is everyones duty to try and persuade not to discriminate.We ought even to step up to them and simply say NO to any one who is willing to take away other peoples dignity and rights simply because they were born.


What is more called for walaal is an effort from us. This can be one or more activities like preaching ,writing articles and making multi media content in suport of law and order ,peace and harmony ,industry and trift and finally respect for others and resposibility of action and speech for ourselves.


We can also try and show ,maybe by comparison of how much evil can be attributed to discirimination and by lack of respect for law and order and for justice and fairness.


I can confirm that, maasha ALLAH, your efforts are well inline with the greater good for somalis and as for me i'll borrow your words to put them down on this page as my signature to the cause






Somalis have failed on all levels .Political leaders failed to realise that it was service from them and not allegiance to them that was required of them. Religious leaders have failed in that, in my opinion, they failed to stand up for justice and shout at the top of their voices for calm ,for order, for justice ,for responsibility, for apreciation of life and for its preservation rather than elimination.


Intellectual leaders have also failed for they know how easy it is to destroy and how hard to build. In order for a nation to manufacture just one aeroplane, a brigde , a power station etc etc people must be trained continuestly from childhood ,fed ,schooled ,protected from premature deaths and so on . All of which needs an incredible amounts of energy ,patience and perseverance. And none of which is a given but all is derived from awareness ,effort and coordinated energy.


I pray that somalis wake up before its too late. I am begining to think that justice lies in the keeping up of momentum rather than protection of comfort zones created by cultures and misunderstanding

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Walaal AA,


Happiness and peace come when one takes responsibility and works for both his adduunyo (material) and aakhiro (spiritual). The more persons in a society who sincerely do this the more peace and prosperous this society experiences. Due to what we have been witnessing in our coutry lately we can savely say that we have not been doing this.


Our hardship has been further compounded by the global- village motto in our times. we have also been neglecting our religious duties and the last but not the least our observance of cultural norms has been poor. Add all those things together and you may understand why our ball has been rolling down hill.


Loyalty to self serving individuals: warlords, businessmen, self styled traditional elders etc. and groups: tribe based fighting forces, tribe based organisations, tribes, clans etc. will bring nothing to us but retardation and even destruction. If we have to survive as a nation in 21st century we need to leave behind old ways of fragmented society, sectarianism and tribal hegemonies and move to the global stage as a nation state that is capable to take care of itself and live in peace with its neighbors.


A contemplative question is, even in this dark hour, is our people ready to work for a common good by first putting aside their differences and then embracing a nationhood ?


The Awakaner2

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Walaal positive thanks for your reply.


The question on whether our people are ready to put aside differences, of which there are almost none as compared to similarities,in order to work together for the common good needs contemplation as you said for the answers are not readily available.


The way i see things however is that people are normally never ready to change their ways. They get disoriented when things happen too fast or even too slow and get caught up within the very systems that will lead to their destruction. In that state of disorientation everyone normally clings to what they know best for safety and comfort ,becuase the soul is at home there.


People also have the tendency to follow the crown rather than to think for themselves and who leads these crowds? Those that have nothing to loose and everything to gain will shoot up to the top because they are the most vibrant. They became the orators and a disoriented crowd will not choose. Like they say beggers cannot be choosers and somalis are for sure begging for leadership like no society has ever done before.



Education can not come to their aid for even when things were better we were ruled by a dictator who looked after number one and maybe family or loyals and therefor neglected progress in public education ,healthcare and the building of infrastructure. Dictators have always had this problem and most had chosen to cement thier grip on power rather than to empower the people. Empowering the people was to them public enemy number one or should i say private enemy number one.


There is no doubt that we have an enemy and although some can identify this enemy in certain persons or pesonalities. This enemy is a force to be countered and our advantage over it is that we are conscious of it. Atleast some of us are.


This enemy in my opiniopn is slavery. Most of us are slaves in that we are willing to sit on a bench and wait for others to make change happen for us. Unless we can somehow convince ourselves to wake up to reality and seek to change our lot actively we will never overcome.


Most escape the wild west ie paltalk because they are savages -they are loud ,they insult and curse and to survive there you have to be louder and more savage than they are.


On the forums where youngters dominate you get the same problem of tribalism and bad manners.


I tried to many times to be there and stand up for order and national unity and respect. Unless we try and further our ideas ,those that stand up will always sway the majority to thier awful ways and whether we lul ourselves that all is well and will be well as long as we shut ourselves in our comfort zones ,it will come and destroy all of us without a doubt.


There is no better way to counter this than to just plunge ourselves in and contribute whereever we have time and not fear them.

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Thanks both AA. and Xiinfiniin. Xiin you seem tight lipped brother. I know you could say more( if I have been rude cafwan). smile.gifsmile.gif


I ask:


1)Are our tribal norms in line with our Islamic teaching?


2)Can we trump upon the rights of our fellow Muslims and/or neighbors and expect that we are immune to adverse compensations?


I will not hesitate but has to say that now is a time we have to see the big picture: we have been cruel to one another! and we are reaping the consequences.


Qualities of friendliness, brotherhood and kindness are what we need to practice in our relationships. Only when we do actions that benefits the others do the others reward us with similar actions and additional rewards from beyond may become abundant for all to rejoice. Potentially all good things we seek in Life may become ours if we only learn that every CAUSE has an EFFECT.


I may seem idealist and sentimental but I can not help but think that we may end up on what we don't like and where we don't want unless the majority of us decides to persistently do good deeds which are in line with our religious teaching and our best social norms.


May we learn to manifest and act on thoughts that are LOVING and KIND to those they affect.




The Awakener2

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"Qabiil waa wax fiican.

Nasabnimo waa ay jirta.

Tolnimo iyo ehel jaceelna waa wax aysan diinta Islaamku ka soo hor jeedin.

In aad tolkaaga ku xirnaatana waa wax aayo idiin wada ah."


Sidan waa sida nolosha runta ahi ay ku dhisan tahay. Qof kastoo Soomali ahna sidan baa uurkiisa ku jirta afka waxeey doonaan ha ka yiraahdeen.


Daacadnimada waa waxa Soomalida ka maqan.

Daacad ha la wada noqdo.

Haddaan Soomali nahayna qabiil nagama harayo, sababtoo ah dhiigeenaa ku shaqeeya.


Waxaan kale brotherly love, end discrimination, blah blah waa wax been been ah. Runta sheega!!!



PS -- Qoraalkan waa iga kaftan!!!

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Brother you and A&A said it all. I would indict Qabyaalad, and not qabiil per se though. No one has control over which qabiil they born into but everyone do have full control over how (Qabyaalad) he/she views the significance of belonging qabiil hebel. Islam is the enemy of Qabayaalad. Living in urbane and diverse life where you constantly deal with people from different backgrounds can also tame the effect of this qabyaalad thing.


I cant agree more on the notion that Somalis have been transgressing on each other far too long and it’s about time we repent it from it.

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Thanks bros xiin and positive


Your readiness to ask for forgiveness is a testament to a great personality maasha ALLAH.


Anyway i think most somalis are not good muslims unless of course saying the shahada is enough to qualify one to be a good muslim.


So all that most of us had to fall back to was our culture ,in my opinion, and that is why we never tire of killing each other. We fail to notice that it is the very thing that makes us who we are that is our worst enemy.


I for one condenm trangressions justice at every opportunity if i am strong enough ,and when i am too weak to engage i leave it for another day insha ALLAH.

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quote:Islam is the enemy of Qabayaalad



Knowadays some people developed what can be termed as "religous tribalism"? I mean even those on the deen have immense hatred and division for one another, which has reached a level never experienced before in Islamic History. I'm not even talking about Sunni/Shia, rather Tableeq, Sufi, Salafi( they have their own divisions), Deobandi, Barelvi. It has reached a level that if one finds out a Sheikh is Sufi or something they will boycott his Khutba or discussion. In one Masjid( India) a Muslim wasn't allowed to enter a mosque becausehe was a from a different madhab.

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About your assertion about the somali society and its questionable pratice of Islam it is well known that changes of character and social values takes generations if not centuries to make. Pain can be experienced before real change comes because inherent mental barriers has to be gone through.


Even those who are earnest and keen to become good muslims have to go through a process of advancement of character. Patience is therefore a virtue which we need most. We need also not to preach but rather become good role models whom the others can emulate.




It is true that you find division everywhere you look. Even in our religious establishment. But what compounds the divisions are the learned sheikhs and other knowledgeable community leaders who, most of them I can say, cultivate sectarianism for their own personal ends or many times for self righteous reasons.


We have to be optimistic nevertheless because there is time for every thing before it passes away. We will eventually learn from our mistakes and then will we come up with solutions which elevate us from these problems.


Our present ideal should be unity though!


The Awakener2

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Dadka xun xun wexey isku colaadiyaan meeshey ka kala yimaaddeen ayagoon u aabo yeelin meeshey u socdaan.


Dadka wanaagsan, wexy isku baheystaan isuna kaashadaan meeshey u socdaan, ayagoon u aabo yeelin meeshey ka kala yimaadden



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