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Xildhibaanada damiirka leh

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As a Soomaali citizen, Soomaali dhalulad, dalkiisa jecel, I personally appeal to you, xildhibanoow/eey, to those with damiirnimo iyo Soomaalinimo ku hartay, directly and frankly, as a Soomaali to a Soomaali iyo walaaltinimo.


Pull the plug on this dowlad ku sheeg that expired with the unforgetful, ignominious day Amxaaro Xabash ah cowardly started airbombing Soomaali towns.


Tender with a mass resignation.


Let it lose the little international credibility it has since the legitimacy of this dowlad ku sheeg was lost today even to the casual Soomaali observing of Soomaali politics oo dhexdhexaad ka ahaa, not because of clan, not because of idealogy, not because of against a cult personality -- it is because of very existence of Soomaalinimo, a proven proud people throughout history and a known enemy bullying our hapless hooyooyin, caruur and waayeelo by cowardly attacking from above.


When Amxaar Xabash, not satisfied what they have done the last 16 years of endless meddling in our domestic affairs decided for once and all to permanently kill Soomaalinimo before our eyes, permanently injure the psyche of Soomaalinimo by attacking Muqdisho airport. Muqdisho airport isn't more important than Beledweyne or other unfortunate airbombed towns, but it is a symbolic in the eyes of international community carrying the capital label, and will now have a historical precedence that Xabashada, even in the hey days of Soomaali Galbeed war, did not even had the inclination to dare and geesnimo of attacking our magaalo madax.


For that, and since this dowlad ku sheeg already lost any sane Soomaali support, I personally and passionately again appeal to those with conscience and a drop of Soomaalinimo ku hartay inay dhamaantood iska casilaan xilka ay u hayaan dowladaan and let the caalamka see it no longer has any relevancy.


I believe, you, xildhibaaneey with damiirka ku hartay, are at least half, if not more, of xildhibaanada. I also appeal to those qabyaaladnimo, laaluushnimo ama jaganimo u joogo as a xildhibaan that dowladaan burburtay won't get back from xabaalaha lagu duugay. It is gone like yesterday. Save your last credibility aad Soomaalida u tihiin.


I appeal the likes of [and many that I don't know their names]:


Shariif Xasan Sh. Aaden

Caasho Axmed Cabdalle

Caasho Xaaji Cilmi

Fowsiyo Max'ed Sheekh

Maxamuud Cabdillaahi Sifir

Maxamed Cabdi Yuusuf

Cabdi Cabdulle Jiniboqor

Saleebaan Colaad Rooble

Cali Baashi Rooraaye

Jaamac Cali Jaamac

C/laahi Aadan Axmed Balaak

Yuusuf Xasan Dheeg

Hilowle Iimaam Cumar

Cabdalla Xaaji Axmed

Shariif Saalax Maxamed Cali

Cumar Xaashi Aaden

Cali Baashi Maxamuud

Sakariye Maxamuud Xaaji

Xuseen Baantuu

Cawil Axmed Casharo

Ibraahim Isaaaq Caymooy


Baliis, pull the rug from under on this dowlad ku sheeg

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^^Adeer dawladani waa dhacday! Cabdullaahi dawladnimo calaf kuma laha mana geyo! Kuwa hadda la jooga sidaad farayso runtii ma sameyn karaan oo hadday is casilaan amxaaradaa laynaysa, marka u yara kaadi inta xabaddu joogsanaysaa then you will see the type of mass resignation you longing for!

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Duqa, more than half of them Baydhabo ma joogaan, thus I was especially appealing to those. Around 40 Xamar ayee joogaan, the rest, about 100, dibadaha ayee wareegayaan, especially Neyroobi, kuwii markii horena West ka tagay guryahooda Galbeedka ayee ku noqdeen. I had those in mind.


Anyway, dagaalka u aayar. Dadka dhimanaayo waa Soomaali, nabada u duceey. Like before xulufadadihii ka horeeye, no group can push the other in this ugly war. It is reality, an ugly one, but reality nonetheless. Qori caaradiis laguma kala baxo, Soomaali taas ha ogaato, even kuwa Soomaali sheeganaayo hadee Amxaaro wataan waa in laga soo bixiyaa la tusiyaa qaladkooda, not dhamaantood la wada tirtiro, in the process thousands of masaakiin kale waxba galabsan kusii dhamaado iyo qax qaxarkeeda.


Soomaali waa isku imaan doontaa, regardless how cowardly Amxaar tries to duqeeyo our towns and cities. It already started, marka geed hoostiis ha laga soo bilaabo qorshaha, no more dibad lagu shiro now.


Waaka daalnay dagaal, runtii. Dagaal ma fadaana, especially hadaan nahnay reer dibadjoog.

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