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New Islamic courts in Puntland

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Somalia’s Islamic Courts plan to form fresh Islamic Courts in Puntland


Mogadishu 18, Oct.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Shabelle Radio in Mogadishu has interviewed religious leaders from the semiautonomous region of Puntland, who have been staying in Mogadishu lately, over their arrival.


Sheik Abdulkani Qorane, who has been leading the religious team, confirmed to Shabelle that they had arrived in Mogadishu to meet with the Union of Islamic Courts, conferring about the way the Islamic courts would reach and form an Islamic Court in Puntland in northeast Somalia.

The autonomous region of Puntland that is about 1,500 km southeast of the capital Mogadishu, is considered as Somalia’s main commercial province.


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Ma sahlana meeshaas maxkamad islaami ah in laga dhiso. Weli masoo marin soomaaliya meel niman calmaaniyiin ka taliyaan oo si tartiib islaam looga oggalaaday in wax lagu maamulo. Islaamka wuxuu meesha ka saaraayaa xaq darrada iyo boobka, wax badsiga iyo quursiga, intaasna waxaa ku dhisan xukumadaha hadda meesha ka jira.

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^ :D Jenerale, waa runtaa waxba ma dhicin laakiin waa rabnaa in isbeddel dhaco dhib la'aan. I just don't see how that is going to happen. Sheekh yaashaan xamar booqday waa rajo ku nool masaakiinta, they may be arrested if they go back to PL tomorrow.

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^^^No they should not be arrested, they gave their opinion and point of view. If they can bring about change peacefully, why not. But there is no need for violence, Puntland has had for years what Mogadishu has had for 4 months.

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^^But insha-Allah, PL will die soon and become part of Somalia, and even an staging ground to attack the Wyana of Ethiopia.


Alle-ubaahne will make his own Islamic Courts in Gaalkacyo, insha-Allah, the hometown of my Awoowe!


Generale, don't die with heart-attack, saaxiib. :D

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^^Saxib my last check up I got an all clear. Lets be realistic and stop the nonsence. It took 16 years for courts to clear Mogadishu, Puntland and Somaliland are no go zones. Priority is developing the country and not the hot air of attacking anyone.

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Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne:

^^But insha-Allah, PL will die soon and become part of Somalia, and even an staging ground to attack the Wyana of Ethiopia.


Alle-ubaahne will make his own Islamic Courts in Gaalkacyo, insha-Allah, the hometown of my Awoowe!


Generale, don't die with heart-attack, saaxiib.

Brother, I advice that is not the way to go,and I am sure of it that that is not the way the ICU operates.So cut this 'I will takeover'nonsense,no one will take over anywhere,if anybody is going to be bring a change,then it will those living in Puntland,Insha Allah I am sure,majority of people are in support of the ICU, so they will simply adapt the same agenda,but there will be no takeover of alraedy peaceful regions such as Puntland, markaa dadka ha ka habaarin maamul gobaleedkooda ee nabada qaba Fadlan sheekhanaa.

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