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Palestinian Birthmarked With Martyr Uncle's Name

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Palestinian Birthmarked With Martyr Uncle's Name



The birthmark forms the Arabic letters of 'علاء'


By Suliman Besharat, IOL Correspondent


BETHLEHEM, December 2 ( – In a world where miracles have become something of a rarity, thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank city of Bethlehem marveled at a newly born baby who had a large reddish birthmark on his right cheek forming the Arabic letters of his martyr uncle’s name – علاء -.


The baby was born at Laylat Al-Qadr, which is revered by Muslims as the night in which the holy Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


The story of the "miracle baby" was first reported Monday, December 1, by Reuters before hitting the headlines in international media outlets.


The visible 10-cm birthmark finishes behind the baby's right ear.


He was named after his uncle Alaa, a member of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas, who was assassinated on March 25 by an Israeli special force in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ.


Iyyad Hassan, the father of the "miracle baby", told that Alaa was a gift from God.


"God rewarded us after we had lost my brother Alaa, who was deeply religious. He was born at a blessed night and I pray that he would be a good son," added the father.


He recalled that the baby's grandmother, Eisha Ayyad, told them she saw a reddish flower on Alaa’s right cheek.


"To our surprise, we found the name of his martyr uncle Alaa just right on his cheek, which was perfectly visible" added the father.


The grandmother said the birthmark proved that the Israeli soldiers "can kill our sons, but not our spirits".


Alaa’s mother also spoke about the characteristics of her "miracle baby", saying that he always sleeps at his left side as if to draw every body’s attention to his birthmark.


Abu Emad, the baby's grandfather, said Alaa was a gift from heavens.


"I have been missing my son Alaa since his martyrdom, because he is very dear to my heart. But the birth of my grandson bodes well and I pray God to reward my son with Paradise," he told IOL.


"I think this divine miracle serves as a strong message for Jews, telling them our martyrs are being held in high esteem whether in death or in life."


The grandfather also had a message for the hawkish Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon.


"I want to tell Sharon that although he goes on slaying our sons, their names are carved on our hearts and the flesh of their sons."

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Subhanallah what a beuatifull story.


For the disbelivers undoubtable they will continue to ignore such mircales (if they ever acknowledge it to beging with)as just co-incidences or freaks' of nature, but for us muslim's it should remind us that Allah does not forget those of us who rember him and those who struggle for the sake of him.


I know when we discuss the issue of Martadom the issue of Suicide Bombers crops up, and people debate whether its is Permissible or Haram to take one's on life in the pursute of destorying the enemy. Am sure some more knowledgable nomads can shed some light on this, but i hope this incidence also shades some light on the issue, its quite beautifull.

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