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The Islamic courts Union victorious..battle of Diinsoor.

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Shabelle seems to be obsessed with Barre Hiiraale. Why do they report something even Qaadisiya had not reported? I would assume Qaadisiya would be having propaganda-based diarrhea because of their favorite character. :D

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^^^Horn, Shabbele reported what the dude [shukri] from courts said, he is the one bringing Hiiraale into it, then Abu Mansuur said something else entirely, and then Muday said something even more completely different. Three seperate accounts, from the same group regarding the same battle.

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Second day of clashes between Somali Islamists, govt

Sat Dec 9, 2006 8:38 AM GMT


By Sahal Abdulle


MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali Islamists and pro-government soldiers shelled each other in a second day of fighting on Saturday, witnesses said, in a major escalation of violence many fear will erupt into all-out war.


The fighting occurred in Maddoy village about 40 km (25 miles) from the interim government's headquarters in Baidoa, the only town it controls in its own country. The two sides fought in the area on Friday, killing at least two bystanders.


"The war restarted about 30 minutes ago," Maddoy resident Ahmed Mohamed Adan told Reuters by telephone. "They are shelling each other heavily."



He said government forces and Ethiopian troops, pushed back by fighters from the Somali Islamic Courts Council (SICC) on Friday, returned to the area early on Saturday with 20 "technicals" -- pickup trucks mounted with heavy weapons.


Islamist spokesman Abdirahman Ali Mudey confirmed Saturday's fighting, but had no information on casualties: "The war is still going on."


Another resident, Adan Mohamed Nur, told Reuters by telephone that he could hear the fighting going on: "But I do not know who is pushing who."


The government could not immediately be reached for comment.


The U.N. Security Council this week unanimously approved a controversial resolution backing deployment of peacekeepers, ostensibly to stave off conflict between the Western- and Ethiopian-backed government and the militarily superior SICC.





I think that much is now clear. Second round.

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deny deny always denying,why is it hard for these people to realize that the Islamic courts union were victorious,well most of us know they kick some butt yesterday,nothing said here is going to change that.


thus far all the facts and reports have been provided,they can't come up with any proof that it happened otherwise,except deny everything as always.

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^^^Which story should one deny, The Abu-Mansuur one, Muday one or Shukri's?


The courts know the easisest route to Baidoa, so why all the fuss? Bur-Hakabo to Baidoa is less than two hours drive. The powerful courts should not be stuck in that area for so long..


As the day goes past, one realises the fakery of these courts.

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^What happened yesterday is what you are denying,forget everything,were the combine Xabashi and the daba dhilif forces not dealt with Yesterday?

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hold your horses red rose! its not even the 1st qtr...what u screaming about!! see u aint from somali.. u probably from sland and wannabee...


aint nothing wrong with that homie...this a different territory...just watch the game!! wait for the 4th qtr!!

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