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Over 40 Ethiopian fighter aircraft and 70 new tanks enter Gedo region.

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Baardheere is home to people who have been destroyed by war, droughts, and flooding. Instead of boasting of strength to capture it, why not fulfill the "Jihad" and the real enemy?

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So is your war drumming now in the name of Clan (reer Bu'aale) or Islam (ICU)?


Also, why can you not fight as Clan if you are talking in the name of it?

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Ninjaas Ethios should focus on feeding their starving's shame that they could have that much of weaponar and military equimpent,yet luck the basic things such as food to feed most of its population which is facing starvation.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

I doubt that the news would be fabricated due to fear of Clan Courts.


we must wait and see. Horn is correct it is an entry point.

I think any Somali understands how much the fabricated "news" from ICU about colonel Fartaag cost them in credibility. It was one of the biggest disasterous propaganda they did among now many from ICU.

The TFG side has stayed away from anything of this sort. I don't expect them to go the ICU way. TFG seems very conservative and realistic.



There was a BBC picture last year from the Sudan south where they showed a man almost naked, but he had a kalashnikov and a solar charged cellphone. So many centuries on one man.


TFG knows this and I also think they have decided early on not to use the cheap tricks that worked when news has to travel on camels.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Sightings of Ethiopia seems to be on the increase. Though why that much armour in Gedo?




"This has nothing to do with Gedo and you know it sxb. :D "


Smile, Amhaaro is coming!!!Seriously, tell us what the smile tells G-DUKE. The ICU enemy waalooyaabaa miyaa.. ;)





^^ Are you saying Gedo, as of now, is an occuppied region? "


Just like Saudi Arabia, hosting friendly army is not an occupation ;)

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"according to duuliyesaare







$5.9 billion (2002)

Per capita

$89 (2002) Growth

5.0 percent (2002)


-7.2 percent (2002)


$5.3 billion (2002)

Defence budget

$408 million (2003)

Defence expenditure

$467 million (2002)

Source: Military Balance 2003/2004, IISS




Stay away fromthe green stuff, it may look like an herb but its a drug!



Getting too emotional of anyting written about Abdulahi-Ahmaar and Ethiopian masters haye. Here is the source of the facts and figures of Ethiopia. You should not read if it upsets you.

Source: Europa World Year Book 2003:

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^^Thus Mogadishu, Kismayu and parts of the south are occupied by foreign mercenaries, Oromo, Eritreans and others. Who burned the Somali flag. A thing that never ever took place in the south in the hight of the war.

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^Abdulahi-Ahmaar is just an asset of Ethiopia sxb. When he is no more, they will find someone else, will your loyalty of Ethiopia remain strong :D The main concern of Ethiopia is not to keep your uncle safe in Baydhabo but to stop those in Ethiopia struggling to free their people getting help from strong Islamic State of Somalia.



VOA: Somalia Crisis Centers on Islamist Hardliners Versus Ethiopia, says Analyst


By Joe De Capua


19 December 2006


Both the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) and the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) have indicated they are willing to talk to each other to discuss peace. But what are the odds a ceasefire agreement could be signed? For an analysis of the situation, VOA English to Africa reporter Joe De Capua spoke with Dr. Ken Menkhaus of Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina.



"They could sign an accord, a ceasefire.the problem has always been getting them to implement what they've signed. We don't even know who actually represents whom on the courts' side. We get lots of contradictory statements, people attending meetings, making a statement and then others, who turn out to have more power in the I don't hold a lot of hope in yet another accord," he says.



Menkhaus says resolving the crisis involves more than tensions between the ICU and the interim government. He says, "I think the first thing we need to do is to acknowledge that the real conflict is not between the courts and the TFG. The real conflict that is propelling the eastern Horn of Africa into what looks like is going to be a devastating, long-term, protracted war is the conflict between the government of Ethiopia and the hard-line Islamists. Until they have some line of communication, until they hopefully come to some kind of an agreement to co-exist, there is going to continue to be the threat of war there."



Asked how the two sides could learn to live side by side, Menkhaus says, "First of all, Ethiopian officials have been very clear that they have lived with an Islamist government on their border that they didn't like, and that was namely Sudan, for years. They can do it if they have to. They need security guarantees from Somalia."



He says that hardliners in the ICU need to say publicly state that they reject claims on territory of neighboring countries to form a greater Somalia. He says until that happens, Ethiopia has a legitimate fear of the ICU. What's more, he says that the ICU needs "to make a binding statement that they do not support, in any way, armed insurgencies against their neighbors."



Menkhaus says that the international community must provide security guarantees along the border between Ethiopia and Somalia. He also says that Ethiopia must make some concessions, such as withdrawing its forces from Baidoa to the border area.

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^^^Insults aside, if your logic is Ethiopia is supporying the TFG, then Oromo, Eritrea and other illegals are supporting the clan courts.

They have even burned the Somali national flag in public in Baidoa.


You have no leg to stand on, bad news daily, security council decesion and the bogus IndaCade threats. Village capture wont save these Clan Courts.

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Originally posted by duuliyesare:



Originally posted by General Duke:

Sightings of Ethiopia seems to be on the increase. Though why that much armour in Gedo?




"This has nothing to do with Gedo and you know it sxb.


Smile, Amhaaro is coming!!!Seriously, tell us what the smile tells G-DUKE. The ICU enemy waalooyaabaa miyaa..





^^ Are you saying Gedo, as of now, is an occuppied region? "


Just like Saudi Arabia, hosting friendly army is not an occupation

If you were a drug-addict, Duuliye, I would be more inclined to think you were going on withdrawal rather then an OD sxb. Stop seeing stars where there are non.

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Ethiopia is the least of Somalia's problems. Shouldn't you ask who ICU are, what do they want for Somalia, before you keep answering the question ethiopia, ethiopia, christian..etc?


Yemen has the answer for you. When ICU asked Yemen to help negotiations with TFG, Yemen asked the following to ICU:

1. Are you a parallel government for all Somalia and you want us to help in negotiations with TFG wether to share 50/50 60/40 75/25 of power?

2. Are You regional government of more than one from the 4.5 formula TNG started and you want to have 2X or 3X that of Puntland or Bay and Bakool in the federation?

3. Are you government of one state but you want to have more say than other states in the federal government?

4. How do we know you represent the areas you want to negotiate on their behalf. Are you sure no body from Central Somalia or South of Mugadishu will not come tomorrow to us and tell us that the ICU do not represent them?



No answer.

As a result Yemen told them it cannot call president Abdullahi Yusuf without any negotiable proposals. It would be utterly meaningless and disrespectful of Yemen to engage in something to no where.

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