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Over 40 Ethiopian fighter aircraft and 70 new tanks enter Gedo region.

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Diyaaradaha Qumaatiga U Kaca (Helicopters) Ayaa Tan Iyo Caawa Aad Loogu Arkayay Degaano Badan Oo Ka Tirsan Gobalka GEDO.

Dec 18,2006

by Gedo-Gedo-NN


Diyaaradaha qumaatiga u kaca oo loo yaqaano Helicopterska oo la sheegay inay leeyihiin ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa tan iyo caawa fiidkii ku dhex haahaabay degaanada ku dhow dhow xuduudka uu Soomaliya uu la wadaago gobalka GEDO iyo degaanada ka tirsan waqooyiga ee gobalka GEDO.


Diyaaradaha oo raxan raxan u dhex socday degaano ka tirsan gobalka GEDO ayaa soo gelintaakoodu uu ku soo aaday xilli ay maanta ku ekeyd waqtigii masuul ka tirsan midowga maxkamadaha fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Muqdisho uu qabtay inay gebi ahaan isaga baxaan ciidamada wadanka Itoobiya gebi ahaan gudaha Soomaliya.


Dadweyne goobjoogeyaal ah degaanada lagu arkayay diyaaradaha qumaatiga u kaca ayaa GEDONET u xaqiijiyey inay tiradoodu ay kor u dhaafayso ilaa iyo afartameeyo, iyada nalalka iyo guuxa diyaaradahaasi ay qalqal geliyeen dadkii reer guuraaga ahaa ee ku sugnaa degaanadaasi.


Ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa ayagu ku sugan degaano badan oo ka tirsan gobalka GEDO, iyada wararka qaarkoodna ay sheegayaan inay degaano ay ciidamada Itoobiya ay ku degeen diyaaradahan, halka kuwa kaliya ay sheegayaan inay diyaaradahaasi qaarkood ay ka sii gudbeen degaanada gobalka GEDO. Ciidamadada Itoobiyaanka oo wata in ka badan 70 gaadiidka dagaalka ayaa ayaguna la xaqiijiyey inay soo galeen degaanadii hore ay u joogeen gobalka GEDO.


Sidoo kale, ciidamado ka soo jeedo degaano ka tirsan gobalka GEDO oo tababarayeen ciidamada Itoobiya ayaa ayaguna la soo dhoobay goobaha la sheegay inay joogaan ciidamada Itoobiyaanka. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo ay ciidamada Itoobiyaanku ay diyaaradahooda iyo ciidamadoodu soo galaan gudaha gobalka GEDO.


Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ayaa diyaaradaha qumaatiga u kaca kula dagaalay xoogagii Itixaadka uu hogaaminayey Sh. Xasan Dahir Aweys sanadahii 1996-97, degaano ka tirsan gobalka GEDO, ayada dagaaladaasi ay ku nafwaayeen kumaan kun qof, halka kumaan kun shacabka gobalka GEDO ay ku barakaceen.





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40 fighter planes that are operational? Sorry but that does not exist in the ethiopian arsenal, and which ground in gedo would sustain such?

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^Why..To protect Abdulahi-Ahmaar, the loyal servant of the Woyane/Tigree dictator.





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There are roughly equal numbers of Christians (40 percent) and Muslims (40 percent) in Ethiopia, while local religions are heavily practiced in the south and south west.




Infant mortality

116 per 1,000 live births (2001)

Maternal mortality

870 per 100,000 live births (1985-2001)

Life expectancy

44.6 years male, 46.7 years female (2001)


51.9 percent male, 67.6 percent female (age 15 and above 2001)

Access to basic care

50-79 percent (access to affordable essential drugs, 1999)

Access to safe water

24 percent (access to an improved water source, 2000)

Human development index value

0.359 (2001)

Source: UNDP Human Development Report 2003




$5.9 billion (2002)

Per capita

$89 (2002) Growth

5.0 percent (2002)


-7.2 percent (2002)


$5.3 billion (2002)

Defence budget

$408 million (2003)

Defence expenditure

$467 million (2002)

Source: Military Balance 2003/2004, IISS


Armed forces

162,500 active forces. The Ethiopian armed forces were formed following Eritrea's declaration of independence in 1993. Extensive demobilisation of former members of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) has taken place. Ethiopia auctioned off its naval assets in 1996. Currently 17 divisions, but the peacetime re-organisation outlined below.


160,000 troops with 270 or more main battle tanks, one anti-guided weapon and air defence guns.

Air force

An estimated 2,500 forces with 50 combat aircraft and 25 armed helicopters.

Opposition rebels

The United Liberation Forces of Oromia: strength not known; and the ****** National Liberation Front: strength not known.

Source: Military Balance 2003/2004


Civil aviation

Ethiopia has two international airports, at Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa, and about 40 airfields. Bole International Airport in the capital handles 95 percent of international air traffic and 85 percent of domestic flights. A new airport terminal and runway is under construction in Addis Ababa, while airports at Axum, Aba Minche, Gondar, Dire Dawa, Bahar Dar and Lallibela are to be improved. Military airports at Gambella and Gode will be converted for civilian use.


The governments of Ethiopia and Djibouti jointly own the 781-km railway, of which 681 km lie in Ethiopia. It links Addis Ababa with Djibouti.


In 2000 the total road network comprised of an estimated 31,571 km of primary, secondary, and feeder roads, of which 3,789 km were paved, the remainder being gravel roads. In addition, there are some 30,000 km of unclassified tracks and trails. A highway links Addis Ababa with Nairobi in Kenya, forming part of the Trans-East Africa Highway. The Ethiopian Road Transport Authority has secured $96 million from the World Bank and the African Development Bank for a programme of road repairs.


In 2001 there were 310,000 telephone main lines, 27,500 mobile cellular phone lines, 75,000 personal computers and 25,000 Internet users.

Source: Europa World Year Book 2003

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^^^lol. Its the other side that will win through patience, since they have already acheieved the necessary diplomatic and political break through.


If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." Indeed Yusuf, knows Xasan Dahir and his group thus, their running around means nothing.

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"lol. Its the other side that will win through patience, since they have already acheieved the necessary diplomatic and political break through."You are blinded from the reality of todays world sxb. Your main concern is to score a goal against the competing clans in tiny Somalia when there is world wide struggle between Islam[good] and its enemies[evil]. What makes Abdulahi-Ahmaar different from dictator Sadam who is being used and abused....



Cadde Muuse oo C/llaahi Yuusuf u soo jeediyey in.


Madaxweynaha maamul Gobaleedka Puntland Jeneral Cadde Muse oo haatan kusugan Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxa uu kulan gaar ah la yeeshay C/llaahi Yuusuf, waxaana kulankaasi la iskula soo qaaday sidii looga hortagi lahaa Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah oo haatan ku soo dhawaanaya xarunta Dowladda Federaalka ee Baydhabo.

Gen. Cadde Muuse ayaa waxa uu sheegay in Maxaakiimtu ay yihiin xoogag awood ah isla markaana ay ka go’an tahay inay gacanta ku dhigaan Magaalada Baydhabo, waxa uuna C/llaahi Yuusuf u soo jeediyey in Dowladdu ay ku sii shaqeyso Magaalada Gaalkacyo ee Gobalka Mudug, isagoo sheegay in Dowladda loo diyaariyey xarumihii wasaaradaha iyo goobihii ay ku shiri lahaayeen, hase yeeshee warar ayaa waxay sheegayaan in C/llaahi Yuusuf uu arrintaasi ka goos adeegay sheegeyna in Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah ay ka saari doonaan gebi ahaanba dalka, basle ma cadeeynin waxa uu adeegsan doono, waxaase loo badiyey in C/llaahi Yuusuf uu adeegsan doono Ciidamada Itoobiya ee maalmahan ku soo qulqulaya dalka Soomaaliya.


“Reer Puntland maxaa keligood u xilsaaray inay Dowladda difaacaan, maadaama ay Dowladdu tahay mid ka wada dhexeysa Shacabka Soomaaliyeed” ayuu yiri Caddee Muuse oo sheegay in xoogga Dowladda Dowladda ee ku sugan Baydhabo sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan loogu raro Magaalada Gaalkacyo si hal waji looga hortago Maxaakiimta Islaamig a ah. Ciidamada Puntland ee ku sugan Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa ilaa afar bilood aan qaadan wax mushaar ah, waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in ay gadoodaan oo ay ku biiraan Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah, haddii aan sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ciidamadaasi dhaqaale loogu helin, warar kale ayaa waxay sheegayaan in C/llaahi Yuusuf uu sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan uu wada hadal ula galo Maxaakiimta Islaamiga maadaama ay inta badan gacanta ku hayaan dalka.

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^^^Please come with something else. The struggle between good & evil has nothing to do with this. nor is the occupation, looting prperties and thugs can be instruments in this struggle of civilisations.


The fake, Jihad, the posturing and parading of women and children with guns is means as a cloak for the agenda of a clan. No one buys it and as the days go past, fades the myth that is Clan Courts.


Also the report above is garbage, Amin Khasaro of Mogadishu, does not know what the leaders discussed. Though you have tendency to belive in such reports. A week ago you was telling us the Clan Courts captured parts of Baidoa city itself.

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Ethiopias economy according to the world factbook

Economy - overview:

Ethiopia's poverty-stricken economy is based on agriculture, accounting for half of GDP, 60% of exports, and 80% of total employment. The agricultural sector suffers from frequent drought and poor cultivation practices. Coffee is critical to the Ethiopian economy with exports of some $156 million in 2002, but historically low prices have seen many farmers switching to qat to supplement income. The war with Eritrea in 1998-2000 and recurrent drought have buffeted the economy, in particular coffee production. In November 2001, Ethiopia qualified for debt relief from the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, and in December 2005 the International Monetary Fund voted to forgive Ethiopia's debt to the body. Under Ethiopia's land tenure system, the government owns all land and provides long-term leases to the tenants; the system continues to hamper growth in the industrial sector as entrepreneurs are unable to use land as collateral for loans. Drought struck again late in 2002, leading to a 2% decline in GDP in 2003. Normal weather patterns late in 2003 helped agricultural and GDP growth recover in 2004-05.

GDP (purchasing power parity):

$64.73 billion (2005 est.)

GDP (official exchange rate):

$8.819 billion (2005 est.)

GDP - real growth rate:

8.9% (2005 est.)

GDP - per capita (PPP):

$900 (2005 est.)

GDP - composition by sector:

agriculture: 47.5%

industry: 9.9%

services: 42.6% (2005 est.)

Labor force:

27.27 million

Labor force - by occupation:

agriculture: 80%

industry: 8%

services: 12% (1985)

Unemployment rate:


Population below poverty line:

50% (2004 est.)

Household income or consumption by percentage share:

lowest 10%: 3%

highest 10%: 33.7% (1995)

Distribution of family income - Gini index:

30 (2000)

Inflation rate (consumer prices):

11.6% (2005 est.)

Investment (gross fixed):

21.9% of GDP (2005 est.)


revenues: $2.338 billion

expenditures: $2.88 billion; including capital expenditures of $788 million (2005 est.)

Public debt:

106.2% of GDP

Agriculture - products:

cereals, pulses, coffee, oilseed, cotton, sugarcane, potatoes, qat, cut flowers; hides, cattle, sheep, goats; fish


food processing, beverages, textiles, leather, chemicals, metals processing, cement

Industrial production growth rate:

6.7% (2001 est.)

Electricity - production:

2.058 billion kWh (2003)

Electricity - consumption:

1.914 billion kWh (2003)

Electricity - exports:

0 kWh (2003)

Electricity - imports:

0 kWh (2003)

Oil - production:

0 bbl/day (2003 est.)

Oil - consumption:

27,000 bbl/day (2003 est.)

Oil - exports:

NA bbl/day

Oil - imports:

NA bbl/day

Oil - proved reserves:

214,000 bbl (1 January 2002)

Natural gas - production:

0 cu m (2003 est.)

Natural gas - consumption:

0 cu m (2003 est.)

Natural gas - proved reserves:

24.92 billion cu m (1 January 2002)

Current account balance:

$-844 million (2005 est.)


$612 million f.o.b. (2005 est.)

Exports - commodities:

coffee, qat, gold, leather products, live animals, oilseeds

Exports - partners:

Saudi Arabia 6.9%, Djibouti 6.8%, Switzerland 6.4%, Italy 5.9%, US 5.5%, Netherlands 4.2% (2005)


$2.722 billion f.o.b. (2005 est.)

Imports - commodities:

food and live animals, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery, motor vehicles, cereals, textiles

Imports - partners:

Saudi Arabia 14.7%, China 12.6%, US 12.4%, **COUNTRY** 9.6%, India 6.7%, Italy 4.6% (2005)

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold:

$1.226 billion (2005 est.)

Debt - external:

$5.101 billion (2005 est.)

Economic aid - recipient:

$308 million (FY00/01)

Currency (code):

birr (ETB)

Exchange rates:

birr per US dollar - 8.68 (2005), 8.6356 (2004), 8.5997 (2003), 8.5678 (2002), 8.4575 (2001)

note: since 24 October 2001 exchange rates are determined on a daily basis via interbank transactions regulated by the Central Bank

according to duuliyesaare




$5.9 billion (2002)

Per capita

$89 (2002) Growth

5.0 percent (2002)


-7.2 percent (2002)


$5.3 billion (2002)

Defence budget

$408 million (2003)

Defence expenditure

$467 million (2002)

Source: Military Balance 2003/2004, IISS

Stay away fromthe green stuff, it may look like an herb but its a drug!

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Originally posted by duuliyesare:



In 2001 there were 310,000 telephone main lines, 27,500 mobile cellular phone lines, 75,000 personal computers and 25,000 Internet users.

Source: Europa World Year Book 2003


Actually the most positive things happening in Ethiopia are never shown in these numbers:


1. Ethiopia until 1991 had only 200MW electricity. Now only one city called Gonder consumes that much. The war of ICU as usual is connected to what is being constructed hydro electric dams and irrigation from rivers that go to sudan and egypt.


2. education - I give you example in bordering area to Somalia. The somali state only had 1 high school now has 26


3. The areas that you may have seen in 1984 or heard of people being starved to submission or death and they fought and won are now mostly self sufficient in food growing and diversified.


I don't think any numbers will show you any of the above until a decade later when the students show up for work and the farmers show up for trade etc.


But the single most important thing you will not see in any statistics is the civil wars we had everywhere and how federal system has completely eliminated most of them. There are now 7 out of the 9 states where there is no armed group asking for anything. That is a change never seen in a thousand years.


We now can convert military airfields to civilian, military camps to housing and military expenditure to building schools.


That you will not see in statistics yet.

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Ciidamo Hor Leh Oo Itoobiyaan Oo Ka Soo Gudbay Magaalada Doolow

Dec 19,2006

by Beled-Xaawo-Gedo-NN


Raxan taangiyaal kuwa dagaalka ah ayaa maanta ka gudbay Buundada Dooloow, waana markii kugu horeeysay oo indhaha dadka deegaan Daawo ay qabtaan taangiyaal casri ah oo tiradooda lagu qiyaasay 28 taangi oo ah nooca 55 loo yaqaano iyo 13 tangi oo ah nooc cusub oo casri ah.


Muddo seddax bilood iyo in ka badan ayaa waxaa buundada Dooloow ka gudbaayay hub kala duwan oo isgu jira dhamaan nocyada dagaalka loo adeegsado kuwaasoo ay lacajabeen dadwaynaha kunool wadada isku xirta Dolow iyo Baydhabo ciidamada iyo saanada ayaan maalinna kala joogsan mudadaas sedaxda bilood ah.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, maalmahaan ugu danbeeyay ee bartamaha bishaan ayaa waxaa gudbaayay Raadeero iyo qalabka ay ciidamada cirku isticmaalaan sida baabuurta ay saara yihiin qalabka diyaaradaha iyo motoorada lagu kiciyo iyo baabuur tareelayaal ah oo sida gantaalaha diyaaraduhu isticmaalan.


Saraakiishii hore ee soomaaliya ee kusugun dagmada Doloow ee hada howlgabka ah ayaa sheegay in quwada ka gudubtay wabiga Daawo ay tahay awood dhamaystiran oo isku jira noocyada kaladuwan ee ciidan lagu arki jiray sida ciidanka cirka , difaaca cirka ciidanka lugta iyo dhamaan madaafiicda goobta noocyadeeda kala duwan iyo ilaa seddax urur oo taangiyada casriga ah.


Sidoo kale, degaano badan oo ka tirsan gobalka GEDO ayaa tan iyo xalay waxaa hawada lagu arkayey diyaaradaha qumaatiga u kaca oo loo yaqaano Helicopters oo nalalkoodii iyo guuxoodii qalqal galiyey dadwayanii reer xoolo dhaqatada ahaa ee ku sugnaa deeganadaasi.


Farxiyo Sh.Cabdi-Gedo-NN

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Sightings of Ethiopia seems to be on the increase. Though why that much armour in Gedo?

This has nothing to do with Gedo and you know it sxb. :D


Gedo is just the entry point.

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You know that Bardheere is more suspetible to fall under the ICU so the only thing that reer Gedo can do is to use propaganda.


Hence thats why 'saxix' gedonet has exploited this chance.

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