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Somaliland's new generation losing the 'Garawsho' trait

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For three days now, the dabate is taking a new direction every now and then. The SOL SL guys are headless, moving from one story to another. And I believe a key trait that have been the main strength of their fore-fathers is absent from the new SL generation.


Garawsho ama ka garaabid marka laga garhelo ayaan ku naqaanay the gusy from the North. Indha'adeyg iyo ismaqiiqnimo is a new development. You look at Qudhac, Ayoub, Suldaanka, JB, and you realise these guys are SL only by birth and name, but they have lost an essential part of their identity. It is good to know.


Norf isagu wuu duuduuban yahay ilaa September 13, oo adeerkay yaa la ceebaynaa unbaa ka soo hadhay. :D:D


Maybe the bitterness is not even about the success of ONLF. Maybe it is because of the reaction of Awdalities on this issue. They welcomed the ONLF contingent, fed them and showed them their way. And they did that for Somalinimo, something the core-SL guys are allergic to.

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A&T, arintu maaha bitterness, maaha the success of the ONLF, maaha the Awdalites supposed reaction. Arintu waa security. How did this happen? Why?


Somaliland will now secure its borders (as much as it can) and the govnt will be on it's toes.


If you're asking SL to allow ONLF operations to take place on her land then you know thats impossible.


What I have found entertaining is the reaction of the Pirate lads lol


They're celebrating a consolation goal when the score was alread 4-0 lol

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^^^lol adeer one must admit under Riyaale things seemed more secure for the secessionist image.


This incident though highlights the incompetence of Siilanyu as well as the weakness of Somaliland.


They could not stop 200 armed men and has to cry out for Abdi Iley has shown us that you are trully weak.. :D

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Originally posted by N.O.R.F:

If you're asking SL to allow ONLF operations to take place on her land then you know thats impossible.

The goings of last few days renders any request for concessions irrelevant. Why do you ask for permission when you can go through a door? Especially when SL can surround buuraha Gacan-libaax next time around many days after the ONLF arrive at Dhanan. :D

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^Warye north, :D


war raadka soo sawiroo ,,, jeerakanada tiradooda inaga soo xaqiijiya. Dhagah!


Iga walle dee ONLF duushaye ,,, inaga mirqaama. Now! :D

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A storm in a koob shaah'a. But if Somaliland's embarrasment contributes to the ONLF cause then so be it. If it draws more attention to the cause then good. Hence why they're on every website milking it lol.


Ha bashahleeyaan'e iska daa

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Originally posted by N.O.R.F:


Somaliland will now secure its borders (as much as it can) and the govnt will be on it's toes.




We have devised a plan so secret and detailed you will be fearful to trespass ever again upon the territory under the domain of my uncle, Mudane *********. We will invoke the aid of the gods in Jigjiga and your punishments will be severe.


[ September 16, 2010, 09:47 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

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Give it few more weeks before A&T Comes back with Calaacal threads and his usual "Masaakiin shacab ah baa Xabashi loo dhiibay" .... :D



Car ku adkayso your position .....

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loooool....correction saxib...the ones in qurbaha are losing it, the teenagers back home are ten times more intelligent then these people here in Europe or North America.


Top people back home, poets, educated, patriotic, business orientated.


but these ones...seem like the society they grew up in a bit strange.


saxib...qaxontiga bila wadanka aah oo i faninaya..bosaso..tula yaar o 100,000 ba gadin, o kaloon u ortaa..2 buul na ay ka disayn waba riwayad.


ilahayo ya tusaa..nimcada Somaliland...berahena galbeedka...hawdkenna geelka iyo adiga..fardoyinka..biyaha..iyo dawga. Buraha goliska..iyo bada caas, himilada burco..iyo ciideda. Buraha erigavo, iyo garadag, burta dallo o galbiga ka so sarayo..las canod iyo dumarkeda.






i remember driving off from hargaisa at 12:00, getting to the red sea..for lunch, going for a dip, and leaving the hot red sea and going up back in elavation to it rained on me.


I can remember the neon green grass of borama as a stood in the fields, and watched the kids go to school in the morning, i can remember eating steak down town and sipping on tea with pure fresh..cows milk. I can remember getting a hair cut in burco as me my friends stayed up in the patio of the villa chatting.


man, alxamdulialah !


anyways...enjoy being homeless, Qurbo kids.

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Originally posted by Captain_Mike20:

loooool....correction saxib...the ones in qurbaha are losing it,

correction and JB are not the product qurbaha and diridawa? :D


Originally posted by Captain_Mike20:

I can remember getting a hair cut in burco as me my friends stayed up in the patio of the villa chatting.

Many of us remember having dinna at Baar guleed too, near jigjiga yar. My home is yet there. I visit every 3 years once. Bacda iska fur! :D

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