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General Duke

Clan Courts: Somaliland officers defect to courts?? Pics + Xasan Dahir

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The Clan Courts are now on their way to destabalise Somaliland.. Here is the latest from Mogadishu media..




Saraakiil ka soo goosatay ciidamada Somaliland oo ku soo biirey maxkamadaha


Mogadishu 03, Dec.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Saraakiil ka tirsan ciidamada Somaliland ee Aagga Ari caddeeye ayaa ku soo biiray maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia, sida ay sheegeen qaar ka mid ah saraakiishaasi ka dib shir Jaraaid oo ay ku qabteen magaalada Muqdisho.






Mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidamadii ka soo goostay Somaliland oo labisan dharka ciidamada maxkamadaha


Abu Masnoor iyo Sheekh Fu'aad oo goob joog ka ahaa shirka Jaraa'id



Labo sarkaal oo ka mid ah ciidamada Somaliland ee Jiida hore ee Ari cadeeye ayaa waxa ay shaaca ka qaadeen in ay go'aansadeen ku soo biirida golaha maxkamadaha islaamka.


Labadan Sarkaal oo la kala yiraahdo Max'ed Cabdulaahi Cabaas oo ka tirsan qeybta Madaafiicda Goobta ee Somaliland iyo Cabdi Ducaale Abubakar oo isna ka tirsan taliska difaaca cirka ee somaliland, kuna soo wax bartay dalka Ethiopia.


Saraakiishaan ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in sababaha ay u soo goosteen ay tahay sidii ay uga qeyb qaadan lahaayeen ka difaacidda dalka Somalia ciidamada Ethiopia.


Max'ed C/laahi Cabaas oo ka mid ah saraaskiishaan ayaa waxa uu sheegay in cilmigii ay halkaasi ka soo kororsadeen ay kala hortagi doonaan ciidamada Ethiopia.


waxa uu ugu baaqay saraakiisha ciidamada Somaliland ee tababarka ay isla soo qaateen in ay iyana ku soo biiraan golaha maxkamadaha islaamka si loo difaaco dalka iyo diinta.


Waa markii ugu horeysay oo saraakiil ka soo goosatay ciidamada Somaliland ay ku soo biiraan maxkamadaha islaamka Somalia.





Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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Muqdisho: "Gobolada Puntland iyo Somaliland kama jiraan wax maamullo ah oo ay dadku u madax banaan yihiin" Xasan Daahir Aways.

Axad, December 03, 2006


Muqdisho (AllPuntland)- Gudoomiyaha golaha shuurada ee maxkamadaha magalada Muqdisho Sh. Xasan Daahir Aways ayaa waxa uu sheegay in maamulada Puntland iyo Somaliland aysan ka jirin maamulo xor ah oo ay dadku u madax banaan yihiin.


Aways oo waraysi siiyay idaacadda Daljiri ayaa waxa uu sheegay in aysan jirin qorshe cad oo ay ku doonayaan in ay xilligaan ku aadaan gobolada Puntland iyo Somaliland, balse ay qirsan yihiin in maamulada ka jiraa aysan ahayn kuwo xor ah oo ay dadku u madax banaan yihiin.


Waxa uu sheegay in xilligani qorshayaashooda aysan ku jirin in ay weeraraan, balse ay haboon tahay in ay is badal ka sameeyaan.


Waxa uu Aways ka hadalay qabsashadooda magaalada Diinsoor, waxaana uu sheegay in dadka magaaladu ay u yeerteen ayna sidaas ku tageen.


Mudane Aways ayaa waxa uu sheegay in magaalada Baydhabo aysan haatan u socon, balse hadii ay dantu ku khasabto ay aadayaan.


Xasan Daahir Aways ayaa waxa uu intaasi raaciyay in ciidamadoodu ay tagayaan mel waliba oo ay shacabka joogaahi uga yeertaan, isaga oo ka gaabsaday in uu ka hadlo doonitaankooda ay ku doonayaan in ay ku qabsadaan gobolada ay maamuladu ka jiraan.


Mahad Jama Koronto


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Since SICU forward movement stopped in all directions, supreme leader Aweye is having difficulty dealing with slow news days.


It was funny the way SICU came up with Dinsoor which is twice the distance from Baydoa as BarHakuba to try and burry the more than 300 Militia that went to TFG.


From now on every hamlet or village around Mugadishu will have its 15 minutes of fame of being captured by SICU. Any village has the chance to be the New York city of Somalia.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^Now they are claiming to have Somaliland defectors, so now they are at war with Somaliland as well..

SICU has been frastrated. Any news is good news for them. Expect them to have a lot of "colonel fartaag moments" from here on.


The Ethiopian invasion is no where to be seen, the TFG has frustrated Aweye by just not responding to the lies, Puntland did not invade in retaliation which ICU was hoping to achieve.....everywhere ICU wanted for war to start has been on the losing end.


There is nothing that frustrates more to a belligerent, than his supposed enemy be capable to defend, be capable for an offensive, but chooses to out wait.


What ICU thought a great asset of declaring Jihad on Negash has come to bite them in the islamic world and has exposed their fakery in somalia. Ethiopian moslems are very angry at the very words of Jihad against them, even though they know that somalis would not buy into this fakery and fraud from Mugadishu's new warlords.

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SICU has been frastrated. Any news is good news for them. Expect them to have a lot of "colonel fartaag moments" from here on.


I expect that every day I read news from Mogadishu Radio stations such as Shabbele.


An intersting new development is this meeting in Djibouti. There is a clear indication that the Clan Courts want to talk to Adis, desperately. So how will that go down with their gulible supporters?

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The TFG has outsmarted SICU internationally. Egypt and Djibuti are two countries now in a mad dash to come to Baydhoa in hiding.


One of the questions asked in the Ethiopian parliament was djibuti stance? It was noted that the party leaders of all the parties including the ones that voted against the resolution were satisfied by the briefing they got behind closed doors.

Its not far fetched to guess, there may have been Djibuti officials explaining.

Thank you Yemen is all one can say for now.

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We unlike you are not on mission impossible. Spare us your calacals and take things as it is, but i see you are getting more and more desperate recently.

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^^^Why Abdi you fib, lately I have had the best of times with regards to Somalia. Things are coming together like never before. As for mission impossible the occupiers of lower Shabbele trying to liberate Somali Galbeed, now thats crazy I tell ya.

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trying to liberate Somali Galbeed, now thats crazy I tell ya.

To you and to Abdulahi-Ahmar, its crazy idea, but to Most Somali people, its fantastic idea. ;)

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