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Interesting how you reckon three paragraphs and two lines equate "a lot of writing". Quite the reader, are you not mate?

The reappearence of the Samurai Warrior. :D


Anyway Smith and Bari, we have all heard about that scandal, but is there any pictures of the girl so as for one to have complete evidence concerning that girl's plight.

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I reread this thread again. Although I still stand by my original arguments, I also realise what a delicate and sensitive topic this is for many readers. Therefore, I wont reiterate any more objections or prolong the argument.



If this story is true, lets hope the perpetrators of such appalling acts are severely dealt with. And those in the Somaliland administration that condone such behaviour, are exposed for the corrupt and dreadful bullies that they are.



In the case of mistaken identity, I also seem to have got my wires crossed here. As promised, I hereby issue a full and sincere apology to Samurai Warrior.



All this ruefulness and even-handedness is making me light-headed. :D

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Jumatatu, I don't object you raising the issue of the people-trafficking business conducted by some louche Puntlander businessmen in Bosaso.


Yet the Puntland administration is doing everything they can to fight this criminal activities, while the Somaliland administration is co-responsible for the misbehaviour (understatement!) of their CID. It would have been fair if you would point out the misbehaviour of Puntland's CID, but you didn't. Did you?


This newsarticle of the BBC might be of use. Somalia's trafficking boom town

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My point of raising the issue was exactly for this reason Nationalist, you are quick to blame the leaders of S/land on an issue which there is doubt it ever occured, and if it did it is not a State planned issue. Yet you are protecting the governing council of P/land in an issue which is famously known it occured and has marred their governance.

As the Somali saying says : Marodiga takarta saran ma arke tan midka kale saran ayu arka.

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Jumatatu, are you saying no refugee bound for Yemen ever left Berbera or Mogadishu? No crimes ever exist your home town? No dudes are lynched in Mogadishu by armed gangs?


How can ya compare the torture and rape of a little 15 year old girl held by the official goverment for political reasons to what few Somali thugs scaping the country are doing on their own?

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NgongE – my dear chap, very good of you, and no need for an apology where I am concerned. In agreement I am that the case is one that leaves aghast revulsion and bitter sensation in one’s deep soul. And in the spirit of good faith, I too shall rest the case there.


Horn - good to see you too, my old son!

Pictures – Well, I have seen none; but suffice to say that the interview with Mr Gubadle, one of the detainees ought to strip any scepticism one might have had in observation of the good old doctrine “beyond all reasonable doubt.â€


Jamatatu – dear lad – as much as the human trafficking practice is outright appalling and ought to be condemned, the rationale for trying to draw parallel between two incidents so unalike is preposterous, unless of course one is rationing on nauseating toxic substance. One, of course, does no favour in either case by drawing an analogy along those lines, for by doing so, one defeats the purpose of the argument in its entirety. The motif in introducing the latter case, whilst terribly outrageous, is not quite so evident, nor relevant.


Allow me to demonstrate the absurdity in the analogy you put forth my old son - The young girl did not pay to be tortured and mistreated whereas the boat people actually DO insist on, and pay for the perilous trip, snea in the dark of the night hiding from the authorities to undisclosed locations, and take the risk of either making it, or drowning in the high seas. Note the difference!


Another point of interest to note is that people in Bosaso along with the administration in Puntland do denounce the practice in principal, and in fact introduced punitive measures to eradicate it, thusly the sneaking and hiding on the part of boat people. There are those who prey on the vulnerable few, and we must all denounce them and their trade.


See the knot old boy?


Gotta dash,


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Oh yes here we go, we are rosy and the rest are thorny...!

My comparison was on the basis of disrespect for human rights. Whether they pay or not the Puntland governing council are part and parcel of the catalyst and causes of the plight of the boat people. Now tell me the 'alleged' story of a fifteen year old girl is more powerful than the systematic dead of hundred of Somalis, and please dont call them thugs, they are people remember that...damn.!

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Rather dodgy I should think! What is wrong with these profiles? Pure coincidence, or are we debating the same character in Ngonge and Jumatatu? Both names happen to be of African tribal names. Would venture both are of East African to be more precise. Note the profession and location to further puzzle the maze.


Profile for Jumatatu

Member Status: Nomad

Member Number: 4463

Joined Somalia Online: March 11, 2004

Articles: 247

Judge Me: (Votes: 2)

Location: London

Occupation: Xamali

Marital Status: none


Profile for NGONGE

Member Status: Nomad

Member Number: 4637

Joined Somalia Online: April 19, 2004

Articles: 952

Location: LONDON

Occupation: Hi Tech Xamal

Marital Status: Married but still flirting..

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Jumatatu, do you really think brother before you hit the reply buttom or do you let hate blind your thinking??

I am sorry I cant ignore the plight of this poor young girl and just argue who did what and who did not do what.


If you want to attack Putland government do so to your hearts content. But, don’t compare those who took a great risk knowing the full dangers on the road ahead of them and to the plight of a young girl who is rapped. The people who took those boats are of course human beings and we all moan their death, but remember no one forced them against their will to board those boats.


On the other hand, this poor young girl is sexually assaulted against her will and is sad some people might try to capitalise on it. Nevertheless, this does not diminish in anyway the horrific crimes committed against this young girl.



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^^^ Heh. :D


I always wondered why I found Jumatatu the most agreeable of folks. I don’t know him in person, yet, from the very first minute that I read his words, I found myself enthralled by him. Now I discover that we even work in the same field! Registered on this site within the same period! Both use African monikers! We even LIVE in the same city? I’ve got to meet this guy, man! Separated at birth and reunited in SOL. I should also enter our names on that TWINS thread I suppose.


Seriously though, Warrior, your efforts are amusing and admirable but we are two different people. You’re only half right on the East African guesses however. Jumatatu is the Simba here; I’m merely an Osama. If I were to imagine what my dear Jumatatu would say upon seeing this post of yours, I’d be confident that he’d employ these words (or their like): “Heri kujikwa kidole kuliko ulimi†;)


Unless my esteemed friend insists, I think I’ll withdraw from this discussion and watch him single-handedly corner the lot of you and wreck havoc in your ranks. Perhaps you’ll accuse him of being “one of the girls†next. :D

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Enough folks! An article written by secessionist sympathizing the plight of that unfortunate victim is now being used to score points against nomads. Samurai thought SOLers in favor of secession would be outraged by this despicable incident. Some voiced their outrage by posting and others didn't voice theirs on the SOL screen. Samurai smelled fish in all of this. Conspiracy, complacency, indifference...he assumed and implicated SL proponents. How could they he asked.


Ngonge saw an open goal. He had to score this goal. He aimed the shot. The lil girl, the outraged secessionist thoughts on the CID and its adverse impact on the future of the independent SL didn't come to the picture. The goal must be had it. He remembered Samurai's past posts! They didn't add up. It must be exposed at once! Contradictions, hypocracy,...he saw all in there. How could he dare...


Jamutatu seem to disdain the non ever-ending of what seemed to be boasting by some nomads. He thought and thought about the best angle. The article didn't matter at all. Bingo! What about PL and all of these nomads who seem to find boats and dealers that take them right through mansoons and into the unforgiving waves. How come you folks don't feel outraged, he asked.


All of the sudden there were two teams and one turns out to be made up of clones of Ngonge.


What team should I join? The winning teams is preferable but no one is winning. For once I thought Ngonge gave reluctantly an appology and SW was satisfied. But other members of the team didn't settle their differences so out of loyalty Samurai had to dig some dirt.


Let's leave it there folks. The lil girl will get justice one way or other. If not in this world. She will get therafter one. If any1 cares her we should raise money for her.


Forgive me for making all thses assumptions.


Wabillahi Tawfiq.


Ramadanu Karim.

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People, Lets pray for this little gal and condemn the culprits if the story is actually true. If the story is fabrication, lets condemn those that would make up such horrible story to score political points.

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Originally posted by OG_Girl:

Jumatatu, do you really think brother before you hit the reply buttom or do you let hate blind your thinking??

Yes my princess I do think before I press the reply button, and if ever there is anyone who could vouch for me on that it is you. smile.gif

But what I hate is a culprit calling another a culprit and putting himself in a saint position. Now remember the 15 year old story is an alleged one and all the surrounding circumstances makes it hypothetical. One outstanding factor is she allegedly has an 'abti' in the S/land cabinet. Now common which fool would let his niece go through such ordeal? And how would a state organ suspect a 15 year old to be an assasin of a state figure and ask a Taxi driver to take her to her target? Or should we blindly accept, like in the days of Mao, every propoganda?

So I ask you my dear princess would you as a governing organ allow hundreds after hundreds, and demand tarif at the same time, to go and sail in the wild seas using out of date boats knowing they will perish.?

It is hypocrisy that I dont like not Puntland. Infact I have my roots established in Qardho, guess that will give many people hints :D .

And as they say dont start throwing stones if you are in a glass house.



SW is our new Sherlock Holmes in SOL, we are looking forward to your next finding before we can promote you to the status of Inspector Colombo.. :D:D

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