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Mogadishu: Port is attacked as Al Shabaab Hizbul Islam declare war

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Dekeda Muqdisho oo duqeyn loo gaystey

11 Apr 11, 2009 - 9:36:31 AM


In ka badan 10-madfac oo hoobiyeyaal ayaa maanta [April 11] lagu weeraray dekeda weyn ee Muqdisho, kadib markii saakay uu kusoo xirtay dekeda Muqdisho markab saanad ciidan u wada AMISOM.


Shaqaalaha dekeda Muqdisho ayaa xaqiijiyay in madaafiicda qaarkood ay ku dhaceen bakhaarada kaydka, balse aysan jirin wax khasaare nafeed ah oo ay dhaliyeen.


"Ma jirto jawaab ay ciidamada AMISOM ka bixiyeen madaafiicdii lagu garaacay dekeda, waxaana dekeda ka socda dajinta markab qalab ciidan u wada nabad ilaaliyeyaasha Afirka" ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah shaqaalaha dekeda Muqdisho oo magaciisa ka gaabsaday.


Saakay 9:00 aroornimo ayay ciidamada AMISOM joojiyeen howlihii dekeda waxaana isla markaas kusoo xirtay dekeda markab weyn oo qalab ciidan wada, iyadoo dadka iyo gaadiidka loo diiday inay maraan wadooyinka ku dhow dekeda.


"Xaafadaha ku dhow dekeda Muqdisho waxaa ku sugan ciidamo ka tirsan AMISOM, qaarkood waxay saaran yihiin guryaha dhaadheer iyo buuraha, waxayna noo diideen inaan ka baxno guryaheena" ayuu yiri Cumar Macalin oo dagan guri ku dhow dekeda.


Howlaha dekeda ayaa weli hakad ku jira, iyadoo lagu arkayo gudaha dekeda gaadiid cusub oo ay lasoo dageen ciidamada AMISOM, waxaana shaqaalaha dekedu ay sheegeen in howsha markabku ay dhamaanayso caawa.


"Runtii xoogaa gaadiid ah iyo qalab kale oo laga dajiyay Markabka ayaan aragnay, ciidamada AMISOM ayaa bilaabay in baabuurtii lasoo dajiyay ay ka saaraan dekeda, mana garanayno halka ay u wadaan" ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah shaqaalaha dekeda.


Saanadan ciidan ayaa lagu soo beegan kadib markii dhawaan ciidamada AMISOM ee ku sugan Muqdisho tiradooda la kordhiyay, waxaana kooxaha mucaaradka ah ay durba muujiyeen dareen cabsiyeed.



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10 mortars hit Mogadishu port as rebels vow war

12 Apr 12, 2009 - 8:53:58 AM


MOGADISHU, Somalia Apr 12 (Garowe Online) - Suspected insurgents launched at least ten mortars at the main port in the Somali capital Mogadishu Saturday, as Islamist rebels vowed war against the Horn of Africa country’s interim government, Radio Garowe reports.


Witnesses and workers at Mogadishu's main seaport said African Union peacekeepers (AMISOM) closed off roads near the port and entered nearby neighborhoods as a ship docked.


“There were many AMISOM soldiers in our area...on top of buildings and they refused us to leave [homes],” said a witness.


Port workers said the ship unloaded military hardware, including vehicles, which were transported to AMISOM bases in Mogadishu.


“No one was hurt when the mortars hit [the port],” said a source at the Mogadishu port.

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Threat of war


The spokesman for Islamist hardliners Al Shabaab vowed to continue the war against the government of Somali President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed after accusing the government of “selling the sea.”


Muktar Robow “Abu Mansur” told reporters in the southwestern town of Baidoa that Al Shabaab “will never accept” any territory of Somalia to be “given away.”


President Sheikh Sharif’s government and the government of Kenya signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Nairobi that has stirred political debate across Somalia. READ: Somalia-Kenya sign MoU for maritime ‘area of dispute’: Exclusive


Abu Mansur vowed to wage war against AMISOM, whom he accused of bringing more weapons and soldiers into Somalia.


“Look at the soldiers and weapons they [AMISOM] are bringing,” he said, adding that the Islamic clerics’ call for AMISOM to withdraw within 120 days “has become a lie.”


He criticized Sheikh Bashir Ahmed Salad, chairman of the self-appoint Islamic meditation committee that called for AMISOM withdraw, saying: “I heard him say that attacking AMISOM is prohibited [under Islam], but we will fight them [AMISOM] until they leave our soil.”


Al Shabaab rebels control many regions in southern Somalia, including regions near the border with Kenya.


President Sheikh Sharif's government, which controls some sections of Mogadishu, is the 15th attempt by the international community to restore national order in Somalia.

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I fully support Alshabab on this one!


Go alshabab. You are the keeper of somali land and soul!


No inch to mr mugabe!

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