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Garowe: A new Hospital for the capital..

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puntdhagax.jpgWasiirka caafimaadka Puntland oo dhagax dhigay isbitaal cusub


Garoowe, Somaliya ( 08-Febraayo-09



Wasiirka Wasaaradda caafimaadka ee Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Bashiir Cali Biixi iyo duqa magaalada Garoowe ayaa dhagax dhigay Isbitaal cusub oo laga hirgeliyay dhismahiisa xarunta DGPL ee Garoowe, kaasoo ay fulisay Hey'ad la yiraahdo Manhal qeybteeda Gobolka Nugaal.


Xafladdii dhagax dhigan ayaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay xubno ka socday Hey'adda Manhal, culumaa'uddiin iyo maamulka degmada Garoowe waxaana halkaasi hadalo ku saabsan hirgelinta isbitaalkan cusub ka soo jeediyay Maamulka hey'adda Manhal oo ka soo shaqeeyay hirgelinta in magaalada Garoowe ay hesho goob caafimaad.



Guddoomiyaha hey'adda Manhal ee Garoowe Maxamed Xasan Ciise ayaa ugu warbixiyay Wasiirka caafimaadka iyo dadkii dhagax dhiga ka soo qeybgalay dhismaha isbitaalka iyo waxyaabaha uu bulshada u qaban doono, wuxuuna sheegay in isbitaalka uu noqon doono mid ay ku faa'iideen guud ahaan shacabka Puntland ee ku dhaqan Gobolada Puntland gaar ahaan gobolka Nugaal oo noqon doono halka uu ku yaal isbitaalka.


Waxaa sidoo kale halkaasi ka hadlay Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada ee Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Bashiir Cali Biixi, kaasoo ka waramay muhiimada isbitaalkanu uu bulshada u leeyahay iyo sida loogu baahan yahay in shacabka laga hor mariyo dhinaca caafimaadka, isagoo tilmaamay in bulsho kasta horumarkeeda uu ku xeran yahay caafimaadka iyo waxbarashada.



Wasiirka ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in Dowladda cusub ee Puntland qorshaheeda uu yahay in bulshadeeda ay ka horumariso dhinaca caafimaadka iyo waxbarashada, Dowladdana hadafkeedu xiligan uu yahay in ay bilowdo qorsheyaashaasi.


Sheekh C/qaadir Nuur Faarax oo ka mid ah Culumaa'uddinka Puntland iyo Engineerka dhisaya dhismaha Isbitaalka ayaa isna halkaa ka hadlay, iyadoo isbitaalkan uu qeyb ka noqon doono Isbitaalada kale ee ka jira magaalada Garoowe oo tiradooda ay gaarayaan ilaa iyo Sadax, kuwaasi oo baahida caafimaad ee ka jirta magaalada aan ****oli karin.


Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali


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That’s very good for the Puntland people and other somalis. The country need a modern health care system that is inexpensive.

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Notice how the people who usually build stuff are religious. With more of these men, you'd see alot of development. They're good with money and are very trustworthy.

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Of course they also come in various types and some of them are knife yielding barbarians who will slit your throat easily over nonsense. :D


Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea:

Notice how the people who usually build stuff are religious. With more of these men, you'd see alot of development. They're good with money and are very trustworthy.

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Dr Bixi is a man who worked to better the Somali people through out his life. I am proud today of the new hospital and we need more clinics across the state and Somalia as a whole.

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Che and Peasant,

I have seen it in somaliland and the south as well. Pay attention anytime a new hospital, school or any other instituion is being opened, it's men of God that are usually behind it. These are built on public or private finances, the politicians usually attend for photo op.

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