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ONLA Encircles the Road between Jigjiga and Dhagaxbuur

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Initial reports received from the O'gaden National Army (ONLA ) central command which were corroborated by reliable local, civilian eyewitnesses confirm the success of the ONLA forces in inflicting heavy losses to the Woyane militias in and around the road between Jigjiga and Dhagaxbuur, specially near Cobole and Geedi Aar villages.


First reports provided by the ONLA central command indicate the operations undertaken by the Duufaan unit which operates in and around Jigjiga and Dhagaxbuur resulted in the capture of huge caches of military supplies.


The ONLA claimed to have inflicted heavy military losses including the death of 35 Ethiopian soldiers.


Details of the attack will be published later.

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Fatah, an ONLF freedom fighter


War hada naga soo gaadhay jiida hore ee dagaalka ayaa sheegaya in saaka 8:00 subaxnimo xiliga Ogadeenya ay markale qaybta Duufaan ee Ciidanka Waddaniga Xoreynta Ogadeenya weerar balaadhan ku ekeeyeen ciidanka gumaysiga oo ku sugnaa laba meelood oo lakala yidhaahdo Qawdheere & Dhalacad oo labaduba Gobolka Jarar katirsan una dhaw meeshii uu shalay dagaalka culusi ka dhacay,wararka hordhaca ah ee ilaa hada la helayo ayaa xaqiijinaya in ciidanka gumaysiga jab aan horay loo arag lagaadhsiiyay.


Wararku waxay intaas ku darayaan in ciidanka gumaysiga ee labadaas aag lagu helay oo isu gayn lagu qiyaasay 600 in cagta la mariyay waxaana khasaraaha cadawga lagu sheegay 450 isugu jirta dhimasho & dhaawac, mid ka mid ah taliyeyaasha CWXO dagaalgalinaya ayaa xaqiijiyay in si dhab ah ciidanka gumaysiga loogu awood sheegtay mana jiro goobihii dagaalka wax ciidanka cadowga kafayow oo lagu arkay marka laga reebo inta firxadka miciinsatay oo dhulka hawdka ah u kala fiigtay laguna raad joogo, hubka & qalabka kale ee cadawga laga furtay oo aad u faro badan waxaa ka mid ah inta la xaqiijiyay 9 qori oo waaweyn lana soo koobi karo kuwa fudud & rasaasta kale ee CWXO ay laawreegeen.


Sida uu ku waramay Taliyaha dagaal galinaya mid ka mida ah aagaga xabadu ka socoto waxaa cadawga ku dhacay jabkii ugu cuslaa isagoo taliyuhu intaa ku daray in horimo ka mid ah ciidanka gumaysiga oo gurmad ahaa kana kala yimid Dhagaxbuur & Qabribayax ay CWXO qaybo ka mid ahi dhexda ku heleen sidoo kalena cashiro lama ilaawaan ah loo dhigay waxana xusid mudan in aysan ciidamadaasi isku dayin wax is caabin ah dantuna ay ku qasabtay in ay dib ugu noqdaan fadhiisimadoodii iyagoo waliba ka cabsi qaba in cirka lagaga soo daato, dagaalkii saaka bilawday ayaa lasheegayaa inuu wali socdo.Hadaba dagaaladan safka balaadh u socda ee ay CWXO ilaa shalay ka wadeen deegaanada ku teedsan wada cade ee isku xidha Dhagaxbuur & Jigjiga ayaa ah weeraro si habsami ah loo qorsheeyay qaybana ka ah halganka mudada dheer socday ee Ciidda Ogadeenya ee daahirka ah gumaysiga Abasiiniya lagaga xoraynayo sidoo kale wuxuu hawl galkani jawaab u yahay argagaxa nooc walba ah ee uu gumaysigu ku hayo shacbka Soomaalida Ogadeenya guud ahaan gaar ahaan Gobolka Jarar oo gumaysigu uu baryahan dambe culays intiio hore kabadan saaray.


Sikastaba ha ahaatee weeraradan xanafta leh ee ilaa shalayto ay qaybta Duufaan ee CWXO Askarta gumaysiga la beegsanayaan ayaa ciidanka nacabka ah ee Ciidda Ogadeenya doolka ku yimid casahro kama dambays ah loogu dhigay waxaana meel walba oo gumaysigu isaga soo gurman lahaa heegan ku ah qaybo CWXO ka mid ah oo doonaya in ay ku dhaashadaan dhiiga Askarta gumaysiga ee aan waxba hambaynaynin.


Faah-faahinta dagaaladan & guud ahaan xaalada Ogadeenya wixii ka soo cusboonaada wararkanaga dambe kala soco

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The brave ONLA is doing their job as usual. But Ma'ow and his group have changed their view. They have become more sell out, corrupt and unethical. It seems they see politics as a way of only fattening their pockets and to hell with the rest.




Amiin walalkiis. Allah ha inoo aqbalo ducadaada.

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Neither lived in western nor intended to make a call for a tribal cat fights, or self destruction. But what I reported is a mere military success of a revolution which is based upon absolute rejection of the unauthorized disposition of that territory by the British Government. It is a self defense against Abyssinian aggressors, subsequently on constant appeals to obtain the right of self determination based on the principle that the people of Ogadeenya alone reserve the right to determine their political future.


It is moreover based on the charter of the United Nations and its resolutions, which call for the elimination of colonialism and on the declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1960; and on the sixth principle supplemented to the United Nations Charter regarding the elimination of colonialism.


That said, qodaxow, don't act as a naive one who don't understand the dynamic of this revolution. Besides, prolly you are the very one in western land. But creating and running a cheap antagonist propaganda to dive and destroy what ever that left for The Republic of Somalia. You hate her and any thing that moves against your master. Warye, get on the boat, and redirect your wheels for the sake of your race, or Somali nation :D

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I would never call for a war, which I dont intend to fight myself. Those who prefer war against peace, I would advice to fight themselves and not send other people's children to their deaths.


The UN charter, article 1 calls is all about peace and doesnt justify your wars:



Article 1


To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;

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You are daum quick qodaxow, :D and hurry to post with out digesting a shit. But for you information, the struggle and the aim of the movement is to obtain the right of self determination, rather than a struggle aimed at realizing the identity of a nationality. This is because Ogadēn has never been historically or politically part of Ethiopia.


The UN knows better than you think, and receives appeals on daily bases. Ogadēn citizens believe that a peaceful political settlement through negotiations is the most appropriate to resolve the issue and we, Ogadēn citizens believe that if the current situation is resolved that it will bring tremendous benefit to both the Ogadēn and Ethiopian people.


Let's hope that the international community will work together with the Ogadēn people to find the appropriate format and timing for the dismantling servitude and medieval system of Ethiopian rule to end the Ethiopian colonialism in Ogadēn.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

^Stick to your Iraqi flag, this ain't ur freaking businesss!

Tolow yarku muxuu Atobiya, Israel, Iraq, UN etc ku wada jeclaaday? :D

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My somali ethiopian friend, you dont need to get angry because I take Peace while you choose war. Millions of you people also choose peace while you call for War and finance a war from your comfortable American suburb.


War niyow dadkaga meel ka raac oo nabad qaado.

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Originally posted by Kamaavi:

This is because Ogadēn has never been historically or politically part of Ethiopia.

Ferguson, let me ask you. Where the Afar, Herreri's, the *** and other Somali clans part of Ethiopia? Why did they choose peace in stead of War?

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Originally posted by Qodax_iyo_Qarax:

I would never call for a war, which I dont intend to fight myself. Those who prefer war against peace, I would advice to fight themselves and not send other people's children to their deaths.


The UN charter, article 1 calls is all about peace and doesnt justify your wars:



Article 1


To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace;

why stop there?

The Purposes of the UN;

#2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace does the UN really live up to its own principles?

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