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Quote: The Somali president was in Addis Ababa yesterday for talks with Zenawi and US advisers will have been hovering close, urging the two men on. America it seems, not only wants to fight its war on terror to the last Iraqi but to the last Somali as well.

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America it seems, not only wants to fight its war on terror to the last Iraqi but to the last Somali as well.

A truly harrowing statement that makes everyone see the grave reality of goings on in the south expect for the TFG supporters whose blind support for their uncles has made them loose all sense of reality

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^^^^ Somaliland, and its supporters, have absolutely no moral ground to judge anyone on their support for the puppet Tigrey Formed Government. None. Nada. Zilch.


The same Tigrey who are responsible for the current existence of Somaliland are the ones who are shelling Muqdisho.


And, if you forgot, Riyaale visited Adis Ababa only a few weeks ago to get his own instructions on how to behave.


So spare us the sanctimony atheer.

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People will talk about Somaliland Adminstration when and where thy like. If you want have us believe that Somaliland is some kind of America, were one can follow the Somaliland dream, that is all good. But don't moan at the slightest criticism of Somaliland. The meer fact that Somaliland has "peace" does not mean it is free from criticism. You, yourself acknowledge that Somaliland and Ethiopia combat terrorism together. We know there are instances were innoncent people have been handed over or detained to Ethiopia. So in reality, there is not a great deal of difference between Riyaale Kahin and Abdullahi Yusuf. Infact, both of them were summoned to Adiss Ababa just before the invasion of Somalia. So it is bit of a contradiction to see some Somaliland politicians demonising Abdullahi Yusuf but saying Ethiopia is our great ally and friend.

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and what is making you mad about the issue ??


We've been living with criticism for the past 16 years ,,,, you can criticise as much as you like but what is really funny is someone whose house is burning in Mogadishu wants to jump all the way to somaliland. it is better to fix your own problems before judging the others that are far from you.



Comparing A/Yusuf and Rayaale is another new story ,,,,,,,, not woth replaying to it ,,,

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I don't think Castro is from Muqdisho. I have never even been to Muqdisho in my life...But they are still my people and feel and sympathise with their pain.....Ethiopia came to Muqdisho to get their hands on the same people that your adminstration hands over so easily. If they had done the same and decided to surrender or make "peace" with Ethiopia on their own brothers blood, than they would have peace like Hargeysa. But they have decided that they will never hand over their brothers and surrender to Ethiopia. Thus they are being punished for this.

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Farsamo xumo always brings you problems ,,,,, They are my ppl too as long as they are Muslims and Somalis ,,, i never denied i'm SOMALI and i'll be a somali ,,,, countries might differ though



Somaliland has Sheikhs, Scholars and even the founder of Al-Itihad is in Burao and with this we managed to have peace, build a friendship strategy with all the neighboring countries and stand still. We need no one to come here and make him his pace to attack others ,,,,


In Mogadishu they lack this kind of policy and everyone is threatening Kenya and/or Ethiopia ,,, i remember Abdiqasim wearing a military dress and threatening Ethiopia ,,,, it was yesterday when Sh. Sharif was doing almost the same and Hasan Turki was saying they'll go to Addis ,,,,,,,,,,, i mean you need to assess what you have before you threat anyone ,,,,, you sometimes need to negotiate with you enemy and make a very big compromises just like our Prophet Mohamed (SCW) did in his early stages.


I don't support handing over a muslim to a Ethiopians but in general anyone who wants to fight Ethiopia should go there and fight.

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both yeey n riyaale are puppets and nothing more.

amxaarow marching all the way to xamar has never happened in the history of somali ppl. the output of this, is misery and death to many innocent somali ppl.


when i was in elementary, i learned one important lesson from one my classes. which is if your divided u fall but if your are together, u remain strong and defeat your enemy!


see whats happening now! u get my point.

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thats what bad leaders do! but why hold that red flag till thy king come!! why not go 4 the big price..

like go to the top of the mountain where u can see everything... that aint bad! its all good.


it beats being at the side of naaso hablood mt and just having a limit vision!! lool. dont it.

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The Prophet saw made peace with the Quraish when he utterly defeated them. There is not on instance oh im ever, comprominsing his fellow muslims, his deen or the Islamic system of governance or the borders of a Muslim land. The least one can do is protest at the policy of Somaliland when it comes it's relationship of "combating terrorism with Ethiopia. But people seem silent because most of the detaineeds belong to another rival clan. Note brother, i don't any issues with the people of Somaliland.I will criticise their adminstration just as i will criticise their leaders and policies of Puntland,T.F.G etc.............

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It is open for you to criticize and i understand that ,,,,,,,, we can criticize everyone and any administration and nothing is wrong with that.


Terrorists are from any clan and according to Somaliland they are same. Look at those recently charged terrorists, aren't they from almost every clan ???? ,,,,, i mean, they deserve it.


I'm not saying somaliland is 100% right ,,,, of course every administration has its own mistakes. That is why i'm saying reer muqdisho should come up with better policy.

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Geel Jireh,


You cannot lump Somaliland in the same bracket as the TFG. Somaliland has a trade and commercial relationship with Ethiopia which is nothing special as they are neighbours and share a long border.


The TFG on the other hand has invited Ethiopians into their country to slay their people and destroy their cities. they are supporting the continued invation of their land and their supporters are justifying.


also you have to remember that somalia killed more Somalilanders then the ethiopians ever did.


Also the ethiopian army has never and wont set foot in Somaliland.


the two contrasts are big and therefore your allegations are unfair if not unfounded

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^^^^ So you agree with the bigot below? Or no?


Why Ethiopia is welcome in Hargeisa, not in Mogadishu?


Somaliland opposition leaders seem to have lost their political campus since the Ethiopian-backed Federal Transitional Government (TFG) routed the Islamic Courts in Mogadishu.


Forgetting that Somaliland depends on Ethiopia for its bread and butter, they started criticizing it albeit indirectly for what they call the Ethiopian invasion of Mogadishu.


Kulmiye leader Ahmed Mohammed Silanyo has compared the onslaught of the Ethiopian-backed Somalia Federal Transitional Government (TFG) forces against insurgents in Mogadishu to Siyad Barre’s bombardment of Hargeisa and other Somaliland towns. Faisal Ali Waraabe, Leader of the Justice and Welfare Party (UCID), also branded Ethiopia’s military actions in Mogadishu as Xaraan (illegitimate).


Hearing these statements coming from leaders of a country that was founded on Ethiopian support and owes its geopolitical existence on Addis Ababa makes us wonder whether these men have been hit by amnesia.


One may therefore be obliged to refresh their memory by reminding them that Somaliland’s recognition goes through Addis Ababa; that it was Ethiopia which had sheltered Somaliland refugees for years and provided them arms and ammunition to fight and eventually defeat the tyrannical regime of Siyad Barre. One may remind these gentlemen that it was Ethiopian military officers and political representatives who were present and blessed the rebirth of Somaliland at the conference of Buroa on 18th May 1991 and indeed it was the first day that the Ethiopian flag was raised with reverence on Somali soil. One may remind them that it is Addis Ababa that embraces Somaliland politicians and gives them the opportunity to sell their story to African officials and foreign diplomats. It is indeed Ethiopia that trains Somaliland’s military and extends to it arms and uniforms.


One may be perplexed as to why these men are acting so emotionally about what is happening in Mogadishu as if Somaliland is still part and parcel of Somalia. Why can’t they understand that Somaliland, like Djibouti, like Kenya and indeed like the rest of the African countries should subscribe to the position of the African Union that supports the TFG and understands the reasons that led to the Ethiopian intervention in Somalia. One may find it hard to comprehend the motives of Somaliland opposition leaders who seem to just have woken up to the suffering of the residents of Mogadishu. Why we didn’t hear their loud voices, their lamentations and their condemnations of crimes against humanity over the last 16 years when ruthless warlords were committing all kinds of atrocities against the people of Mogadishu. Weren’t they singing lullabies with the warlords and deriving pleasure from the mayhem and bloodshed in Mogadishu. If this is not true then why the notorious warlords such as Muse Suudi Yalahow, Osman Atto and Bashir Rage were welcomed with red carpets in Hargeisa, while Somaliland-born figures who committed no crimes against the nation such as Jama Yare were detained and deported from their homeland.


Why this sudden feeling of brotherhood towards the ****** one may ask? Did Faisal Waraabe forget his famous words when he said: “ A man who is born in Addis Ababa has closer cultural ties to Somaliland than a man born in Mogadishu…” Do the sympathizers of Mogadishu insurgents really believe that the ****** would support Somaliland’s independence? Don’t they remember the unambiguous rejection of Ali Mahdi, Abdiqasim Salad, Mohammed Ghedi of Somaliland secession? Don’t they recall the repeated threats of the Islamic Courts of invading Hargeisa?


If we assume that these men are honestly against the Ethiopian occupation of brotherly Somali people why don’t they feel the same about the Somali people under Ethiopian occupation in the ****** region? Why didn’t they condemn the Somaliland authorities when they arrested members of the ****** people and deported them? How come the blood of the Somalis in Mogadishu is dearer to Somalilanders than the blood of Somalis in Qabridaharre, Foolxeex, Farmadow, Gurdumi, Madax-Maroodi and Karin-Bilcille?


How come they lament about the departure of Islamic Courts when they know that had the Somali Taliban clerics had their way they would have been in Hargeisa today and that Silanyo and Waraabe wouldn’t have postured themselves as presidential hopefuls in a democratic Somaliland.


It is awfully wrong and indeed regrettable to see Somaliland opposition leaders criticizing Ethiopia albeit indirectly for giving support to the TFG government when Somaliland itself thrives on the political and military support of Ethiopia. It is time that Somaliland people have to realize that they cannot have it both ways. We cannot enjoy peace and stability and deny our brothers in the south to enjoy the same because if the TFG collapses Somalia would descend into a dark age. We cannot refuse others to interfere our internal affairs and allow ourselves to meddle with the affairs of others. We cannot claim to be an independent and sovereign state and act as if we are still a region in Somalia whose fate hangs on the fate of Mogadishu. Why can’t we take cue from Djibouti, an independent Somali state that has fully exercised its sovereignty to stay neutral of what is happening in Somalia? Why can’t Somaliland people do the same and let their country’s national policies be dictated by their national interest and not by emotional outbursts.


Awdal News

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