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Somaliland Parliament Votes Against the President's Decision

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Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland ayaa manta cod u qaaday laba mooshin oo kala ahaa:


* In go’aankii Kommisionka iyo madaxwaynuhu ku laa’leen in doorashad lagu galo bilaa diiwaan galin ahaa mid sharci daro ah.

* In loo qabtay mudo 7 maalmood in ay Madaxweynaha iyo Koomishanku kaga noqdaa go,aankaa, hadii kale xilka laga xayuubinaayo, 4 komishanka iyo madaxweynaha.


Sida wararku sheegayaan baarlamaanka ayaa cod buuxa ku diiday go,aankii Kominshanka ee Diwaangelinta la tooray, waxaa u codeeyay 39 xildhibaan, 2 ayaa ka aamusay, gudoomiya maa coday waxaa fadhiyay golaha 43 xildhibaan.


Warbixin faah faah san oo la xidhiidha sida loo kala codeeyay iyo qaabka wax u dhaceen dib ayaanu idinku soo gudbin doonaa.

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It is JB reporting it - he cant mislead about S/land. He is one reliable source in that aspect.

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JB Garoowe buu uqaxay, xattaa lascaano waa isku aamini waayey. Inuu xamar u socdaan u qaatay


The man is Udub by conviction. These days though he is Kulmiyye by convenience. But as long we have Northern around here, duntiisaa la yaqaan oo marna Kulmiyye qaabili mayyo


NGONGE ka rajjo roon

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

NGONGE ka rajjo roon

Nah, not him. The guy wouldn't know S/land even it him on the face.

JB is the most reliable and trust me he has no affiliation other than secessionist. If you have any doubts about him then lets wait for the input of our SOL Wole Soyinka, Oodweyne.

What ever the case it does not look good up there. I hope they find, as usual, a solution for this stalemate.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

It is the Tom & Jerry game ,,,,,,

With Riyaale being Tom... :D:D

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I just checked it out, this dam..opposition led parliment. Leave Udub in power there is no better alternative.


Ucid - to crazy


Kulmiye- crazy,insane,no policies,hidden agenda, there leader is 75 years old, most of its members were involved in the inter clan somaliland civil war.



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Originally posted by GAAROODI:

I just checked it out, this dam..opposition led parliment. Leave Udub in power there is no better alternative.


Ucid - to crazy


Kulmiye- crazy,insane,no policies,hidden agenda, there leader is 75 years old, most of its members were involved in the inter clan somaliland civil war.



You're not who you say you are. ;)

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