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General Duke

Kismayu: on the brink. more troops arrive in Bulu Gaduud

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Xiin, I will be honest I dont know the true intentions of the TFG regarding Kismayu outside the return of the admin.


The admin & officers have been vocal about their intentions of not legitimising the clan [JVA]coup.


The locals are fed up with these militias who have murdered many innocent business men since their hostile attack.


The President is propably trying to calm the situation, but as I have said the local anger is deep.


Anyhow the commander of the TFG/Juba troops is Col Koojar and Afgaduud is just another officer present.

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Originally posted by Xiin:

I think they put Emperror in the doghouse for good .



Believe me old man, Im more close to the latest developments and military movements than Duke, ooh may be not :D , if incase you need some inside infos and up to date "Waxa layiri" let me know...

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Eazy boys!! I wonder why you guys, all of you try to avoid the truth on the ground. I dont want to burst your bubbles, however, this is make-or-break situation for the TFG-clan. We'll see who will have the last laugh!

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^^^Brother you dont sound as optimistic as you did the other day. Anyhow sorry to burts your delusion but the clan you mention have much more resources in the diaspora and inside Somalia for it to rely on the TFG or any other government.

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Dagaal ka dhacey Kismayo

21 Jun 21, 2007 - 2:47:34 PM


Dagaalkan oo ka dhacey suuqa arriga xaafada Calanley ayaa bilowdey kadib markii dhalinyaro ka tirsan beelaha daga gobolka Waamo ay weerar ku soo qaadeen Maleshiyadka beesha **** oo ka arimaya inta badan gudaha magaalada Kismayo.


Wararkan ayaa sheegaya dagalkan uu qabsadey dhalinyaradan xilligaas ku wajahneyd ciidamo ka tirsan beeshooda oo ku sugan duleedka magaalada Kismayo halkaas oo maalmahaan uu ka jirey dhaqdhaqaaq ciidan oo ay wadaan beelaha ***** iyo ****** oo gobolka Jubbada Hoose daga.


Dagaalkan oo bilowdey galabnimadii shaley 4:30pm ayaa socdey ilaa gabal gaabkii kaas oo marki dambe iskiis isaga istaagey kadib markii maleeshiyaadka weerarka ku soo qaadey xaafada Calanley ay dib u gurteen madaaama xaafadaas ay ku badanyihiin tageraayaasha ciidamada magaalada Kismayo dibadeeda ku sugan.


Khasaaraha ayaa aad u cadeyn madaama xilli maqribnimaa uu dhacey, dhinaca kale dhaliyardii dagaalku qabsadey ayaa wararku sheegayaan in ay u ambabaxen goobihii ay ku socdeen.


Sidoo kale dagaanka u dhexeeya tuulada Buulo-Guduud iyo Yoontooy ayaa waxaa ku sugan maamulkii Jubbada Hoose iyo ciidamo ay wataan kuwaas oo in mudo ah dibad joog ahaa kadib markii Maleshiyo beeleed ay la wareegen gacan ku haynta magaalada Kismayo.


Dagaalkan ayaa u muuqada mid isu badali doono mid beeleed kadib markii DFKMG ah ay ku guuldareysatey xallinta dhibaatooyinka soo jireenka ah ee ka taagan gobolka Jubbada Hoose.


Beelaha isku haya Jubbada Hoose ayaa kuligood sheegayaan in ay tageersan yihiin DFKMG ah balse aysan iyagu heshiis aheyn.


Xiisadda ka jira gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa maalmahan cirka isku shareertay iyada oo laga cabsi qabo in halkaas ay ka dhacaan dagaalo faraha looga gubto.


Kala soco Garowe Online wixii warar ah oo ka soo kordha xiisada ka taagan Kismayo


Garowe Online, Kismayo

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