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Da'watus-Salafiyyah Tape By the scholars!

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Da'watus-Salafiyyah Tape Set

A collection of tapes explaining the essence of 'ad-da'watus-salafiyyah'.


Da'watus-Salafiyyah Set (32 Tapes) - $65 (Reg. $80) Plus Shipping


Imaam Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee


(1) Why follow the Salaf? (2 tapes)

(2) Why is it Obligatory to Ascribe Yourself to (3) Salafiyyah

(4) This Is Our Da'wah!



al-'Allaamah Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-'Uthaymeen


(1) The Sunnah is Like the Ark of Noah


al-'Allaamah Rabee Ibn Haadee al-Makdkhalee

Holding on to the Salafee Manhaj


al-'Allaamah Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee

Q's Regarding 'Aqeedah & Salafee Manhaj (2 tapes)


al-'Allaamah 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree

The Fundamentals and Principles of Salafiyyah (2 tapes)


al-'Allamah Ahmad Ibn Yahyaa an-Najmee

What is Salafiyyah?


And more, 32 tapes in total....Visit




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(2) Why is it Obligatory to Ascribe Yourself to (3) Salafiyyah. :confused:


Obligation & Prohibiting are the Tasks of ALLAH alone and nobody else could enter this territory, thus to make obligatory to something that prohibited in ALLAH'S two main legislation sources (KITAAB & SUNNAH) is a one of the BIG SINS - AL-KABAA'IR - and has a serious consequence

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Salafi, as i asked you many times b4 could you give us any evidence from KITAB and SUNNAH mentioning the word salafism as substitute od ISLAM, MUSLIMS etc rather than the obliging us to call ourselves as Salafism.


I can give you many AYAS and HADITHS that obliging us to call ourselves as MUSLIMUUN, this AYAH which you posted half of it is one of those AYAS.


"Who is better than one who calls to path of ALLAH and say i am one of the MUSLIMS" ALLAH (S.W.T) says this and your group saying it is obligatory to call ourselves as SALAFISM.


Who should we follow? ALLAH or your group?


i'm waiting your answer

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posted by salafi online

^^^ Yes Sahal you know and the Scholars dont, you win!

i wonder salafi....if the scholars tell u to jump of a cliff...would u do it.. :confused:




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I suppose you ask a such question because you may not fathom the Status of the scholars!


Indeed, Islaam has given knowledge and the scholars great importance, and it has given them a lofty and great position. Allaah says: "Allaah will raise those who believe amongst you and those who were given knowledge many levels." Thus Allaah has made it clear in this verse that the scholars will be raised from among the Ummah over the rest of the people, and also that they will be many levels over the ranks of others.

How can this not be true when they are the ones who fear Allaah and declare their loyalty to Him? Allaah says: "Only those who fear Allaah among His servants are the scholars." So the scholars - who are well-versed in knowledge and hard-working - they are the ones who truly fear Allaah based on Allaah's bearing witness to that for them. And whoever does not fear Allaah then he is not a scholar, even if he receives the greatest of testimony and achieves the highest levels of knowledge.


Allaah has made the scholars the successors of Allaah's messengers and inheritors of His prophets. The Prophet (s) said: "The scholars are the inheritors of the Prophets. And indeed the prophets do not leave behind any dinaar or dirham for inheritance. They only leave behind knowledge to be inherited, so whosoever takes hold of it, he has taken hold of an abundant portion (of their inheritance)."


And the Messenger of Allaah (s) commanded to respect and honor the scholars, as He (s) said: "He is not from among us who does not know the worth (i.e. importance) of our scholars."


May Allah have mercy on Al-Haafiz Ibn Asaakir who said: "The flesh of the scholars is poisonous. And Allaah's way in humiliating these people is well-known. And whoever reaches the scholars by defaming them, Allaah will test him by causing his heart to die."


And indeed not listening to the instructions of the scholars and their advice, especially in the important issues, will result in problems, destruction, extremism and deviation. And history is the best teacher of this in the past and present.



and this only applies to the Scholar who traverse on the path of the Salaf us Saalih, the best generations!

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