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General Duke

Another 3000+ TFG troops finish training..

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^^^There is no proof of that, since the Siyad Regime lasted 21 years with an army and no millitia including the USC could even capture 30% of the nation.

The first ten years, he had the support of the Somali people. But the next years he has been on a downward trajectory till he was ousted and chased out by ragtag clan melitias.



A trained army is stronger than any millitia. For example the clan courts of Mogadishu defeated the millitia of the warlords because they had on their side outside elemnts with adequite millitary training while the warlords relied on their "fierce" clan millitias and look what happened.


The melitias were never the enemy in this regard. The warlords were. And the Warlords were never liked by the people. At the end, the melitias stayed, the warlords fled.

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Originaly posted by Suldanka

This ad-hoc ragtag mentality of warfare is deeply rooted in the Somali genes and is not something which just came about during the last 15 years of civilwar. I've no doubts that such melitias will always prevail over a trained army in the open desert fields of Somalia.

I aprove your statement Suldanka.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

All clan millitias stand little chance against ven basically organised Somali troops.

In front of the ICU militias the Tigre militia will evaporate in a few weeks of battle. The strength of the Tigree militia had been the Sha'abiya commanders and special forces. However after the year 2000 the Tigre militia have been on its own albeit it might use some western 'anti-terror experts'. These 'experts' are belived to be hundreds.

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In front of the ICU militias the Tigre militia will evaporate in a few weeks of battle. The strength of the Tigree militia had been the Sha'abiya commanders and special forces. However after the year 2000 the Tigre militia have been on its own albeit it might use some western 'anti-terror experts'. These 'experts' are belived to be hundreds.


Either defeat from the past or support for past regimes of ethiopia has clouded your judgement. Tigray militia is a state militia and has no busines of being in place of ethiopian army.

even though per capita ethiopia has the smallest army, which according to Jane's defence is about 120,000 strong, but ethiopia today has the highest deployability bar south africa.

As for your wish that the SIC will topple the ethiopian government for you, I feel sorry for you and your likes, you will be waiting there for a long time serving warlords and when somalia has its federal government and orderly rule complete, there will not be any place that welcomes or supports your likes.

In ethiopia, this is the reality of the somali and you know it deep down.

Only the ethiopian somali decides and chooses wether to be a self governing autonomous state in ethiopia, wether to be an independent country on his own, or wether to be a state in federal somalia. Its his choice and his choice alone to make. everybody else has to either applaude or cry.

Mugadishu always has been a hindrance to the somali ethiopian. The somali ethiopian now has more friends and colleagues from Gojjam than from Mugadishu. You don't believe me, go to Addis Ababa the seat of the federal government.

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