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Recovery Zones -- No More!

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Me, the best,most vivid part of Ismail Mire's gabay, which is the right (ma7al Shahid of the current affairs) is ........


Mid kuwaa ka dhiggan baan arkoo

Kibis u laabnayne


Inta uu kashbacay oo Kibroo

Kaman Wan wayn yeeshay


Yuu niman Karaamiyo Colba leh

Kiish ka buuxsadaye


Ka shib Dhaha Addoomahoow

Naftii Kii ladnaa gadaye


Bal car garo!

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Baashi, are you implying that Laascaano is a trap for our northern brothers and something more consequential is cooking up beneath these jubilations/wailings?


And also the Kismayo conflict has entered in a new phase. The Gedo boys have lastly morphed into an Ethiopian arm in Jubbooyinka. There is silent exodus going in the city!



**I am marking this thread for future reference--I beleive good Baashi is on to something here...



ps--anna waxaan islahaa Baashi wuxuu ka fekerayyaa sida habarta da'da ah ee halka il ee cirka eegaysaa lehi ay cunug aysan aqoon ku heli doonto :D .


Edit: Hunguri adeer that q was directed at Baashi. to qoute Ismacil's gabay is timely btw...

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Xiin-Finiin, mayee Ninka kashbacayee,kammanka wayn yeeshay waa Rayaale.




Waniyow, waa iga daacade. Aniga Kismaayo wararkeeda waalaygaga dheereeyaa. Waxa ka socdase wax wanaagsan maaha. Kollayba dulmi baáni waa jiraa.

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^^Mid ba'an oo bini'aadanimada ka baxsan.


Walee garan waayey islaanta oogada isha ku leh iyo saqiirka durbada oradka bilaabay.

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Yup. Trap is not how I would like to characterize this for it could go either way. This is how I would put it. The conflict over Las Ano is paper shredder for the recognition card. Hargeisa and Garowe fighting in Nugaal valley means one thing to informed and unbaised observers: civil war in the recovery zones. And that snatches away an important card from the hands of Hargeisa.


I got the gist of maahmaah of the one-eyed old senile habar in search of a boy she has no way of knowing even if he introduces himself. It is a fitting parable. But I beg to differ. The senile hag is not even looking for the boy! She is trying to throw a mingis like diryaan oo diryaan, diryaan dooxada ka yeer, diryaan oo dirririglee, diryaan oo duul maqan u yeedh. She is doing all of tha crap to revive a dead boy. She's praying for the gods to give a midget out of the deceased boy.


Awoowe xidigaha sare igula sheekayso. Waryee ma ila socotaa mise waan fasiraa?

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