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Recovery Zones -- No More!

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Recovery Zones -- No More!

War & Weecaal Gazette

By Col-U-Joog Inna Tacabur



Cycle continues. People die everyday. Some by accidents. Others by choice. Men in their twenties put their neck on the line -- for the strongman of their tol. Such was the case in Las Caano, the heart of Dawrwiishland. The man of the hour, Mr Xabsade, proved to his cousins back in Garowe that he is relevant enough to change the political equation in the region.


Xabsade’s move is consistent with the rules of the game. His rationale in switching sides is right on the money. It is a verse straight from the book of Politics without Principles. He is not as good as his mentors General Cadde and Col. Yussuf are for he has not mastered the lines in that bible per verbatim as yet. Still he is up there enough to put on Subject Matter Expert hat. And put on he did.


Outmaneuvered and outsmarted, Xabsade found himself sharing dirrin with tuulo-joogs in Buuhoodle. No money, no title, and his phone calls went unanswered by his tol, namely Inna Yussuf. He had to use the only remaining card. Chapter six, verse eight in the book of nomads reads Hadba waxaad ku ciil bixi kadhaa ku cawa aduuna! It just so happened that this particular line is the same exact line general Cadde used when he attacked Puntland from Northwest safe havens with Hargeisa's permission.


Gone is the reconstruction projects that were under way in Las Caano. Schools, clinics, even make-shift offices for hyped oil exploration in region come to a complete halt. Today what used to be a recovery zone has morphed into green line between brotherly sub clans reminiscent to Lixda koos ee reer Cali-garee kow iga siiyey, Kasi waaye wuxu waa qabaal waadna kabataane!


Waxa-La-Yiri 24 hour news wires tell another story. According to the talking-heads in Darbiyo-Salaan street, proud secessionists green berets stormed through the lines of thousands of tolka commandos stationed in the border between the two independent countries. The spin doctors are having a field day. They tell tall tales about nationalism and clan pride. They have their committed and interested audiences.


If one puts one’s self in their shoes one has to concede that secessionists have scored one hell of a touchdown -- and that’s from clan perspective. Their festive mood is justified for their clan is in full control over one of the main cities of the opposing entity. How the city changed hands is not important. Nor the fact that Hargeisa loyalists facilitated the city changing hand is important. What’s important is that Las Caano is under different column today.


However if one takes the long view and weighs the danger that looms over the region one can see how this conflict can usher an era of instability to an area known for its relative peace. If things proceed to that direction one can imagine a protracted war within one sub-clan inviting allies from neighboring clans to come to their aide.


The onus is on the Las Caano folks for the truth is the problem is within not without. Yes one can mention the 'wag the dog' move from Riyaale camp which is part of the campaign to destabilize the city for his party's political advantage. But ultimately the Las Caano folks are the ones who will pay the price. Bring the boys home, listen to Xabsade’s grievances, and sit with the Garowe camp in order to draw a new clan contract that spells out exactly how the state is controlled, staffed, and how the port revenues are distributed.

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Back To Square One

Waa Siday Tahay Magazine

By War-Mooge Inna Wax-Mayaqaan



Innagoo lamaana iyo

Laba naf qaybsi leh

Talo geed ku laashee.


Addigaa is lumiyoo,

Isu loogay cadawgoo

Libintaa i siiyee.


Waa addigase liitee,

Leexadu ku sidatee,

Hadba laan cuskanayee!!


Liibaanteed adduunyada,

Ruuxna laasan maayee,

Maxaa luray naftaadii.


Someone is probably signing those lines out loud. TFG has handed the best political opp good ol’ USC partners could ever hope. Al-Shabaabs can claim victory too. The PM has failed. With all the might he has been given, all the regional representation, all the international endorsement bestowed to his side of Somali conflict, all the monies dished without bean counters going through the invoices, Mr. Gedi failed to deliver.


He has killed enough of his Somali civilians, destroyed enough shelters, and displaced enough refugee only to concede defeat to his rival clan jackal. Only Inna Yussuf has the luxury to dictate what goes down in Benadir and when things don’t turn out the way they supposed to be he has the leeway to deflect the blame.


Lets tally the scores for a minute. In a zero sum game where TFG has to lose the contest for the other side to win or vice versa, it is a draw -- the worst position Somalia can be. The Ethiopian presence is a must for the TFG. Absent of grassroots support, and/or just, practical, and negotiated settlement, TFG is in need of protection. Where and how that security comes about is not high in the TFG agenda. In the eyes of the opposition this means a continued occupation -- an occupation they themselves necessitated!!


On the other side of the coin the opposition - the coalition of UIC political wing, Al-Shabaabs, Good ol’ USC clan members, and neglected and ignored parliamentarians, nationalists, secessionists - understand the political calendar all too well. African Union troops are not coming, Ethiopia cannot sustain an occupation for too long, and token legitimacy of TFG will expire in 2009. Burning Somalia is a win for them. It is hard to resist the “I told you so” phrase!


In the meantime the state will remain fragmented entity open for continuing foreign exploitation. Pseudo-nationalists will keep shedding tears - sincerely - for they know little about the nature of the Somali clan real politik. Puntlanders will keep defending their man. Somalilanders will keep blaming Puntlanders for their shattered dream and Benadir will keep on shooting themselves in the foot. In other words, Somalia will keep on fussing and fighting and Ethiopians will keep on weighing their national security interests as they should.


Today Gedi exits the stage with stash of money in his account just as Galeyr did his time in the office. Yussuf is the one who will inherit all the headaches. He has to back up the case he made to the neighboring states and to the International community which is basically that the TFG has not failed per se - it is the executive branch that failed. In other words Gedi could not do the job he is elected to do. Kind of used “useful i d i o t”


In this line of reasoning the outcomes of the non-political reconciliations is worth implementing. Still the UIC, one branch of major Somali clan (has grievances), and the Asmara group are not to be dealt with under this rationale. It is back to square one.


On the sub-clan level, Kismayo is still under the Gedo boys, Puntland has became a shop owned by few elite afar-jeeblayaal, and now Darwiishland is tilted to non-loyal native sub-clans who have good relations with an enemy clan bent to undermine Yussuf’s interests.


No amount of Intaad tageysaad, ku tiigsanaayaan, turunturoodee! winning will do this time around. The game is getting simpler by the day. It is all about personal ambition disguised as clan interests. We’re in the final minutes of fourth quarter.

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Ngonge, war ii kaadi aan ragga warka deeqsiiyee awoowe!


Ship Made out of Paper

Durriyada Poineer

By Dhan-xiir Inna Habar Shiish

*Khabar aad moog tahay


*We'll be back* Mr. Oodweyne ha la ii raadiyo aan isku yara tuur-tuuree kaftan aan turxaan lahayn. Labada hore ha iga cadeynina oo waa bigeys fadlan.

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Lixda koos ee reer Cali-garee kow iga siiyey, Kasi waaye wuxu waa qabaal waadna kabataane!, you gots jokes Baashi.

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Baashi, very clean humourous and informative there, it is always good to read your's report and style of delivering, but it would better for one to read yours take and position on the Somali politiking.


Rumours say that neutrality is what Bashi takes pride in, is that so? This rumour was running around for sometime now, is it true? any change? I leave you to it...

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Good analysis yaa Baashi but it seems Oodweyne will go into a long hibernation for this week and probably one month before Las Anod would be retaken by Puntland forces. :D

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Mr. Oodweyne will be back and when he does I will run him to the ground smile.gif In the meantime Inna Habar-Shiish's writeup that appeared on the Durriyada Poineer will be on hold. I would like to have him heads up before I put it up.




How can you have conversation with people who know no facts and understand no history? My position is crystal by the way. You just couldn’t put your teeth into it. Sharpen your teeth buddy sharpen ‘em.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

Baashi, very clean humourous and informative there, it is always good to read your's report and style of delivering, but it would better for one to read yours take and position on the Somali politiking.


Rumours say that
is what Bashi takes pride in, is that so? This rumour was running around for sometime now, is it true? any change? I leave you to it...

He is trying to bring your talents to join the Abdullahi Yusuf brigade(fanclub)! :D

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Johnny B   

an occupation they themselves necessitated!!


horta welcome back my private Graad-ow.

but the above inference is so-not-it.


Again, politically speaking ,i believe the abusal of the old adage " my enemy's enemy is my freind" the fuel of our misery has shown to be the fake mantal-make-up, the dellusional gate of our indecisiveness towards the fact that we Somalis don't even decide on which clan to hate as for even that we need to turn to Adis.


Though i'm urged to agree with the back to square one notion, an old addiction to enthusiasm forces me to believe that we some-freaking-how are on the mend.

once again welcome back Atheer, and waxba yan Oodweyne lagu cabsiin, Ngonge io xiin ayaa geesaha qabtay. ;)

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Johhny boy how life has been treeting you lately? Awoowe addiga iyo bajaq ma kala dhamaateen wali smile.gif Are you still da man up in General Section or xaalku as your adeer in Sweden used to say waa Biciid ku jab or something along that line kix kix.


As to my man Oodweyne well he's someone I can deal with. The man has his constituents to please -- as you are aware of the SL idea was sold to the crowd and Mr. Oodweyne feels obliged to hold the line. Laakiin kolkuu uu yimaado inna rag dirrin uu ku qaxweeynayo waad iska garanaysaa inuu indhaha hoos u roganayo. Shakespeare baa berri qodox muday iyo Lord Macne-ma-Leh yaa berri sidan yirri buu ku haraadayaa. War ninyahow ninka ii raadi aan Las Caano ka wareystee sida mujaahidiintu guusha u hanteen ha ka sheekeeyee smile.gif


Xiinoow things are cooking up. Gimme your caanteyn iina dhaqso beryahan waqtigii baa la isku ciriiriyay e.

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Baashow waxaa la yiri habar 70 jir ah oo hal il oo madaxa dushiisa ku taal leh baa Illaahay ka bariday inuu wiil siiyo. Ilaahay wiilkii buu siiyey. Mar alla markii la yiri waa wiil bay ciyaar iyo damaashaad qabsatay oo xaggaa u dur-durisay. intay damaashaadaysay baa wiilki wax cirka laga soo riday buu ahaayye isnaa xaggaa uu dur-duriyey. Markay ciyaartii soo dhammaysattay bay usoo laabatay inay wiilkeeddii kool-kooliso, mise maxaad ii dhiibatay! Suul-Cayn is gone, and he is no where to be seen! Kaaga darane, habbeenkaa isaga ah habartu isheedu daaf bay lahayd oo iyadoo awalba madaxa dushiisa ku taalay buu haddana arageedu liitay. Hase yeeshee waxay go'aan ku gaartay inay willkii soo hesho. Wax sumad ah oo lagu ogaa oo ay ku aqoonsato ma jirto. Keliya waxay caqliyan isku qancisay in maadaama ay dhulka ku dhashay uu dhabarka carro ku lahaa.


Marka waa doon-doontay. Hadba waxbay dhulka ka haabataa oo inta kor u qaado oo madaxa dushiisa la tagto bay isheeda xunta ahayd ku eegtaa haddiiba ay carro ka weydana, tuuryay u maroojisaa...


Bal may cid kale tusto, la arkee inay iyagu gartaane? Bal may sharqantiisa dhegeysato, la arkee inay oohinta wiilka maqashee?


Wa kukaas awoowe~~

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Adduunyo. Awoowe they are killing me out here. Busy as hell and I got no time to nail some outstanding issues I have in my vault. Waa side do you see how things are proceeding. Damn! extremely interesting stuff. I have a hunch -- ready -- write it down for future refrences purposes aight here I go: If Yussuf survives this time around then he will get his wish in lining up the ducks for superbowl come to 2009. This guy is a killer tactician with no heart wallahi. Kismayo and Las Ano are necessary casualties from his perspective vs. what goes down in 2009.


Mar aan minutes fiican helo.

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