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Beautiful Piece on the Misguidance of the Tableeg!



Fatwa of the Noble Shaykh Muhammed Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee regarding the Jamaa’ah at-Tableegh



Question: Where do the Jamaa’at-Tableegh go wrong? and

What is the remedy for their situation?


Answer: The remedy is Knowledge, as we have always advised them. Instead of going out for this "Khurooj", which has no basis in the Sunnah, whereas they make it a Sunnah to be followed. Rather they should sit in the Mosques and learn the Hadeeth and Fiqh and the manner of reading the Qur'ân correctly as it was sent down – [since many of them who speak, and this is a wicked practice which they have established for the people (in that) they encourage them to speak ]- and then (they) are not able to correctly read the Aayah, not to mention the Ahaadeeth of the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam – [since he explains the Aayah in a way that causes him to fall under the saying that occurs in the knowledge of the Sciences of Hadeeth (‘Ilm Usoolil Hadeeth): "That the student must learn the Arabic language so that when he reads a Hadeeth he does not introduce mistakes into it, but reads it as the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, said it] – and if not then he falls under the saying of the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, "


Even when the Book is in front of him and he reads from it - [then he even cannot read it properly even though the Book is fully vowel pointed] – but even so those whom we hear in many of the Mosques cannot read the Hadeeth of the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, properly, - not to mention the being able to explain them correctly, and not to mention explaining the rulings contained therein – whilst those sitting and listening are in dire need of this Fiqh taken from the Sunnah.


Therefore the cure for those people is for them to return to the circles of knowledge in the mosques and find a scholar who has knowledge of the different readings (Qiraa’aat), knowledge of Tajweed, knowledge of Fiqh, knowledge of Hadeeth and knowledge of Tafseer. – so that they can learn. Then, after that if any of them becomes able to call the people – then he has to call the people. However, they call themselves, "Jamaa’ath-Ul-Da’wah" and the "Daw’ah" is the call to Islam, ‘the group of spreading the Deen’, but this Deen of Islam has to be understood by the caller so that he may able to spread it correctly and properly – and if not then - <>- and this is a well known truth.


Therefore we advise them, since in many of them we find sincerity of purpose, and that they are active in Da’wah, however, what was said of old of them was true, as follows: "Sa’d brought them in – leading them: That is not how you bring in camels, O Sa’d!>>: <> Da’wah to Islam requires scholars who are able – especially if they go out from their lands to the lands of Kufr and misguidance, such as Europe and America – as over there problems and doubts come to them which you would not even think about in the Muslim lands – So where will they find the answer to them – he who does not have something cannot give it.


I believe that they – Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh, if they really do wish to spread the Deen of Islam – then it is not enough that they are students, rather they must be -Scholars and Mujtahids – taking Islamic rulings from the Book and the Sunnah. Why? Because they go to a land where the habits, customs, usages, and problems are different to ours – so where will they get the answers from? They have no answer – rather one of them may mistakenly think that he has some knowledge – and therefore give Fatwa’s – just as the Companions gave Fatwas to the injured man and killed him – they gave Fatwaa without knowledge and so erred and led into error, just as the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, said in the hadeeth recorded by Al-Bukharee and Muslim, "Verily Allah does not take away the knowledge by removing it from the hearts of the scholars, but He takes the knowledge away by taking away the scholars – until there does not remain any scholars, so the people take ignorant ones as their leaders – and they are asked and give judgment without knowledge." This is exactly what is happening these days – that many people give fatwas without knowledge and therefore go astray and lead others astray – therefore for those who wish to give Da’wah – it is not enough that they are students, rather they must be scholars – deriving rulings from the Book and Sunnah – and if not, then they are not able to convey the message of Islam, particularly in those foreign lands.


I end this talk with a point noted by a famous scholar of Andalus – Ibn Rushd Al-Malikee – he gave an example for the mujtahid scholar and the muqalid scholar – a very good example – saying, "The example of the mujtahid and the muqalid is the example of the person who sells leather socks and the one who makes them. So a man comes to the seller of leather socks and asks him for a particular size [and maybe he wants an unusual size, small but wide] and he doesn’t find this size amongst his stock – so he has to go to the maker of the leather socks and say I want a leather sock of such and such a size – and he makes it. This is the example of the mujtahid and the other one, the muqalid."


So where will they find answers required in that land? Therefore we advise them strongly – since they have sincerity and feeling for Islam, and desire to spread it amongst the people – to seek knowledge. There is no other way than that; after that, perhaps, Allah will grant them that knowledge and open the door of true Da’wah to them, and if not, then, The one who does not possess something cannot simply give it to others.


Our way, is that "The best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad ", and this is the text agreed upon by all Jamaa’ahs amongst Muslims throughout the world. No one says, "The best of guidance is the guidance of Aboo Haneefah, or Malik, or Ash-Shafiee, or Ahmad", and yet, all of them hold that they are people of knowledge and excellence and that their purpose is to follow the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, and his way.


Hence, all Muslims, irrespective of group or sect, agree upon this basic principle that "the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wa sallam". Despite this agreement there is still some difference with regard to how that is put into practice and in making this Prophetic truth a fact upon the face of this earth. It is here that they differ, and we have just discussed about what is knowledge, which is "what is commanded by Allah and His Messenger sallalahu alaihi wa sallam". There is also no disagreement about this fact. However, in practice today you hardly ever hear a scholar answer a question by saying, "Allah ta’aala says…." Or "The Prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam said…..". Instead they say "so and so says…", and that is NOT knowledge. So what is important for the Muslims today is that they come together upon the principles – and these are agreed amongst them – and stick to them and not leave them on one side and we say, "The best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wa sallam".


Then we also see, after that, that one person prays in a certain manner and another in a different way and another and so on………., and likewise in Wudoo, fasting, Hajj etc. etc. Why? What is the reason? The only reason is that they have NOT followed the simple basic principle of "The best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wa sallam" Why is this so? Because making this principle a reality in our religious life requires knowledge of what Allah and His Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, says. In particular what is authentically reported from the Messenger sallalahu alaihi wa sallam and keeping away from that which is NOT authentic from him (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) – so where is this way, its method and application today?


Then we return to the question and say, "All of the Jamaa’ahs amongst the Muslims say << the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wa sallam>>, but the Jamaa’at-Ul-Tableegh and others – we do not particularize them alone since the problem is general – has their ‘Aqeedah (belief) become one – and they have been in existence for many years.


So has the ‘Aqeedah of its members become a single ‘Aqeedah? Has their ‘Ibaadah (worship) become one? Etc. In my opinion the answer is "NO", since you will find amongst them, the Hanfee, the Shafi’ee, the Maalikee, and the Hanbalee, just as you would find outside the Jamaa’ah, and so on in this way there is no difference between them and the other Jamaa’ahs. Likewise within Jamaa’at-Ul-Tableegh you will find people who lean towards the Book and the Sunnah as we have just explained. However, you do not find amongst them scholars who guide these (people) to the Book and the Sunnah. Instead, they rely upon any scholar who will explain to them what is in the Book and the Sunnah since they believe that it is the Qur’an and the Sunnah that are to be acted upon. As for the great majority of them, they are not like that. The reason is that not all of them have that belief which would unite them if they possessed it. Therefore, you see them do many things at variance with the Sunnah. Eg; (this thing) which they alone do and have particulate themselves with, from amongst all of the various different Jamaa’ahs.


This is what they call "khurooj" – going out in the way of Allah – meaning going out with the Jamaa’ah to various towns, cities, lands and even non-Muslim countries. So we always remind them that going out in the way of Allah is a good thing since the Messenger sallalahu alaihi wa sallam said "He who takes a path seeking knowledge. Allah makes it easy for him a path to Paradise". However, if they believe, along with us, that the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, then (we ask), "had he (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) and his noble companions used to go out in tens in that way to give Da’wah of Islam?" <> And the people in the time of the Messenger sallalahu alaihi wa sallam were in greater need of knowledge since they were surrounded by the unbelievers. So he, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, would send a knowledgeable one and not send ten or twenty along with him who did not know anything. Rather they would learn from the people of knowledge in their own lands.


So I am sure you all know that he, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, sent Mu’aadh Ibn Jabal (raliallahu anhu), alone, Aboo Moosa (raliallahu anhu) alone, and likewise ‘Alee (raliallahu anhu), Aboo ‘Ubaidhah (raliallahu anhu) and Dihyah (raliallahu anhu) etc. etc. all singly. We do not find at any time in his blessed life that he, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, sent along with a scholar, people who were not scholars – to Yemen. What was in Yemen but Shirk and Kufr, and consider, there was need in the time of the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam.


Therefore we say that the foundation of Da’wah is Knowledge – Knowledge of the Book and the Sunnah – and I would draw your attention to the fact that despite being around many years they still do not have a single unifying ‘Aqeedah nor a single unifying worship, nor commonality in their prayers. So what is it you will convey to the people while you have not yet conveyed it to your own selves? Begin with your own selves first, then those around you. What will the Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh convey if they themselves have not still agreed in ‘Aqeedah? As far as I know, Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh does not give any importance to the affairs of ‘Aqeedah. Indeed, many of them state openly that, "we do not go into the affairs of ‘Aqeedah since they cause differences amongst the Muslims", nor do they take care to correct their worship and Prayers and make that in accordance with the Sunnah. So he who does not possess something cannot give it to another.


They call to Islam. What is Islam? Prayer!, Fasting!, Zakat! Etc. If a questioner comes and asks, "How did the Messenger of Allah, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, perform Salat?" to one of their callers (Daa’ee), not just one of their common followers, then he cannot answer. Why? Because from the beginning, from their first principles, they are NOT taught to, first of all, make sure that they are upon following the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, of Allah. Either he will be restricted to a Particular Madhab or following a particular Sufi order – about which some Sufi’s speak openly and say, "The number of ways to Allah are like the number of created beings". So, perhaps, this Sheikh belongs to one of those Sufi orders about which the scholars are agreed that nothing of them ever existed in the first three generations after the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, whose excellence was testified to and Allah Himself says, "Verily, this is My Way, leading Straight: follow it: follow not (other) paths: they will scatter you about from His (great) Path." [Al-Quran 6:153]


And so if the head of the callers who established the Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh; he himself follows a particular Madhab, Blindly – Hanafee or Shafi’ee or any other; And he himself follows one of these Sufi orders – then what is this Islam that they call to? Prayer only? We often hear and know that many people who had not used to pray have started to pray – we do not deny that. We know many extreme Sufi’s in all the lands of Islam, and particularly Syria, where they have lived for many years – Shaikhs of the Sufi’s who devour the people’s wealth and live upon the hunger of their followers – and yet people who were formerly drunkards become their followers and begin to pray. But is that what is wanted? That a person becomes like the example mentioned by the Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, "The example of the scholar who does NOT act on his Knowledge is that of a lamp which gives light to the people and burns itself away." That is not what is wanted. What is wanted is that the Muslim gives Da’wah having a certain Knowledge of his Deen – and where does he get that knowledge from? As we have said: Either he himself becomes a scholar by studying the Book and the Sunnah or he takes the Book and the Sunnah from one who is a scholar of that. We do not find that amongst the followers of Jamaa’at - Ut-Tableegh – and for all these years – and likewise for the Ikhwanul Muslimeen – and they have not come together in their thinking – so within the Ikhwan you find the Salafee, the Sufi, the follower of a Madhab, and in some lands even the Shi’ee – we know that from their long history – what Islam is it that they call to?


And know after mentioning their shortcomings – I advise them – that instead of going out for this "Khurooj" which was, firstly, not found in the time of the Prophet, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, and secondly, that it is organized in a way that has no basis in Islam – three days, four days etc. – Instead of that "Khurooj", which did not exist in the first and best period of Islam, sit in the Mosques and study the Book of Allah, either by yourselves if you are from the former group and if not, then, by asking the people of Knowledge if you do not know.


And we often hear them begin their lesson with the saying: "Our success lies in following the Sunnah". Fine, but if you ask, "What is the Sunnah in the Prayer that you have just performed?". He doesn’t know. The Imam sits after the prayer, opens "Riyadh-Us-Saliheen" – and what a good book it is – he reads two or three ahadeeth and does not explain them or make their meaning clear – reading only the text. Then the people go away not knowing anything. Why? Because the Shaikh didn’t explain. Why? Because he doesn’t have something, hence he cannot give it.


[ EDITOR'S NOTE: In Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and some African countries They read Fazail-e-Aa'maal or some places They promote BAHIST- E-ZEWAR these book contains mixture of Hanaafee fiqh with fabricated narration and stories and lies]


So, instead of wasting time reading ahadeeth which they do not understand – let one or two of them out of the thousands seek knowledge – tafseer, hadeeth, language etc. Then, let them call the people to Islam upon clear guidance. The Jamaa’at-ut- Tableegh in this form, what do they call to? To Islam, fine. Then what is the ‘Aqeedah that a Muslim has to have? Is it the Ash’aree ‘aqeedah, the maatureedee ‘aqeedah or the ‘aqeedah of Ahlul hadeeth? Each is upon that which he found his father, mother, grandfather – or from Al-Azhar or the latest Islamic University etc. Otherwise his mind is completely empty, neither having this nor that – what is the reason?


Firstly, it is not part of their system that they teach their Jamaa’ah the ‘Aqeedah. Secondly, it is not part of their program to teach the people what is Sunnah and what is Bid’ah – and the Arab Muslim poet of old said: "I learnt what was bad not for its own sake but to avoid it: and he who does not know bad from good falls into it." And this poetic wisdom is taken from the hadeeth of Hudaifah Ibn Al-Yamani (raliallahu anhu) who said about himself: "The people used to ask Allah’s Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, about the good. And I used to ask about the bad fearing it would come to me…"


And as the poet said: "Sa’d brought in [the camels], leading them: O Sa’d – that is not how you bring camels in."


If you call to Islam – you have to know what it is, beginning with Imaan and perhaps the brothers will recall the Hadeeth: "That a man came to the Prophet sallalahu alaihi wa sallam with very white clothes and black hair….. [the Hadeeth of Jibreel concerning Islam, Imaan and Ihsaan…]…"


Imaan in Allah – I have never heard any of our brothers explain the word "Imaan in Allah" – of which it is possible to write volumes about, and it is sufficient for us that Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah wrote a whole book called "Kitaabul-Imaan" – and the muhaddithoon of old wrote such books such as Ibn Abee Shaibah and Aboo ‘Ubaid Al-Qassim as Sallam – all of them writing books on Imaan.


What is "Imaan in Allah? The Muslims believe in Allah, the Christians believe in Allah, the Jews believe in Allah, everyone but the atheists believe in Allah. But each one’s belief in Allah is different from the other. So what is that Imaan (in Allah) which is the first condition of Imaan? This topic is never studied. This Imaan contains the belief in the Oneness of Allah’s self; it contains the Oneness of Allah’s worship – that He alone is worshipped; it contains Allah’s Uniqueness in his Attributes.


Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh do not speak about these at all – so then, what O Brother is this Islam that you call people to? And where are you with regard to his (sallalahu alaihi wa sallam) sayings, "Pray as you see me praying" and "Take your rites of Hajj from me for I do not know – perhaps I will not meet you after this year." Then, our advice is that some – not all thousands or millions of them – but tens or thousands of them should obtain knowledge of the Deen who then can guide them to the following of Allah’s Book and the Ahaadeeth of Allah’s messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam.


As for the going out – then no one should go out except for the scholar – as shown in the guidance of Allah’s Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam. As for spreading the Deen – then each person passes on what he knows – but that is not to be in ordered form that people from Amman leave their families and children and go to Europe and America. Let them remain at home and learn Allah’s Deen as did the Companions of the Prophet, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam. We again repeat, :The best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad, sallalahualaihi wa sallam."


Where are those who best understand this rule? Without a doubt they were the Companions of the Prophet, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, then those who came after them, then those who came even after them. Fourteen centuries have passed and whatever we might say about changing times or methods etc. – we are now in the 1400’s and never in these 1400 years did a group of scholars go out in hundreds in this way, traveling through the lands to give Da’wah. Why did they not do that? Therefore the scholars say, "And every good is in the following of those who came before, and every evil lies in the innovations of the latter people."


No one will argue about giving Da’wah since Allah ta’aala says: "watakun minkum ummah.." but the problem lies in the method of Da’wah and the way it is given, and what is introduced into that which had not been used to be in the time of the Prophet, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, and that one having knowledge goes out – why does he go out? To learn! Brother, stay in your homes, the mosque is next door, sit there and learn from the scholars.


from someone in the audience asking what is wrong with going out to the mosques.


O beloved Brother, may Allah be Pleased with you – this is NOT the point of discussion – do not enter us into issues which are not related to where the problem lies…. I say there is no problem – but the ones nearer to you have more right, your family, your neighbors etc. then to whom will you call? Have you taught your family the correct ‘Aqeedah? And taught them how the Prophet, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, used to pray? Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh do NOT learn or teach how the Prophet, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, used to pray and make Hajj etc. So as a member of Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh have you taught that which is obligatory to your family whom you live with? They are the closest of people to you. So you leave them alone and go to another town and say to me "what is wrong?" – I say there is nothing wrong, but start with yourselves, then those closest to you. Do not leave your land – going here and there – he who does not have something cannot give it.


We in Ash_Sham (Syria), have an example which they mention – they say: "That there was a Kurdish man, zealous for Islam, but knowing very little about it – he met a Jew on the road one day and said to him become a Muslim or I will kill you, so he replied; I will become a Muslim – what do I say? He said: By Allah, I don’t know!"


What benefit is this type of enthusiasm – he doesn’t even know what to say to the Jew about Islam. So we say, - that before this enthusiasm – sit and learn what Islam is – then spread it amongst the people in the best way. And this is enough of a mention of the short-comings of Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh. And we do not wish to go further into the details since that requires research of their history – and what is correct and what is not – but that which is very clear. Is that this "Khurooj" in groups who hardly know anything about Islam?




Brother, it is not an accusation – It is something we see.


Then as I have said to you – if we do find someone amongst Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh praying according to the Sunnah, then this Sunnah has not come from them but from outside. So, in this case you are like the person mentioned in the Qur'ân:


"…And one of her household saw (this) and bore witness, (thus)…." [Al-Quran Surah Yousoof 12:26]


Al-hamdulillah, And you pray according to the book, Salat Salaatin-Nabiee’,sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, - why don’t you pray according to a book produced by Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh? Because they haven’t produced any such book. Then – we return to what is most important – to ‘Aqeedah – so do you say that we accuse them of not giving importance to ‘Aqeedah? Well, they themselves clearly state that – they do not call to ‘Aqeedah, nor to the Book and the Sunnah – everyone remains upon his madhab…


I say, as long as the Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh want to spread Islam and have this enthusiasm – then the Sunnah must come from them – not have to be taken from other Jamaa’ah. I know them from Syria and from sitting with them, and I know them here….. so I am not ignorant of them, so that you say that I accuse them. Rather you accuse us of accusing them – but I speak based on knowledge…


So, in brief, with regard to the Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh – we are thankful for their enthusiasm but not for the way in which they show it. This enthusiasm has to have knowledge attached to it – and knowledge as has preceded is "what Allah and His Messenger, sallalahu alaihi wa sallam, say". This Hadeeth is authentic. Is there any scholar amongst them who is able to say that this Hadeeth is weak so that he can be upon clear guidance in his Deen? They do not have such a one to this day. Why? Because their way is at variance with he correct way.: "Verily, this is My Way, leading Straight: follow it: follow not (other) paths:" [Al-Quran Surah An’aam 6:153]

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BILAABATEE, you started your ENVY and HATRED articles from your group's website.


I'm still here i'm not out, my EYES are open and as i told u b4 this VOMIT FREE wewbsite, if you hate the Muslims please go to the MUSLIM haters website. here we don't hate any Muslim.


don't lost your time here, you'll never sucsess to decieve anyone here, they're very intelligent people.


or you want to show your SPONSOR that you did something :D , this is also waste of money and time since almost everybody here knows you very well where you come from and who's your sponsor.

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Sahal ur still around :D I bet, though im not a betting man, you did not even read the article....and i bet you have nothing but good to say about Albani, and i Bet you love the man and have much respect for him, and i bet, you believe he is a scholar, who has knowledge, and you dont have the gust to defame him,


Sahal brother please do us all a favor and refute the Shaykh! :D



taken from the above article:


We in Ash_Sham (Syria), have an example which they mention – they say: "That there was a Kurdish man, zealous for Islam, but knowing very little about it – he met a Jew on the road one day and said to him "become a Muslim or I will kill you, so he replied; "I will become a Muslim – what do I say? "He said:" By Allah, I don’t know!"


What benefit is this type of enthusiasm – he doesn’t even know what to say to the Jew about Islam. So we say, - that before this enthusiasm – sit and learn what Islam is – then spread it amongst the people in the best way. And this is enough of a mention of the short-comings of Jamaa’at-Ut-Tableegh. And we do not wish to go further into the details since that requires research of their history – and what is correct and what is not – but that which is very clear. Is that this "Khurooj" in groups who hardly know anything about Islam?

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Originally posted by sahal:I'm still here i'm not out, my EYES are open



Change your name to Salafi hunter

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Salafi is that the only argument you have against Tabligh. Lack of knowledge. Have you ever been out with them, ate with them and seen their akhlaaq, or have all you're information come from you're 'trusted' sheikhs'. It is well known that the muslims of two or three decades ago, knew more quran and hadith as the ones of today. If it is Qu'ranic knowledge, Tablighis' know just as much any other muslim, the same goes with Hadith. There is one very important difference however, one that even you're so called sheikhs' may not possess. That is the intention to increase their knowledge and the fact that they regularly recite, and, more importantly act upon the knowledge they already have. Knowing more Qur'an or Hadith does not make you a better muslim, the important thing is to act upon the knowledge you already have and have the intention to increase you're knowledge. The tabligh have both of these characteristics.


Check out the following and pay close attention to the offspring of the man the Prophet(p.b.u.h) describes in this Hadith.


Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: The Prophet said, "I have been made victorious with As-Saba (i.e. an easterly wind) and the people of 'Ad were destroyed by Ad-Dabur (i.e. a westerly wind)." Narrated Abu Said: Ali sent a piece of gold to the Prophet who distributed it among four persons: Al-Aqra' bin Habis Al-Hanzali from the tribe of Mujashi, 'Uyaina bin Badr Al-Fazari, Zaid At-Ta'i who belonged to (the tribe of) Bani Nahban, and 'Alqama bin Ulatha Al-'Amir who belonged to (the tribe of) Bani Kilab. So the Quraish and the Ansar became angry and said, "He (i.e. the Prophet, ) gives the chief of Najd and does not give us." The Prophet said, "I give them) so as to attract their hearts (to Islam)." Then a man with sunken eyes, prominent checks, a raised forehead, a thick beard and a shaven head, came (in front of the Prophet ) and said, "Be afraid of Allah, O Muhammad!" The Prophet ' said "Who would obey Allah if I disobeyed Him? (Is it fair that) Allah has trusted all the people of the earth to me while, you do not trust me?" Somebody who, I think was Khalid bin Al-Walid, requested the Prophet to let him chop that man's head off, but he prevented him. When the man left, the Prophet said, "Among the off-spring of this man will be some who will recite the Qur'an but the Qur'an will not reach beyond their throats (i.e. they will recite like parrots and will not understand it nor act on it), and they will renegade from the religion as an arrow goes through the game's body. They will kill the Muslims but will not disturb the idolaters. If I should live up to their time' I will kill them as the people of 'Ad were killed (i.e. I will kill all of them)." - Bukhari

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Here is a more detailed answer regarding knowledge. I believe you're argument simply put is that, since tabligh are not knowledgeable, only people of knowledge should go out and call the people to Allah. Not that the people of knowledge that you describe, are fulfilling this responsibilty of theirs, but anyhow lets take the ideal situation.


First of all, knowlege is from Allah. He grants it to whom He pleases without limit. Allah says in the Quran:


035.028 And so amongst men and crawling creatures and cattle, are they of various colours. Those truly fear God, among His Servants, who have knowledge: for God is Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving.


Salafi would you disagree that it is a duty on every believer to convey the message of Allah.


4.667: ------- Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: The Prophet said, "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence, and tell others the stories of Bani Israel (which have been taught to you), for it is not sinful to do so. And whoever tells a lie on me intentionally, will surely take his place in the (Hell) Fire." - Bukhari


In the above hadith from Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) commands us to convey the message. This command is for everyone. The prophet (p.b.u.h) orders us to convey the message even if it were a single statement. The prophet (p.b.u.h) also commands us to relate the stories of Bani Israel, and whoever says a lie about prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) will find his seat in the hell fire.


It is a duty for every person to convey what they know to others. This is a duty on every person, not just the scholars. Whatever the amount the person knows, even if it is just one statement, it is a duty to convey it to others.


The wise will tell you that the person with the most knowlege is indeed the one that remembers Allah Much. Not just by saying the words with the tongue, but by acting upon those words in order to fully please Allah. Like Allah says about the People of understanding (Oulil Albab):


003.191 Men who remember God, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire.


These people of understanding remember Allah much, standing sitting, and lying down. They have the understanding of Allah. They ponder over the creation of Allah of the universe, and they fear the punishment that Allah has prepared in the after life, the Hell fire whose fuel is human beings and rocks. These are the people of understanding.


Another hadith in Bukhari:


"...Beware! Do not become infidels after me, cutting the throats of one another..."


Salafi i'm not a veteran of SOL, but it seems to me like you've almost made it you're trademark, to discredit and assign muslims into groups and sects. To help explain certain things to people is a worthy endeavour, but that can't be done by nullifying their position and branding them ignorant.


Allah commands us to be helpers of Allah and His final Messenger (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him). Prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h) fulfilled his duty by conveying the message to his companions. It's now the duty upon us to convey the message to others, and Allah is well aware of what we do. All the praises are for Him the All Knowing.


Knowledge becomes beneficial when Allah blesses one with Al-Hikmah.


039.009 Is one who worships devoutly during the hour of the night prostrating himself or standing (in adoration), who takes heed of the Hereafter, and who places his hope in the Mercy of his Lord - (like one who does not)? Say: "Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.


A person that calls on Allah with fear and hope during the hours of night, and strives for the hereafter, and rests his hope in the mercy of his Lord is indeed a very smart person. Are they the same as a person that doesn't do those things? Is the person who knows and is conscious of Allah the same as a person that is unaware? A person that remembers Allah much and fears him, is indeed knowledgable.


A person that becomes heedless of the rememberance of Allah, despite having the knowlegde he is endowed with, has the shaitan as his companion. The greatest knowlege is the understanding of who Allah, the Creator and Master of this universe, is. That is the purpose of the Quran, Hadith, prayers etc., so that a person becomes conscious of Allah.

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Saxib, Name me one Scholar from the Tableeg Jamaca who is known World Wide for his Ilm and is Alive?


ill be back in few days to address your points, Though that was only Naseeha By Albani, The Hujjah has been stablished upon them bythe Kibar Ulama. Inshallah now that i have some Luxury we can discuss the conditions of the Jamaca in a brotherly fashion !

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Change your name to Salafi hunter

Loool, Ayoub sxb if I had a time to challenge him .....


This guy is bold and conceited, they teached him that their group is the best and the only saviour of Yowmulqiyaamah, therefore he will pick-up all the Muslims one after another and thet's why i'm hunting him. i will not allow him to vomit here and to insult Sincere ULUMAS, CALLERS of ALLAH and MUJAHIDIIN.


I could discuss his COPY & PASTE article but I realised that the advice will not benefit him. he is the deep of the Ocean of Hating Sincere Muslims.


The other problem of this group is that they collect the individual imperfection and they apply whole the fellowers, e.g Sheikh Albani say in this article Tabligh group should start the D'AWA at their homes, who told him that they didn't started at their homes? does he know all Tabligh members and their homes, how he can generalize for individual matters? if you criticize all groups and all ulumas is that mean no one can call to ALLAH except salafiyah group? has our friend here enough knowldege to call the people to ALLAH'S way? or that means our ignorants can call to ALLAH but not others?

Also remeber when they're criticizing ULUMA'S they don't say they don't have enough knowldege to call the people to ALLAH'S way but rather they say their manhaj is wrong :rolleyes: , so they're always right and others are always wrong :mad: , isn't madness?


Ayoub sxb as i told you i would challenge him if i had time ... but as they say "YAA KHUSAARA" that i have no time for him, the only thing i can do so far is to keep him a watchfull eye.

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^^ Saxiib I agree with most things Salafi says even though I don't call myself a 'Salafi".Where we part is his constant attack on 'other' Muslim and his attempt to convince us to 'obey' the current 'Kings' of Arabia.


Calling oneself Salafi does not buy a ticket to JANNAH and some of the most ignorant people i've met did call themselves 'Salafis'.


I'll take the positive from Salafi Online and leave all the negative stuff and I suggest he should follow the advice given to him by Sister Rahima:


".... as much as it could be said that i am in line with the salafi manhaj, i believe you concentrate on it a bit too much, talk about that which more people can identify with- a very good dacwa tool which we should all employ. If the issue comes up, then fine, give it some attention, but why is it always the bulk of your message?"


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Originally posted by Salafi_Online:

Saxib, Name me one Scholar from the Tableeg Jamaca who is known World Wide for his Ilm and is Alive?

There are many, but it seems you haven't taken the time to research the people you're slandering. In fact many Uluma from the Egypt, Oman, Qatar and other places in the middle east travel every year to gain insights and wisdom from the tabligh Jama'ats. One of the most famous is Shaikul Hadith Muhammad Zakariyya Kaandhlawi, who is no longer with us, may Allah bless him. Sheik Zakariyya was well respected by all the top Uluma of his time both in the middle east and in the sub-continent. Not just for his knowledge, but for the way his acted upon it and the way he induced that knowledge into others.


I will let him explain what the work of tabligh is all about and the great need for it today. While you read, make a note that despite you're acccusations that tabligh jama'ats don't value getting knowledge, that he emphasizes the importance of getting knowledge, in his own words, 'ignorance of law' is no excuse under any government, then why should it be accepted by the Master of all rulers?


Khandalawi writes:


In the name of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Merciful.


We praise Him, and we ask His blessings on His Noble Prophet.


First, I give thanks to Allah, who has enabled me to write this booklet on Tabligh (Faza'il A'mal). One of the best of the Muslim scholars of this age has advised me to select a few verses of the Holy Quran and some sayings of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) on Tabligh and explain the same. Since my humble services to such sincere believers can be a means of my salvation, I present this useful pamphlets to every Islamic School, Islamic Association, Islamic Government, rather to every Muslim, and request them to serve the cause of Tabligh.


In fact, during this age there is a day-to-day decline in our commitment to religion, and objections against our true Faith are raised not only by disbelievers, but also by present day Muslims. Obligatory observances (practices) are being neglected not only by the common Muslims, but by those also who hold important positions. Millions of Muslims have indulged in clear false worship, not to speak of neglecting Salaah and Fasting, yet they are never conscious of their practices being against pure obedience to Allah.


Exceeding the religious limits is very common and making fun of religious beliefs has become a fashion of the day. That is why Muslim scholars have even begun to avoid the common folk and the result of this state of affairs is that ignorance about the teachings of Islam is increasing day by day.


People offer the excuse that no one teaches them the religion of Islam with a keen interest, and the Muslim scholars have an excuse that no one listens to them attentively, But none of these excuses is valid before Allah. As a matter of fact, He will never accept the excuse of the common folk that they were ignorant about religious matters for to learn religion and to make a serious effort to get knowledge of its practices is the personal responsibility of every Muslim. Since "ignorance of law" is no excuse under any government, then why should it be accepted by the Master of all rulers? They say, making excuses for crime is worse than crime itself.


Similarly, the excuse of the scholars that no one listens to them does not hold good. They boast of representing the great spiritual leaders and pious of the past, but never consider how many troubles and hardships they had suffered to preach the true religion! Were they not hit with stones? Were they not abused and oppressed to the extreme degree? But in spite of all these obstacles and hardships, they fulfilled their responsibilities about preaching and they propagated the message of Islam regardless of any opposition.


Generally, the Muslims have limited the work Tabligh to the scholars only, whereas every Muslim has been commanded by Allah (Subhanahu wa Taala) to prevent people from doing forbidden things. Even if we admit for a moment that Tabligh is the duty of Muslim scholars only, who do not perform it properly, then it is the particular duty of every Muslim to preach Islam.


The importance that has been laid on Tabligh by the Quran and Hadith will be proved by the Ayah of the Quran and sayings of the Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihi Wassallam) that are being quoted in the following pages. Therefore, you cannot limit Tabligh to scholars only, nor can it be an excuse for you to neglect the same. I would request every Muslim to devote his time and energy to Tabligh as much as he can.


"Consider, the time at your disposal a blessing; for none knows what his end will be. "


You need not be a perfect scholar to preach Islam and good moral values to humanity. Whatever knowledge of Islam you possess, you must pass it on to others. Whenever anything morally wrong or forbidden is done in your presence, then as a Muslim it is your duty to prevent it, as far as it lies in your power.


I have described all the important things about Tabligh in seven brief Chapters and I hope that every Muslim will benefit from them.


Haafiz Mohammad Zakariyya Sahib Kandhlvi.

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brother Ayub if u agree with the manhaj of the salafi, then we are one, disgreeing is not something unsual, however agree brother ayub you must tell me why u disgree, about warning against baatil misguided groups, show from kitab and sunnah when we should remain silent about the pople of innvotaion so i can be guided, but to say u dont agree with me just because its not good enough! brother ayub i plea to u for the sake of allah to show me where in the kitab and sunnah does it say to disobey the oppressing rulers, and by Allah if u show me the truth i will submit to it!


I stay that obeying the rulers is what the messenger of Allah(saw) taught us, read the hdith if u dont believe me, do u disgree with him?


about warning againt those those who we disgree with, and i appreciate Rahima and urs adive, but i take my religion from the salaf, and here is what they have to say about remaining silent!


Ibn Taahir al-Maqdisi al-Haafidh said, "I heard the Imaam, Abu Ismaa'eel 'Abdullaah bin Muhammad al-Ansaari saying, whilst in Haraah: 'The sword was put to my neck five times [and each time] it was not said to me, 'Leave your madhhab' but it was said to me, 'Remain silent about those who are in opposition to you'. So I would say, 'I will not remain silent'." [Aadaab us-Sharee'ah (1/207) of Ibn Muflih al-Maqdisi al-Hanbali].


brother ayub the ball is in ur court


brother bilaal i will get back to u in 5 days, i went to go see the brothers from

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Salafi On-line Wrote:

brother ayub i plea to u for the sake of allah to show me where in the kitab and sunnah does it say to disobey the oppressing rulers, and by Allah if u show me the truth i will submit to it!


I stay that obeying the rulers is what the messenger of Allah(saw) taught us, read the hdith if u dont believe me, do u disgree with him?

This guy is really SICK , when i asked him earlier to show me where in the KITAAB and SUNNAH says name yourself as SALAFIS rather than the MUSLIM he responded Sheikh Fulaan say nothing wrong wirth it...etc.


Now he is saying Show me the Kitaab and Sunnah where says don't disobey the opressor rulers. it's good that you judged with the Kitab and Sunnah and not Sheikh Fulan said this and Sheikh fulan said that ....


I can hgive many evidences as well as SAFU SALIH but r u serious to listen, i'm sure you won't.


just b4 the evidences i want to remember the Brothers and Sisters in this thread that this guy said earlier thread that SADDAM is KAFFIR :D , and one brother/sister (i can't remember his/her name) asked him what about Bashar Assad who is on the same bath as SAddaam (BA'ATH PARTY), he disappeared as usual ;) . therefore his standard is not to obbey all the oppressors as he is claiming here but to obbey as long as the oppresor on the line with FAHAD and Al-saud family like Husni Mubarak, Bashar Assad and many others and oppose if he is not on the line with Fahad as Saddam was his last 13 years (not b4 envading Kuwait).


the evidences will come with the next thread as i have to go now.

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Brother, with all due respect this “salafi hunting†expedition that you have taken to, has to be honest become an obsession and in the process lost any credibility and point it may of have had.


You have started to make it a personal issue, hence the insults that you throw at the brother.


Reading brother Salafi onlines posts, I can only guess and gather that he is a young brother who has recently gotten back into the diin and in this process is trying as best as he sees fit- this is a common characteristic of such youth. I don’t know about you, but I’ve seen many folks like him, who within time begin to put things into perspective without loosing their manhaj. You may disagree with him, but there is no need to insult him with words such as “sickâ€.


Fear Allah brother and give the brother a break, discuss the points in a respectful manner but do not attack him personally.



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Salafi, this is one of your group's tricks and decieves.


The question should be: B] "Weather we allowed to obbey Rulers who don't rule according ALLAH'S rule, stealing MUSLIM's wealth, allying with the enemies of ALLAH and his MESSEMGER over other MUSLIMS, etc. and not as you illustrated " is there any evidence to disobbey the oppressor rulers"[/b]


One of the Sahabis (I think he was), Khabab Ibn Arath (R.A) understood the mentality of Khawarij and asked permission of Amirul Muminoon Ali Ibn Abii Dhaalib (R.A) to go their compound and to taste them when he reached them they asked WHO ARE YOU? he replied I'M MUSHRIK SEEKING AN ASSYLUM, they said wait, we'll look the Kitaab (QURAN) how we would deal with you, they found Ayah which roughly says: "O' MUHAMMED (s.a.w) if one of the mushrik's asks assylum to you, grant him an assylum untill he hears the kalaam of ALLAH and take to him to where he would be safe .." AL-TOWBAH. the Khawarij grant him an assylum and read QURAN on him and later took to him to a safe place.


What about if he would say I AM MUSLIM SEEKING ASSYLUM, ..they couldn't find any Ayahs saying 'if a muslim asks assylim ...' and they would kill him as they did to many muslims.


Thus they found in the QURAN rescue the MUSHRIKIINS and couldn't find rescue the MUSLIMS !


Similar undarstandisngs are today roaming among the muslims. and to be honest your undarstanding is one of them since you're very lean to FAHAD, HUSNI MUBARAK, AYAD ALAWI, HAMID KARAZAI and many others and saying

brother ayub i plea to u for the sake of allah to show me where in the kitab and sunnah does it say to disobey the oppressing rulers, and by Allah if u show me the truth i will submit to it!


I stay that obeying the rulers is what the messenger of Allah(saw) taught us, read the hdith if u dont believe me, do u disgree with him?

and above that you're very lean to the MACDONALD'S, while you're on the other hand very cruel and hard to SHEIKH QARADAWI, SHEIKH SALMAN AL CAWDA, SH. SAFAR AL-XAWALI, SH. C/RAXMAN C/KHALIQ, SH. SHARIIF CABDI NUUR (SOMALI) and many other sincere ULUMA'S and DUA'H (as we think them, Allah knows best) as well as DA'WA groups like IKHWANUL MUSLIMUN, TABLIIGH, TAHRIIR etc. you also said one of your threads " What's wrong with MACDONALD'S if it's HALAL". SUBXAANALAAH this is enough evidence that you're in a VALLEY and ISLAM is another VALLEY.


if this is not KHAWARIJ's undesrtand i.e No matter with Macdonald's, American Banks and big Companies in MAKKAH and MADINAH, no matter to obbey Fahad, Xusni Mubarak, Zaynul Caabidiin bin cali, Hamid Karazai, AYad Alawi etc. and to see the biggest thread of Islam for Jamaca TABLIGH and SHeikh Qaradawi and anyone who disobbey FAHAD and his alike like Sh. Salman Al-awda. if this is not similar to KHAWARIJ understand what is it?


TO LOVE THE ENEMIES OF ALLAH and be patient with them and to HATE the RAHAMAN'S SLAVES (CIBAADU RAXMAAN) is a KHAWARIJ's Understanding.



Neverthles, i will give you many evidences.


First of all, It is innacurate to say that we are obliged to obey authorites that have been appointed by, in money cases, enemies of Islam. Rather the command from Allah (swt) is that we must obey none but Allah, and for his sake we obey the messengers and the rulers and scholars AMONG us, i.e. the Muslim rulers, and if we have any dispute to refer back to Allah and his messenger, i.e. that we obey them only if they obey Allah and rule by his commands. Allah (swt) says, “O you who believe, Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger, and those in authority from among you. If you dispute in any matter, attribute back to Allah and his Messenger.†[EMQ 4: 59]


Allah (swt) did not mention to 'Obey' the rulers above us, but mentioned to "Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger" This is a command to obey the wahyi, the rulers are not connected at all to the wahyi unless they implement it. Furthermore, we have been forbidden from obeying the one who rules by other than Allah, and informed that they are in fact not Muslim, Allah (swt) says, "Whoever rules by other than what Allah revealed, they are the kafirun." [EMQ 5:44]


therfore we're not allowed to follow any RULER unless he/she has an evidence from ALLH (KITAAB) and the MESSENGER S.A.W. (SUNNAH) in his rulings.



do they rule according KITAAB and SUNNAH.


ALLAH (s.w.t.) says in the QURAN.


1. ‘Have you seen those who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you and that which has been sent down before you and they wish to go for judgement in their dispute to the Taaghout i.e. false Judges etc… while they have been ordered to reject them but Shaytaan wishes to lead them far astray’ [EMQ 4:60]


Today our rulers are not only wishing to go for judgement in their disbute to the TAAGHUUT such as UN, Security Council, IGAD, Britain's Emperial Map etc but rather they're competing each other to reach there and they accept, keep and preserve their rulings more than they accept, keep and preserve the rulings of ALLAH (s.w.t) and his Messenger (s.a.w) one example is how they kept the United Nation's sanctions against IRAQ over period of THIRTEEN YEARS.


2. “You will see many of them befriending those who disbelieve; certainly evil is that which their souls have sent before for them, that Allah became displeased with them and in chastisement shall they abide. And had they believed in Allah and the prophet and what was revealed to him, they would not have taken them for friends but! most of them are transgressors.†[EMQ 5:80-81]


Allah (swt) has clearly and explicitly forbidden the Muslim from ever allying to the Kuffar, seeking their help or allowing them in authority over us, helping them to destroy and to kill other Muslims and what the Gulf rulers did? don't they help Americans and its allies to destroy IRAQ and to kill as many as thousands of Iraqi people and before don't they help SADDAM to kill IRANIANS and IRAQIS alike.





let me stop here today and The Sunnah and Salaful salah evidences are coming soon INSHAALLAAH.

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Originally posted by Salafi Online:

This is what they call "khurooj" – going out in the way of Allah – meaning going out with the Jamaa’ah to various towns, cities, lands and even non-Muslim countries.

The article you posted was based on someone's experiences which are different to mine and I suspect,to most people who live in non-Muslim countries. I've seen (Yemeni) Arabic/english-speaking Tablighis who are very knowledgeable in Qur'aan and SUNNAH. There some people who have 'little' knowledge among them, who try to correct and remind their brothers and sisters but I don't know about you but i'm certainly in no position to criticise. Like brothers Nur and Bilaal said, some of the best people I've ever seen in character, humility and other practices of Islam were Tablighis.


You article claims they never talk about IIMAAN, in fact I'll always remember 'a talk' one on these brothers gave me which started with him asking me: "Kayf xaal" and I fine Al xamdu lillah and then he asked "kayf iimaan".


I agree we should all educate ourselves more about ISLAM but I don't see anything wrong with Tablighis going out to 'Youth Centres' to remind young Muslim about faith and how and where to spend their valuable time. What you have to remember we all Muslims and if you see a TABLIGHI doing something wrong you have a duty to tell them in the same dignified manner you would if he was a 'Salafi'.


The Sheikh who wrote the article above might struggle to find common ground or get the attention to start a discussion with the young people in the streets corners compared to young person whom the 'youths' consider 'cool'. If there is no scholar available then the ones doing the good work should be discouraged. There is no 'turf war' on spreading and reminding people about ISLAM and if Salafis can do a better job then its time to walk the walk.



Originally posted by Salafi_Online:

.., show from kitab and sunnah when we should remain silent about the people of innovation so i can be guided, but to say u don't agree with me just because its not good enough! brother ayub i plea to u for the sake of allah to show me where in the kitab and sunnah does it say to disobey the oppressing rulers, and by Allah if u show me the truth i will submit to it!


Brother I see a contradiction between in the statement above. On one hand, you are firm and outspoken critic of Muslims you call 'innovators' and misguided' on the other you want us to 'obey' the Kings. You know what the Qur'aan says about people those who do not rule according to the way Allah (SWT)ordained and you know what the Prophet (SAW) said if we see someone doing wrong we should stop them or speak against. Feeling bad about someone doing something wrong is described as lowest of belief.


What I want to ask you is; when should one start to disobey the Kings? If they asked you to torture or kill someone will you obey them? If they asked someone to bring them alcohol or prostitutes should they obey them? Where do you draw the line on obeying oppressive leaders?






Originally posted by BiLaaL_07:

4.667: ------- Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: The Prophet said, "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence, and tell others the stories of Bani Israel (which have been taught to you), for it is not sinful to do so. And whoever tells a lie on me intentionally, will surely take his place in the (Hell) Fire." - Bukhari


In the above hadith from Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) commands us to convey the message. This command is for everyone. The prophet (p.b.u.h) orders us to convey the message even if it were a single statement. The prophet (p.b.u.h) also commands us to relate the stories of Bani Israel, and whoever says a lie about prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) will find his seat in the hell fire

Salafi you said "and by Allah if u show me the truth i will submit to it!" and that statement makes very clear everyone is commanded to convey the message and not just the "Scholars and Mujtahids" like the article claims. I'm not saying knowledge is not important but we must teach each other the little we know. What you need to realise is the Tablighis i've seen concentrate on reminding Muslims (some with more knowledge than them) about Allah(swt).



On the authority of Omar bin Al-Khattab, who said : I heard the messenger of Allah salla Allah u alihi wa sallam say :


"Actions are but by intention and every man shall have but that which he intended........"

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