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Garowe: Puntland Meet To Discuss How To Merge Federal/Private Assets. (PICS)

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Kulan Ku Sabsanaa Mideynta Hantida gaarka loo leeyahay Iyo midka guud Oo Lagu Soo Xiray Magaalada Garoowe (Sawiro)


June 29, 2010



Waxaa maanta soo gabo gaboobay kulan soconaayay mudo saddex maalmood kaas oo ku sabsanaa sidii loo samayn lahaa mideynta hantida gaarka loo leeyahay iyo mida guud.


Kulankaan ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybgalay 40-qof kuwaas oo ka kala yimid degaanada Puntland iyo Koonfurta Soomaaliya,waxaana ka mid ahaa 4-ruux oo ka socday Wasaarada arimaha gudaha ee Dowladda Federaalka iyo maamulka gobolka Banaadir.waxaana kulankaa soo qaban qaabisay Wasaarada arimaha gudaha ee Dowladda Puntland oo ay gacan siinaysay Hay’ada ILO.


Kulankaan ayaa mudada u socday waxaa lagu baraayay dadka kasoo qaybgalay qaabka loo mideyn karo hantida gaarka iyo mid guud tasoo lagu talagalay goobaha arimaha bulshada qaabilsan ay Dowladu xukunto loo dhiibo shirkado aan dowli ahayn si ay hormar u gaari lahaayeen.


Wasiirka degaanka iyo duurjoogta Dowladda Puntland Cabdiqani Yuusuf Cadde ayaa maanta soo gaba gabeeyey kulanka,wuxuuna mahadcelin ujeediyey dhamaan xubnihi ka qayb qaatay kulanka.


Kulankaan mudada uu soconaayay ayaa waxaa qof weliba uu ka dhibanaayay fikirkiisa ku aadan mowduuca uu ku sabsanaa.


Maxamed Saciid Yuusuf


Wakiilka Horseed Media









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freedom if the tfg is not viable partner to the international community why do they continue to support it? stop being silly kid. The fact of the matter is the international community does view the tfg as viable partner and shares ties with the tfg thats something im not going to even dispute with you iska muran waa sheekadada.


As for the assets of somalia. Last time I checked somalia gdp was in the range $5 billion an estimate by the cia for the year 2005.


That is a gdp without a functioning govt. So all looks upwards not to mention the foreign/domestic investments that was pledged at istanbul if it eventuates will just increase the output of the nation's productivity.


Agricultural development in the south and oil production in the north with a bustling trading system can see Somalia grow into a stable economical giant and these sorts of meetings in garowe are necessary because if the officials can't manage what we have today well how will they manage the oil?


Sxb u need to realize that the only person that is unrecognized is you and your enclave not the tfg nor puntland.


Rather then pointing the finger at the tfg for all your blames maybe you should point the finger at your politicians who continue to keep you in this state of disarray.


Mind you the only publicity that somaliland gets if because puntland includes them into it. Anaga ayaa ku hayno niyahow ee meel iska fadhiso. You would not be known to the world if puntland didn't mention in their speeches at istanbul meetings. nairobi meetings and so forth!!! Wax aad adigu keliga sameyn kartid anigu ma arag. U say this election will get you the publicity u need well we will see but to be quite honest im not confident and i think that somaliland will just be remain in the same position they always have remain "IRRELEVANT"

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COKE lol i mean Cowke are you crazy or ******. GDP 5Billion lol old boy thats money coming from the Somali diaspora from family members in EU and America and so forth so please for the love of God dont make it sound like the Government as anything to do with that cause i does not and you are as always lieing on facts.


Second Cowke the world community is getting sick of the TFG, its weak their was a sub committe in congress were experts recommended that U.S.cuts ties with the TFG, so Cowkee if thats not world community getting tired of Somalia TFG i dont know what. EU, AU, so far put no troops or money to the TFG. Where is the AU african force that promised 8,000 troops Cowke.


Third Agricultural development in the south and oil production in the north; please dont make me laugh comedy boy. Agricultural that wont happen unless they stop killing each other in the South and Oil in north lool I love to see that happen in Puntland but so far its been oil deals, community fight, and no oil to show lool.


Fourth and last the istanbul conference lol. Since the end of the conference what has happened for somalia or even Puntland. So far more ships are taken to your pirateland of a country their child soliders in the TFG governement and you still running your mouth of wishful dream. I like the fact that you are a dreamer Cowke but sometime you got to face realtiy. Your punt is known for Pirate issues. Google Puntland and see how many pirate hits you get and google somaliland and see how many hits you get with Deomcracy or elections. I think my side is way head in what the world views as good nation then on your poor sad side lol.

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Freedom when you google somaliland you get hits back with snm diaspora who are ignored. When you google puntland you get hits back with people that actually matter.


You see sxb the way the world operates is noone cares if your good, good people dont last long in this capitalistic world only the greedy do.


I don't mind somaliland playing the "good boy" card but it won't get them anywhere and if has "show me" what it has gotten them?


As for the piracy yes it has gotten somalia somewhere. Brussel conference has funded over $200 million dollars to stregthten somalia security system which is much needed considering the battles going on in the south.


If it wasn't for the piracy I doubt an instabul conference would've of taken place to begin with. All these international issues are now getting serious with somalia because their interests are under-attack and that is the sort of language the capital driven western world only understand.


Sxb you stick your gamecards and we will stick to ours but don't come on here and mock us when it us who even get your sad sorry triangle even mentioned in the international community. You have not done 1 thing for yourselves to get the world interested in hargeisa and you think they care about the elections think again sxb. All they will say is "good on you" and ignore you for another 20 years. Thats your gamecard and I know its weak and i know it doesnt work and we will never use it sxb you can use it but dont come here trying to mock us because if it wasnt for us none of the international community would care about somalia!!!

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Cowke, cowke your crazy talk is so so funny but sad at the same time.


Answer my question where is the money that's going to the TFG and your dry bowl of state. Why is it when you type puntland in google you get pirates lol. Why is there no major development In your area if puntland is so great. You are all talk no action. Keep dreaming old boy cause while you have dreams of being from a great place I have the reality which for you is something you can't accept lol No one USA or eu or Africa give damn about puntland.


P.S even duke the king of puntland supporters views you as fool

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Freedom, Duke is not from Puntland sxb because dhaqankiisa uma eeko reerkeena. I know where he is from its from your triangle.


As for piracy i already stated my points and i am not going to repeat it!!!


As for the developmental issues if nothing is happening in puntland it is none of your concern go mind your own bizness sxb!!! Don't interfere in our territories and you won't hear me talking about your pisspot triangle. The only time I barely got interested in somaliland was when i heard their trying to take over sool/sanaag which is apart of puntland before that never knew they even existed!!!

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Originally posted by Cowke:

When you google puntland you get hits back with people that actually matter....


You see sxb the way the world operates is noone cares if your good, good people dont last long in this capitalistic world only the greedy do...


As for the piracy yes it has gotten somalia somewhere......


If it wasn't for the piracy I doubt an instabul conference would've of taken place to begin with...


....if it wasnt for us none of the international community would care about somalia!!!

Cowke, is this what really matters?


Greed, attention, getting a name, being recongnized no matter for what, even if its for theft??

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Freedom, Duke is not from Puntland sxb because dhaqankiisa uma eeko reerkeena. I know where he is from its from your triangle.

Never thought I would see the day WHEN someone claims DUKE is from SL!!! :eek: Now you really are smoking some strong stuff!!!

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Ibtisaam waxaan fahmey duke marku yirahdo "galkacyu" noone from galkacayo or anyone from puntland says "galkacyu" that is not our dialect.


Anyways he is from your triangle thats all I know.

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