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Gen.Morgan Oo Laga Deyriyey Ammaankiisa Muqdisho

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Gen.Morgan Oo Laga Deyriyey Ammaankiisa Muqdisho





Ilo xogogaal ah oo ka ag dhow Gen.Morgan ayaa Gedonet u sheegay inay aad ugu welwelsan yihiin amaanka Gen.Maxamed Saciid Morgan oo in muddo ah ku sugnaa Magaalada caasimada ee Muqdisho kadib markii ay soo baxeen warar sheegaya in ciidamo ka tirsan booliska wadanka Sweden ay xabsiga dalkaasi u tabaaxeen Col.Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid.


Gen.Morgan oo ka mid ah ragga siyaasad ahaan ay isugu xiran yihiin garabka dowladda federaalka ku meelgaarka ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ilaa iyo intii ay soo baxday xariga Col.Qeybdiid laga waayeey goobahii horay loogu arki jiray iyada laga welwel qabo inay saameyn ku yeelato amaankiisa xariga Col. Cabdi Qeybdiid.


Warar qaarkoodna ayaa sheegaya in gebi ahaanba ka baxay Hoteelkii uu deganaa hadana uu ku dhex jiro xaafad ka mid ah magaalada Muqdisho, ilaaladiisana la kordhiyey. Lamana oga inuu Generaalku sii joogo doono magaalada Muqdisho iyo in kale sida ay ii cadeeyeen dadkaan ka agdhow General Morgan.


Taageerayeesha Col.Cabdi Qeybdiid ayaa ku eedeeyey in soomali ku sugan wadanka Sweden inay ka dambeeyeen xariga Col.Qeybdiid kadib markii ay cajalad video ah u geeyeen Booliska dalka sweden sida ay qoreen jaraaidyada ka soo baxa wadankaas. Xeer ilaaliyaha magaalada Gothenburg ayaa sheegay inuu go'aan ka gaari doono xariga Col.Qeybdiid maalinka khamiista ah.


Dhanka kale, xubnaha labada gole ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa shir ka qaadan doonaa xariga Col.Cabdi Qeydiid lana filayo inay war saxaafadeed ka soo saaraan markii uu dhamaado shirkoodu.

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Morgan should be handed over to the people of Somaliland. Its upto the people of somaliland to decide what to do with him.

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No one will touch Morgan In Xamar. People in Xamar are not as clannish and so vendicative as Yeey's cheerleaders in the Diaspora.


They said he was chilling with Seeraar and Ina-Gabyoow at the HornAfrik Compound near Ex-Miisaanka Dhuxusha. Even warlord Musi Sudi warned against holding any antoganistic retaliatory act against people from Yeey's tribe. He only singled certain groups and said they will be held accountable. They said this arrest of Qaybdiid, even though it has some clannish basically is a political miscalculation from part of Yeey's ill-advised cheerleaders and we all know now it is counter-productive and will not achieve anything.


Qaybdiid will be released but the damage of mistrust has been planted deeper. They will pay it dearly....


As for Morgan he is safe because of the goodwill and promise of his hosts. Dad wuu dagaalaa waana hishiiyaa....laakiin Soomaalida qaar ayaanba geesinimo wax ka aqoon...oo sidii boojaalaha u dagaalama...ninka raga ah ama wuu ku dilaa ama ku nooleeyaa...Morgan Xamar waxuu ku joogaa Miirkiisa, Muruqiisa iyo Magaciisa...




But If it was to me..I would have handed the "butcher of hargeisa" over to Somaliland Authorities, so he could be persecuted for the crimes against humanity... no warlord should be my books.

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" Allah beerka " is my adoloscent sister's favorite sarcastic phrase when she jokes around with her peers...


Qurbahaa loogu yimid rag sidii foodleeyda u suurooda!!

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They said this arrest of Qaybdiid, even though it has some clannish basically is a political miscalculation from part of Yeey's ill-advised cheerleaders and we all know now it is counter-productive and will not achieve anything.




Are you saying the fact This murderer killed my cousin then had the audacity to video tape himself giving the order and having watched it myself that i am somehow a clannish biased fool.Can you listen to yourself.Are you saying the life of my innocent cousin who was his prisoner,unarmed and at his mercy being mudered in cold blood is nothing.I knew you were absolutely ****** but i did not know you were inhuman too!!!

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Originally posted by OLOL:

No Orgi... but r u jewish?

Your comment doesnt even deserve an answer!!!!

If you are such an animal that you cant even answer back with a brain of a human then i will talk to you as an animal which is not talking to you. ADMIN THIS IS BEYOND REPUGNANT SO I RESPECTFULLY ASK YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!

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Orgi - calm down bro ? what is wrong with being Jew? all prophets were jewish. They are very astute people. They are so passionate about their causes and are very upfront with it.



again, I am going ask you this in another way....

Are you the only Somali person who suffered or lost loved ones in Somalia's civil war?

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i am not but i am the one who has proof of who did it and when on a video tape.Incidently it was passed to the swedes and they ignored it.I am not happy with the way they let a blood thirsty murderer out!.Everyone who suffered is entitle to justice be it jewish or otherwise, or is this something that is not in your vocabulary,and dont try twisting the story into a jewish one.This is a simply somali one,stick to that!

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