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The force behind the anti-Islamist in Xamar..!

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I was thinking of posting this in the Joke section but then I thought it might be a support,considering they have nothing else, for those who are blindly supporting the Islamic courts against the warlords. I wont however be suprised if they produce this as an element to prove why all those who hate the warlords should support the wadaads. Qanyare, Muse Sudi et al in association with Ayan Hersi...that is a laugh... :D:D


Waagacusub Online Amestradam


Ayaan Xirsi oo ah Gabar Asalkeedu yahay Soomaali oo ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Holland, kana baxday Diinta Islaamka ayaa sheegtay inay leedahay Fikradda lagu dhisay Isbahaysiga La Dagaalanka Argagixisadda.


Ayaan Xirsi oo waraysi siisay Jariiradda Metro ee ka soo baxda Magaaladda Amsterdam ee Dalka Holland ayaa sheegtay in Isbahaysigaas ay Maskax iyo Maalba ku bixisay sidii loo dhisi lahaa, isla markaana uu gacan uga gaysan lahaa waxa ay ugu yeertay Muslimiinta Mayalka Adag ee ku sii xididaysanaya Muqdisho. Waxayna sheegtay in Adduun dhan Hal Milyan oo Doollar inay ugu deeqday Isbahaysigaasi.


Ayaan Xirsi waxey sheegtay in sidoo kale ay qorshaynayso inay la kulanto 9 Xubnood ee Aas aasayaasha Isbahaysiga La Dagaalanka Argagixisadda. Waxayse ka gaabsatay inay sheegto halka ay kula kulmayso sababa ammaankeeda awgeed ah.


Taageeradda Ayaan Xirsi ee Isbahaysigan ayaa muujinaysa in Dhismaha Isbahaysigan loogu gol leeyahay in lagula dagaalamo Islaamka. Laakiin illaa iyo hadda ma aysan qiran, mana aysan beenin Xubnaha Isbahaysigan in Ayaan Xirsi ay ku lug leedahay Dhismaha Isbahaysigan.

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Never Discount the possibility of it.

Well the leanred of SOL nomads will easilly varify this by checking the certain paper that was mentioned in the atricle all the dutch speakers get to work and verify this fact ...if its a fact than our freind above will the butt of joke

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