Xudeedi Posted October 25, 2005 The mistake that Sool and Sanaag made in joining Puntland , not deciding their own political independency, have come home to roost. The Transitional Federal government have declared these regions to be part of Somaliland regardless of the wish of the people and their constituents. Puntland regions shall consist of Bari , Nugal, and Northern Mudug. It hasn't been announced yet , which regions would be part of Puntland, but it appears the three (3) regions i highlighted above. We shall see Dawladda Federaalka Oo Qeexday Waxay Qarinaysay “Sool, Sanaag, Haylaan Iyo Cayn Waa Somalilandâ€. Warkii: Oct 23, 2005 SSHC(Radiossc.net):-Sida ay akhristayaasha Radiossc.net la socdeen waxaa mudo hadda laga joogo 7 bilood uu soo bandhigay in ay dawladda federaalku u taqaano Somaliland,gobollada Sool, Sanaag, W/Galbeed, Awdal iyo Togdhee, arrintaas oo ku kaliiftay in aanay wufuuddii Dawladda Federaalku soo booqan Gobollada SSC markii uu madaxweyne C/laahi hoggaaminayey safar ay ku yimaadeen Gobollada Puntland. Taas oo warar xog-ogal ahi sheegayeen in hoggaanka sare ee dawlada federaalka laga codsady in aanay galin gobolada Sool, Sanaag, si aanay u sii murgin is fahamka laga dhex raadinayo dawlada federaalka iyo maamulka hargeysa. Waxaana ugu danbaysay in uu diiday taliyaha Ciidamada booliska dawlada federaalka Col. Cali Madoobe mar uu maamulka puntland ka codsaday in uu soo eego xaalada booliska gobolllada Sool, Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Cayn safarkiisii uu dhawaan ku yimi Puntland, isagoo mas’uuliyiinta Puntland si cad ugu sheegay in aanu gobolladaas tageyn arrimo la xidhiidha dhinaca siyaasada. Haddaba qoraalka ugu danbeeyey ee uu soo saaray golaha wasiirrada ee dawlada federaalka ayaa waxa lagu muujinayaa arrimo dareen kooda leh, kuwaas oo aad ka dhadhan-san kartid qoraalkan in la xusay maamul goboleedyo loo qaybiyey Soomaaliya kuwaas oo ka kooban lix mandaqadood, iyadoo afar ka mid ah si cad loo qeexay gobolada ay yihiin , halka Waxa lagu magacaabay Soomaliland aan la qeexin inta gobol ee ay ka kooban tahay, puntland sidoo kale. Arrimahaas oo shakigii hore looga qabay dawlada Federaalka sii xoojinaysa, waxaana lagama maarmaan ah sida loo qeexay gobollada kale in Puntland iyo waxa loogu yeedhay Somaliland la cadeeyo, si loo ogaado gobolada ay dawlada federaalku u taqaano Puntland iyo kuwa ay u taqaano Maamulka Hoostaga Hargeysa. Waxaanu shaki ku jirin in ay si dhab ah ugu kala cadaan doonto Bulshada ku dhaqan gobolada Sool, Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Cayn halka ay u taqaano Gobolladan marka ay yimaaddaan khubarada loo kala dirayo lixda aag ee loo qaybiyey Soomaaliya. Qoraalka Dawlada Federaalku soo saartay ee Shakikgiisa leh = Hoos Akhri Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Dawladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Qorshaha Daraasada Dib u dhiska iyo Horumarinta Dalka Soomaaliya 15 Sano oo dagaalo sokeeye iyo burburin ay ka socodeen dalka soomaaliya ka dib waxaa DFKMG ah iyo Beesha Caalamku isla garteen in Dib u dhis iyo horumarin lagu sameeyo dhamaan gobolada iyo degmooyinka Dalka. Hadaba si loo fuliyo qorshahaas waxaa loo baahday in marka hore dhamaan gobolada laga soo sameeyo daraasado loogu guur geliyo baahidooda dib u dhis iyo horumar iyadoo gobolka kasta loo dirayo aqoon yahano Soomaaliyeed iyo quburo ajnebi ah si ay ula soo kulmaan waxgaradka degmo kasta ka dibna baahida dib u dhis iyo horumarineed ee dalkoo dhan laysugu keeno. Si hawshaasi u fududaato waxaa dalka Soomaaliyeed loo qaybiyey lix Aag oo kala ah 1) Somaliland (Lama qeexin gobolada loo yaqaano) 2) Puntland (Lama qeexin Gobolada loo Yaqaano) Qaybaha La cadeeyey 3) Central ( Hiiraan, Galgaduud, Sh/dhexe and South Mudug) 4) South West( Bay, Bakool, Sh/hoose) 5) South (Gedo, J/dhexe iyo J/Hoose) 6) Banaadir ( 16 degmo) Arimaha Daraasad Cilmiyeedka laga soo samaynayaa waa 6 qaybood oo muhiim ah iyo 3 qaybood oo saamayn ku leh guul ka gaarsita daraasadaha. Lixda Qaybood 1) Xukun Wanaag, Nabadgelyo iyo ku dhaqanka sharciga 2) Hab dhaqaaleedka guud oo Baahsan 3) dib u dhiska iyo horumarinta wadooyinka, Buundooyinka, Dekedaha, Airpordada 4) Daryeelka Bulshada sida Caafimaadka, waxbashada IWM 5) kordhinta Waxsoosaarka Beeraha, Xoolaha, kaluumaysiga iyo Hagaajinta jawiga waxsoosaarka. 6) Kor u qaadida nolosha Dadweynaha iyo xal u helida dadka gudaha dalka ku barakacay Saddex qaybood oo wada Saamaynaya 7) dib u hesheesiinta, nabad ku wada noolaanshada iyo ka hortegida iska hor imaadyada 8) kor u qaadida awooda maamul iyo horumarin lahaa hay’adaha jira ( mid dawladeed ama mid gaar loo leeyahay) loogana hortegi lahaa musuqmaasuqa. 9) dhowrista xuquuqda Aadanaha iyo qaderinta haweenka iyo dadka laga tirada badan yahay. Qaab dhismeedka Hawlwadeenada 1) Hawl wadeennada Heerka koowaad Gobol kasta waxaa laga doonayaa 8 xubnood oo ku salaysan Degmooyinka iyo qaybaha bulshada ee gobolkaas wada degta, marka laga reebo muqdishu oo 16-ka degmo midiiba laga rabo 2 xubnood, kuwaasoo aqoon u leh in ay cabiraan oo quburada u imaan dooonta ka dhaadhiciyaan baahida dib u dhis iyo horumarineed ee gobolkooda u baahan yahay. 2) Hawl wadeenada heerka Labaad Lixdaas aag ee aan kor ku soo sheegay aag kasta waxaa laga doonayaa hal isu duwe iyo 6 xubnood oo midba qabiir ku yahay mid ka mid ah 6 qaybood ee daraasada laga soo samaynayo kuwaasoo awood u leh in ay Quburada Caalamiga ah kana dhaadhiciyaan Baahida Dib u dhis iyo Horumarineed ee ka jirta aagaas iyagoo kaashanaya Hawlwadeenada heerka koowaad iyo dhamaan qaybaha bulshada. 3)- Hawl wadeennada heerka saddexaad Dawladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya waxaa laga doonayaa 12 aqoonyahan oo hadhow noqon kara Agaasimayaal guud ee Wasaaradaha. 4) Hawl wadeennada Heerka Afraad Ummadda Soomaaliyeed meel kastoo ay joogto waxaa laga doonayaa 12 aqoon yahan oo heer caalami ah isla markaana magic iyo sumcad wanaagsan ku leh ummadda Soomaaliyeed. 5) Hawl wadeennada Heerka shanaad Bangiga Aduunka iyo UNDP waxaa laga doonayaa Quburo heer caalami ah oo tiro ahaan u dhiganta hawlwadeenada 2,3 iyo 4-aad. Cidda xulaysa 1) Hawl wadeenada heerka koowaad waxaa soo xulaya maamulka gobolka iyo degmada waana in ay yihiin dad u dhashay degaankaas magac iyo sumcadna ku dhex leh bulshada gobolka ku dhaqan xogogaalna u ah baahida dib u dhiseed iyo horumarineed isla markaana ay ka dhex muuqdaan dhamaan qaybaha bulshada sida culimo awdiinka, Ganacsatada, haweenka, madaxda dhaqanka. 2) Hawl wadeenada Heerka labaad iyo kan sadexaad marka laga reebo Somaliland iyo Puntland waxaa soo xulaya Wasiirada iyo xildhibaanada DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ee afarta aag ee kale ka soo jeeda. Shuruudaha laga doonayo Hawlwadeenada heerka 2 iyo 3-aad - Waa in uu Soomaali yahay, hawl kale aanu hayn (fulltime) - Waa in uu leeyahay aqoon Master Degree ah ama Bs degree 10 sano oo waayo aragnimo ah leh oo la xiriirta shaqada uu codsanayo. - Waa in luuqada Englishka si fiican u yaqaan si fududna ugu diyaarin karaa report dheer computerkana adeegsan karaa. - In uu daacad u yahay dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa isla markaana leeyahay dareen Soomalinimo iyo aragti dheer oo aqoonyahanimo. - Hawl wadeenada heerka 3-aad waa in ay yihiin kuwo u diyaar ah in ay dawladda u shaqeeyaan isla markaana ku shaqayn kara duruufaha jira - Hawwadeenada heerka 3-aad waa in uu aqoon u leeyahay guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya. - Waa in uu soo gudbiyaa CV leh raadraac (references) 3)- hawl wadeenada Heerka 4 iyo 5 waxaa soo xulaya Bangiga Aduunka iyo UNDP iyagoo la tashanaya DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya. Waqtiga Hawl galka Tallaabada Koowaad- 15 – 18 November 2005 waxaa magaalada Nairobi ka furmaya aqoon is weydaarsi ay isugu tegayaan lixda isu duwe ee hawlwadeenada heerka labaad, hawlwadeenada Heerka 3,4 iyo 5-aad si ay isu soo bartaan, laysula meel dhigo istaatiijiyadii lagu meel marin lahaa daraasadan qiimaha weyn ugu fadhida dalka deeq bixiyayaashuna sugayaan dibna loogu kala qaybiyo lixda Qaybood iyo aag ee aan kor ku soo sheegay. Tallaabada labaad- Isu duwaha aag kasta oo ay la socdaan Quburo soomaaliyeed iyo kuwo ajnibi ah ayaa dib ugu soo laabanaya dalka waxayna Hawlwadeenada Heerka koowaad iyo labaad u qabanayaan aqoon isweydaarsiyo ay ugu gudbinayaan sida hawsha loo qbanayo isla markaana waxaa qoraal ahaan laysla meel dhigayaa baahida dib u dhis iyo horumarineeed ee aaga. Tallaabada saddexaad- Hawlwadeenada aag kastaa waxay isu qaybinayaan lixdii qaytbood ee daraasadu ku saabsanayd waxayna bilaabayaan in ay soo dersaan oo indhahoodu ku soo arkaan baahida jirta ee degmo iyo tuulo kasta oo dalka ah. Tallaabada Afraad Daraasadii la soo ururiyey ayaa aag kastaa goonidiisa isula soo noqonayaa waxaa la qabanayaa aqoon is weydaarsi la mid ah kii talaabada labaad la qabtay kaas oo laysugu geynayo macluumaadkii laga soo ururiyey degaanada ay u xil saran yihiin ka dibna waxaa laga ansixinayaa dadka degaanka. Tallaabada shanaad Daraasadihii lixda jaho ayaa laysu keenayaa oo laga ansixinayaa golaha wasiirada ee Xukuumada Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Tallaabada lixaad Waxaa Daraasada loo gudbinayaa shirka Deeq bixiyayaasha Caalamku ku yeelanayaan magaalada Roma ee wadanka talyaaniga horaanta sanadka 2006 waxaana laga filayaa deeq bixiyayaasha in ay ku yaboohaan maalgelinta loogu baahanayo dib u shiska iyo horumarinta dalka. Tallaabada Toddobaad Waxaa la bilaabayaa dib u dhiskii iyo horumarintii gobolada iyo degmooyinka dalka oo dhan bartamaha sanadka 2006 Inshaa Allah. Sidaas awgeed, waxaa bulshada soomaaliyeed meel kastoo ay joogaan laga codsanayaa in ay gacan siiyaan hawlwadeenada Daraasada samaynaya oo ay u gudbiyaan baahidooda dib u dhis iyo horumarineed ee degaankooda. Sidoo kale aqoonyahanada awooda u leh in ay buuxin karaan jagooyinka kor ku xusan waxaa laga codsanayaa in ay si deg deg ah ugu gudbiyaan CV-gooda cidda u xilsaaran xulidooda. Waad Mahadsan tihiin Wasiirka Warfaafinta DFKGS Maxamed Cabdi Xayir (Maareeye)- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wind.talker Posted October 25, 2005 Originally posted by Maakhir: The mistake that Sool and Sanaag made in joining Puntland , not deciding their own political independency, have come home to roost. The Transitional Federal government have declared these regions to be part of Somaliland regardless of the wish of the people and their constituents. I read about this, too. Indeed, the first time I heard about this possible scenario was when Col Yeey visited Puntland for the first time as Somalia's President - but didn't set foot on SSC territory. Isn't SSC supposed to be part of PL? Very dissappointing on the part of Col Yeey, but then again, the whole of PL was created as a mechanism for Col Yeey to launch himself into the office of the Somali presidency. Without SSC, I believe there is no Puntland. There's no reason to continue an unpleasant, heavily one-sided marriage when only a certain individual (and Co.) benefit at the expense of all others. Also, I think when SSC leaders joined PL in '98, they looked at it as a deterent against SL's militant policies. Which is understandable - but, sooner or later, Col Yeey's true designs on SSC will come out. He probably thinks he can use SSC as a leverage to get the SL leadership to join his mad bandwagon. But he's forgetting two key things: 1) SSC is armed to teeth so if they say "no" it definitely means no & 2) Even though the people in power in SL (UDUB) are leeches who'll sellout their folks (just like Col Yeey), there are plenty of SL hardliners who won't listen to that crap. Either way, peaceful Northern Somalia as we knew it might descend into socio-political chaos on a massive scale (thanks to Col Yeey - the Savior of PL, right? ). At the end of the day, in Col Yeey's eyes, everything is going according to plan. For SSC folks, their best interest lies in figuring out their own path to destiny. Follow Col Yeey long enough and you're bound to end up in a bottomless ditch. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SOO MAAL Posted October 26, 2005 Col Yusuf is playing dangerous game, mawaxuu ismoodey madaxweyne run ah Doesn’t he now that governments and institutions are permanent, and individuals like him just come one day and leave one day. Col Yusuf he sold the SSC people only so he feel more like president of all Somalia including northwest, does he think by compromise ssc regions he will bring northwest to the Somalia fold, that’s full political miscalculation Cidii colonel aamintaaba ka daran, if the colonel betrays ssc he will pay back Before he satisfy his opponents like Somaliland (meaning northwest), he should keep pro somaliweyn regions Sool Sanaag and cayn otherwise he will lose both northwest and SSC regions I always supported separate and independent political administration for Sool Sanaag and Cayn, to make the voice of stronger and clear, so no other entity use ssc as sphere of influence or negotiation tool. I favored Hashi as a president of Puntland (not because of clan affiliation), but because he was very critical to Somaliland’s aggression on Sool Sanaag and cayn regions, unlike Cadde who is very weak to stand up for the very people who helped him to win Puntland presidency and very prone to Colonel yusuf’s demands. Colonel Yusuf wuu ku khaldamayaa reer SSC I very convinced and afraid that this conspiracy is not Colonel yusuf’s invention but still he will be responsible for supporting their demands -- . I know that several European countries particularly Britain and Ethiopia are behind this conspiracy to bring so they can Somaliland back to Somalia fold Maalintii uu abdulaahi yusuf soo booqday Puntland booqanawaayey ssc regoins, shaki badan oo layaab leh bey ku abuurtay reer ssc reer ssc waa inay ka kacaaan hurdada oo ey ka tashadaan waayahooda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Libaax-Sankataabte Posted October 26, 2005 conspiracy theories, misinformation. Nothing more. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted October 26, 2005 Originally posted by SOO MAAL: Col Yusuf is playing dangerous game, mawaxuu ismoodey madaxweyne run ah Finally wax baa la arkay. So as long as hawlaha kale (read: gobollada kale) uu ku shaqo jiro, oo balaayo qasaayo, "Madaxweyne" sax buu idiin ahaa, laakiin maalintii afaarihiina lasoo galo...? What happened supporting this fledging government for the 'sake of Soomaaliweyn?' Hmm... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sophist Posted October 26, 2005 This is all hot air. Windtaker and Soomal have got the wrong end of the stick. One correction; SSC never joined Puntland state of Somalia in 1998. Puntland was founded by Sool, Sanaag, Bari, Nugaal, Mudug and Ceyn. Soomaal: Aayaha SSC beri hore ayey katashadeen siyaasad ahaan. Haatan waxa loo baahan yahay waxa weeye; horumarinta goboladaas dhinaca dhaqaale, mujtamac iyo waxbarashaba. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sky Posted October 26, 2005 Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: conspiracy theories, misinformation. Nothing more. Yes indeed. Bro Soo Maal, SSC is an important part of Puntland, without SSC there is no Puntland. Than its just Maamulka Woqooyi-Bari like before 1998. The reason why the president and the rest of the TFG have set foot in the SSC regions, is because they are careful. They don't want to be seen in the international community as the provoker. We all know Somaliland is going to scream to whomever listens if the president enters the SSC, which would become an unnessecary risk. They would be lambasting; "he has entered our territory, he declares war." That didn't happen and now they are watching Korneyl Yeey [You know how Hargeisa was in a state of shock the night of his election, whereas Laascaanood was in a party mood - waa taariikh meel ku qoran] become more dangerous and more powerful after each passing month. Good luck for them that Somaliland is last priority, the south's resurrection comes first. But anyway, it wouldn't make any sense if a federal system is chosen, why would the TFG want and need to have the SSC with Somaliland? That would be contradictory, because the SSC people have spoken and decided that they are part and parcel of Puntland. Not only are they with their brethren in Puntland, their interests lie in Puntland [sSC uses Bosasso port, the capital Garowe is a stonethrow away]. Marka waxaan waa iska sheeko. In Dowlad-Goboleed oo dhan hal Reer keliya ka kooban tahay, kuwa kalena boqolaal qowmiyado waa wax aan jirin. The president intends to have the SSC as part of Puntland, this is all bullshit. Besides, SSC's voice is stronger than the TFG. What SSC wants goes. Saas weeye. President Yusuf's troops (his ex-militiamen) are still in Aricadeeye and are still ready to defend the SSC with the SSC people. Remember the possible showdown between PL and SL in their parliamentary elections. He would have made those troops retreat within the passed year if he didn't care about SSC anymore and send them along with the other troops of Abqaale military base in Xarfa, Mudug to the South. Instead SSC stands solid against Somaliland and Laascaanood is booming more than ever before. Guryaha iyo daararka hadda laga dhisayo LA hadaad aragtid, waadba suuxaysaa. I remember Suldaanka saying that the kids in Somaliland only know that they are Somalilanders. Well SSC children kaaba sii darane, they know that they are Somalis and they know that that was the case generations before. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wind.talker Posted October 26, 2005 Originally posted by Sky: Not only are they with their brethren in Puntland, their interests lie in Puntland [sSC uses Bosasso port, Burco businessmen also use Boosaaso port. Is Burco's interest in joining Puntland as well? I don't see how the use of Boosaaso port is relevant to your defensive argument. President Yusuf's troops (his ex-militiamen) are still in Aricadeeye and are still ready to defend the SSC with the SSC people. Those "boys" are loyal to the land, not to Col Yeey and his Ethiopian-inspired divisive policies for Somalia's future. He would have made those troops retreat within the passed year if he didn't care about SSC anymore and send them along with the other troops of Abqaale military base in Xarfa, Mudug to the South. Instead SSC stands solid against Somaliland and Laascaanood is booming more than ever before. Guryaha iyo daararka hadda laga dhisayo LA hadaad aragtid, waadba suuxaysaa. If SSC lands stand solidly pro-Somaliweyn, how is that Col Yeey's accomplishment? :confused: And the reason he hasn't withdrawn his militias is because we haven't reached that phase of his ultimate plan,yet. And if Laascaanood is gradually re-building itself, that's because of the industry and the initiative of Reer Laascaanood. Col Yeey has never built anything save for a military baracks and the occassional gov't office building. But I suppose, in your view, everyone in PL should be grateful for everything they earned with their own sweat to Col Yeey, right? I mean he fixed everything, built houses, schools, hospitals, roads, etc. And why, all of a sudden, does Col Yeey care for what SL thinks? Quit making up empty excuses for his failures - in the eyes of many (mainly waxgaradka), he's already sold out on SSC. Col Yeey has never cared for Puntland (SSC or otherwise) or Somalia as a whole. He only cares for power. Now that he's there, he'll do anything to get that power (i.e. fulfill Zenawi's designs for Somalia to gain Ethiopian support). Lastly, need I remind you, SKY, that individual-worship is shirk - the highest sin - in Islam. Sida isku dhaan, ninyahow. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SOO MAAL Posted October 26, 2005 Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Finally wax baa la arkay. So as long as hawlaha kale (read: gobollada kale) uu ku shaqo jiro, oo balaayo qasaayo, "Madaxweyne" sax buu idiin ahaa, laakiin maalintii afaarihiina lasoo galo...? What happened supporting this fledging government for the 'sake of Soomaaliweyn?' Hmm... [/QB] Miskiin you misunderstood my whole argument, President Abdulaahi Yusuf is elected by all Somali delegates in peace conference, and not Punt land and or sool sanaag and regions I am against the thinking of giving away whole regions as gift for third party period. In other words, although President Abdulahi Yusuf is a legitimate president of Somalia currently, he cannot do anything he wants, his power and authority is limited. Mr. Yusuf cannot say if secessionists of northwest secession abandon their secessionist campaign he will reward them ssc regions as a gift How if Yusuf says to Qanyara, that if you support me I will reward you Bay iyo Bakool? It is just impossible ridiculous idea You cannot give other poeple's territories, whether it is sool sanaag cayn bay bakool, awdal or hiiraan Thanks to wind talker, sophist, and sky for your insightful contribution Libaax you need Intro to Politics course, this is very issues and it is not rumors, it something bigger than Abdulaahi Yusuf, Britain because of colonial legacy supports secenists in northwest at the expense of people of sool sanaag and cayn, But I afriad Abdulaahi is not strong enough to stand up for ssc regoens and he will opt for his narrow individual interest such as power, international aid etc Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted October 26, 2005 Windtalker....Hail Yeeeeeeey.looool or you tried for treason!! These people are amazing. Yeey has brought nothing but destruction to Pland, but in the eyes of his disciples, he does no wrong, and all that's good in Pland is coz him. MMA....Hmmmm indeed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpha-Geeljire Posted October 26, 2005 5) South (Gedo, J/dhexe iyo J/Hoose) First its called JUBBASTATES, and it has been in the making for quite sometime now (after the fifth defeat of Yey and Morgon's mahbars), and not an invention of yey. Continue with your debate. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AYOUB Posted October 27, 2005 Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote: Originally posted by SOO MAAL: Col Yusuf is playing dangerous game, mawaxuu ismoodey madaxweyne run ah Finally wax baa la arkay. So as long as hawlaha kale (read: gobollada kale) uu ku shaqo jiro, oo balaayo qasaayo, "Madaxweyne" sax buu idiin ahaa, laakiin maalintii afaarihiina lasoo galo...? What happened supporting this fledging government for the 'sake of Soomaaliweyn?' Hmm... C'on MMA, at least he said the rude bits in Somali, just like that wadaad you told us about. SOO MAAD I like that line so much that I might make it my signature. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SOO MAAL Posted October 28, 2005 I have better one for you, a one that concerns you maqaarsaarka of hergeysa tribal faction guulwade ina riyoole oo waxaan u aheen ismoodya, allow yaa wax u sheega newspaper ugu tabaruca si uu caalamka ula socdo riyada uu iskaga daayo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SOO MAAL Posted October 28, 2005 Issimada Sool,Sanaag Iyo Cayn Oo Ka Jaawabay Hadalkii Ka Soo Yeedhay Riyaale Iyo Taageero Lagaadh-siiyey Ciidamada Daraawiishta. Warkii: Oct 28, 2005 Laascaanood(Radiossc.net):-Issimada Gobollada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn ayaa jawaab kulul ka bixiyey hadallo uu shalay ka jeediyey warbaahinta hoggaamiyaha Maamulka isku magacaabay Somaliland ee Soomaalidiidka ah Daahir Riyaale Kaahin. Issimadan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Garaad Abshir Saalax, Garaad C/salaam Xasan Maxmed iyo Garaad Saleebaan Buraale, ayaa kulan maanta ciidamada Daraawiishta lagu guddoonsiinayey taageero ay ka mid ahaayeen xoolo nool oo aad u tiro badan, si ay ugu ciidaan, ayaa waxa ay caddeeyeen sida ay uga soo horjeedaan hadalkii uu Riyaale shalay ka jeediyey Kulan furan oo ay la yeelatay BBCdu laanteeda afsoomaaliga. Taageerada Ciidamada Daraawiishta La Guddoonsiiyay Waxayna sheegeen Issimada gobollada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn, in ay maamulka Somaliland ka tashadeen markii uu noqday maamul ku hawlan kala goynta Soomaaliya, Maamulna ay ka samaysteen oo uu yahay Puntland, Issimada oo ka hadlaya dhulka ay ciidamada Riyaale ku sugan yihiina waxa ay sheegeen in aanay u dulqaadan doonin dhulka ay ciidamada Soomaalidiidku ku sugan yihiin. Garaad Abshir Saalax ayaa ku tilmaamay hadalka Riyaale ka soo yeedhay ee uu kaga hadlayey khayraadka Puntland, gaar ahaan Gobolka Sool wax lagu qoslo, oo Riyaale awooddiisa ka tallaabsanayo, wuxuuna sheegay Gobollada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn go’aankoodu waa cad yahay, wuxuuna Riyaale u soo jeediyey in aanu ceeb cimrigiisa ku sogootinne, wanaaga ka shaqeeyo. Garaad C/salaam Xasan Maxmed ayaa sheegay in loo soo jeestay sidii dalka loo difaaci lahaa, wuxuuna tilmaamay in layska kaashado gude iyo dibadba sidii dicaafa loo adkayn lahaa. Ugu danbayntii waxa halkaasi ka hadlay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Maxmed Cawad Baaruud wuxuuna sheegay in maanta la soo gaadhay xilligii la soo afjari lahaa joogitaanka ciidamada Maamulka soomaalidiidka, wuxuuna ku tilmaamay hadalkii ka soo yeedhay Riyaale Kaahin mid aan soconayn shacabka reer Sool, Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Cayn uu cad yahay mawqifkoodu, ayna waajib ku tahay Riyaale in uu ka noqdo waddada qaldan ee uu qaadayo. Radiossc.net Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duufaan Posted October 29, 2005 just speculation, as other said. If the case was getting more parlament seats, this could be a strategy for c/laahi and his close supporters. He do not have that option now but rest of his life . The ball is southern somalia now, everyone including puntland and somaliland are either part of the game or watching carefully. The stackes are high and the end of the saga will change Somalia for ever. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites