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Deflating the ICG Balloon

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"Beeni raad ma leh" is a Somali proverb that literally means "a lie leaves no track or trace." This saying reminds Somalis that lies have no foundation and will eventually be discovered



Deflating the ICG Balloon


Thursday, 01 June 2006


The International Crisis Group’s (ICG) (or the International Crisis Manufacturing Group - ICMG -as others prefer to call them) report resembles a huge balloon that is filled with air. As we all know, it is easy to deflate a balloon by punching a small hole in it. The ICG balloon got prematurely deflated by a grand event that took place on the day before their infamous report on Somalia came out.


In a town in the North of Somalia, a new Garaad (Sultan) was crowned in the presence of thousands of ordinary citizens and more than 2500 delegates from all over the world. Malaaqs from Bay and Bakool, Sultans from “Somaliland”, Islaans from Puntland, members of the Transitional Federal Government, members of the “Somaliland” parliament, prominent businessmen like Dahabshiil, members of the ”Somaliland” opposition parties and thousands of intellectuals including the great Somali poet, Mohammed Ibrahim Warsame Hadraawi attended the ceremony. The occasion brought together people the ICG contends would mow each other down to pieces unless “Somaliland” is recognized. The new Garaad who succeeds his late uncle, Garaad Abdul Ghani as the 19th Garaad, vowed to bring the traditional leaders of Somalia together and promote peace, stability and unity in Somalia. In Somalia, milk signifies peace and prosperity; and the milk poured on the new Garaad has great significance for Somalia and the Somalis.



The new Garad whose uncle attended the Burao conference where the SNM fighters forced the attendance to declare the unilateral secession of "Somaliland", clearly and unequivocally declared his unionist stand at the presence of all these dignitaries.

In the ICG report, The ICG portrays the constituency of the new Garaad as disputed territories with an insignificant minority that would lose the most from any conflict that flares up between Puntland and Somaliland since their territories lie in the frontlines of the conflict. In these remarks, The ICG seems to suggest that the people of these territories better join "Somaliland" in its quest for recognition or else face dire consequences. If The ICG finds it convenient for "Somaliland" to withdraw from the act of Union in 1960, why does it find it difficult to appreciate the fact that the pro-unity regions can also re-affirm their commitment to the same Union?



Perhaps what The ICG should have known is that there are many decent northerners who are pro-unity and passionate about the unity of their beloved Somalia, unlike the opportunistic individuals who cling on to a discredited and bankrupt ideology called “Somalilandism”. This secessionist phenomenon in the northern part of Somalia has been spearheaded by a group of narrow-minded Somalis who are in cahoots with some foreign elements like The ICG.


The vain attempts by these secessionist ideologues to spread their despicable and misguided vision to the eastern regions of the North were dealt a crushing blow by the speech speech of the new Garaad, which was seen by many as the final nail in the coffin for the exhausted secessionist ideology.



The ICG callously ignores the fact that the territory of the Garaad was the centre of the Dervishes resistance army who fought hard against the British invaders for 21 years. It was in this area that the most notable Somali nationalism was seen during the British occupation , and unlike the other territories in the North, the Garaad in this area never signed any agreements with the British.[/b] This was clearly highlighted in an article recently published by the honorable Jama Mohammad Ghalib ironically on the same day the Garaad was crowned.



Another important fact left out by the ICG report is that Sultan Mohamoud Ali shire, the sultan of the other territories labeled by them as disputed territories, was vehemently and actively opposed to British rule of his territories and was forcibly exiled to the Seychelles . Hence, these territories are not part of the phantom “Somaliland” whose only legitimacy are colonial borders that evoke bitter memories in the minds of most people in the North.



The so called disputed territories constitute more than 1/3 of the so called Somaliland, and the vast majority of its inhabitants are fiercely opposed to the secession promoted by the ill-fated ICG report that cost ICG sponsors thousands of dollars to prepare. It is for sure destined to the dustbin it so rightly deserves.



Among the guests who attended the ceremony in Las Anod was Colonel Dhegaweyne a member of the SNM movement that forced Somaliland elders to declare secession from the Somali Republic. In a recent interview with Jamhuuriya, he declared that these territories can no longer be returned to the influence of Somaliland by force and a dialogue should be initiated with their leaders. We hope that such dialogue can be a prelude to better understanding between the Somali people that no ICG report can put asunder.



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Great article SOO MAAL thanks


Aad baad ugu mahadsantahay


ICG is another colonial tool


All they want for Somali peninsula is to go back to the dark colonial era


Whats the benefit for Somali people to re-establish the irrelevent old colonial border? whats the benefit gor Germans to re-build the Berlin Wall? BIG NO

The new Garaad who succeeds his late uncle, Garaad Abdul Ghani as the 19th Garaad, vowed to bring the traditional leaders of Somalia together and promote peace, stability and unity in Somalia.

Garaad Jaamac, acheived so much in six months

waa uu ku mahadsanhay Illahay na haa la qabtu


If The ICG finds it convenient for "Somaliland" to withdraw from the act of Union in 1960, why does it find it difficult to appreciate the fact that the pro-unity regions can also re-affirm their commitment to the same Union?

Ma layaabtay, isticmaar maxaad ka feli?

You see that irony and doublestand

The biggest hypocrisy EVER


the Garaad in this area never signed any agreements with the British.
This was clearly highlighted in an article recently published by the honorable Jama Mohammad Ghalib ironically on the same day the Garaad was crowned.

Very important point


Dhegaweyne a member of the SNM movement that forced Somaliland elders to declare secession from the Somali Republic. In a recent interview with Jamhuuriya, he declared that these territories can no longer be returned to the influence of Somaliland by force and a dialogue should be initiated with their leaders.

waa cadaaday in dagaal waxba lagu qaadeen, danta ayaa u run sheegasa


16 sano la marayaa ictiraaf lama hayo

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ICG will be one of the political analysts of the regions that Pax Americana want to destablize. Their words will merely reflect the position of the neocolonialists but their advices won't be viable solution to Somalia except suceeding in disorienting some of our tribesmen, making them believe that clan statehood is attainable. Without even going to the people of whole of Somalia speaking out against the territorial integrity of our country, the people in the North under the former British colony alone are not united on this cause. There is a big division to this end even tribal war as a last resort.


The ICG has lost its credit and no one takes it serious but the neocolonialists, of course. Igad, members of Arab league, and AU are all aware of ICG's insidious reports on Somalia

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