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General Duke

Hobyonet, reports Qaybdeed takes Ceelbuur Lower Shabbele vacent

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Ciidamada Midawga Maxaakiimta ayaa difaaca Ugu adag Ka galay caawa Siinkadheer Xili uu ciidamada Col Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Gaaray Magaalada CeelBuur.


Hobyonet. Muqdisho. Talaado, Dec 26, 2006


Ciidamada Midawaga Maxaakiimta Muqdisho ayaa gabi ahaanba ay ka baxday gacan ku haynta dhulka shabeelada Hoose xili ay kusoo siqanayaan Ciidamada Dawlada Fadaraalka Soomaaliyeed.

Sidoo kale Ciidamo farabadan oo uu wato Gudoomiyihii Hore ee Gobalka Shabeelada Dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxmed Dheere) ayaa dagay kaabiga magaalada Jawhar.

Ciidamada Col Cabdi qaybdiid ayaa Gacan u gashay Magaalada Ceelbuur isaga guud ahaan ka sifeeyay midawga Maxaakiimta Gobalka Mudug & Galgaduud waxaana lasheegay in waxgaradka beelaha daga Gobaladaas ay aad usoo dhaweeyeen.


Guud ahaan xaalada wadanka soomaaliya ayaa noqtay mid ka siibaxaysa gacanta midawga maxaakiimta islaamka soomaaliyeed oo ahaa koox isku soo koobtay awooda magaalada muqdisho iyaga oo ka faaìidaystay kacdoonkii shacabka Muqdisho.


Xasan Yare

Gal-Mudug State

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Duke i think its the beggining of the viscious cycle after the complete of a loop.

of all the folks duke celebrating.


what i say is if ICU does not suceed Somalia should be annexed by Ethiopia.

This will end all the bullshit petty competition.

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Soon enough inshallah Qaybdeed will be killed off by his own clansmen, that is if he doesn't repent asap. I know of plenty of young men from his clan oo u dhaarsan- i hope they succeed.

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^^Che-Guavera, give me the break the news is the house Xasan Dahir built has is crumbling.

The TFG is moving steadly. Guess who has been out gunned.


It was not long ago you was cheering for Baidoa's fall guess what it stands and it is them who are running faster then their shadows.


The rising noise from you guys, is sweet to hear, maybe you should compose a song.

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^^Che-Guavera, give me the break the news is the house Xasan Dahir built has is crumbling.

The TFG is moving steadly. Guess who has been out gunned.

And guess what Duke, You do know what Dabbaal Dhere said about your president not long ago. He also kept quite about A/Khayrdiid's arrest in Sweden too and maybe as some claimed he might have been behind it so you know who the two teams of the next match will be if only the current one ends the way you dream?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^Che-Guavera, give me the break the news is the house Xasan Dahir built has is crumbling.

The TFG is moving steadly. Guess who has been out gunned.


It was not long ago you was cheering for Baidoa's fall guess what it stands and it is them who are running faster then their shadows.


The rising noise from you guys, is sweet to hear, maybe you should compose a song.

I really could careless of who is fighting us(we as Muslims and real Somalis),an amxaar and his daba dhilif are no different to me.Although I know that Baydhabo and anywhere wouldn't last a week if it was the ICU vs.TFG forces.


Anyone who claims that the ICU is fighting against the TFG with the help of Ethiopia,it's actually the ICU is fighting against Ethiopia along with small numbers of daba dhilif going by the name of somali government.


The warlords chased out of Xamar,Beledwayne,and Jawhar are back today thanks to the Xabashis,this is a good thing I gues to the munaafiqeen.If we went with your redicolous hypothesis that the ICu was fighting mosly with PL troops,Qaybdeed,or Maxamed dheere,then we would have to note that these people are the same people taht were chased out and those taken care of by the ICU in gelisoor,before the arrival of the Xabashis.


This is taking shape of gorrila war,because the ICU doesnt' have the tanks nor the planes to fight with ethiopia,so the best military tactic and one done well by somalis is gorrilla war.The Xabashis will be warned down and finally their cities will be rocked.


Jihad on.


Allahu Akbar,


ciso iyo sharaf to Somalis of xaq udirir.


victory to the Somali people against the Habashis.

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^Aren't you proud to be the side of Somalida Xalaasha ah sxb? The war has just began, lets wait and see how long Ethiopias blood and money lasts.

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