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11-05-04 So's!!

Please allow me to introduce to you a new movement called somalians!

well this thread exposes to yall the voices of the silent majority called somalians! this a new movement that started in california consists of many somalians like u and i who have watched in horror the districtions of our homeland by blood hunger warlords who answer only their bottom line profits and how much pay off they receive to murder another muslim brother of their kind!


r u tried of this kind of people and are you willing to let yourself be free of this type of blood thirsty warlords and redeem yourself and bring your country to be once again a shining respectful country among this world? a simple q's right!


well, here is your chance! it dont matter whether u worship a pwrfull, weak or the chicken warlord!


we, your somalians sistas/brothas wanna hear from you all!! tells why u dont wanna come and kick w/us instead of your warlord! aigt dont be shy now!! free speech nameen!! & be cool!! after all what u can do when the worlord expires!! hah!! :confused:

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First my warlord expired long time


So, I am free from warlord but tell us what you have to replace, do you have any thing to replace them?


We need plan man. Nothing can work without plan.


Even if Ethiopia tomorrow gave us our Land I think we will have another civil war like rest of Somalia cause simply we don't have plan called " after independent". We are nation work for day by day never plan ahead that is why every thing went down after late dictator.



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