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hibo cumar

Islamic advice please.

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Let me make this short and to the point.. I've agreed to marry this guy. But i never knew about the day he was marrying me.. Nor has anyone told my mother about this.. And it was very shocking to both my mom and i when we got a phone call from my aunt letting us know that the guy married me.Not only that but no sheik ever confirmed with me to wehter i wanted to marry this guy. Now the question is are we married or not?

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Maybe the guy that married you off was on the net too! :rolleyes:


You have not given enough information, dear. And even if you did, this is the wrong place to ask such a question in. Random people on the net might endup misleading you instead of helping you.


Tell you what, you tell us what town you live in and we'll try to find you a local 'expert' to help you out. Best of luck.

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Johnny B   

From what i understand , you been asked to marry a stranger and you agreed , so it´s only the timing that dosen´t suit you.


Aren´t you excited about the comming journey that you booked ? for he seems to be eager to get started right away .


from what i heard ppl can get married by beeing represented , since you´ve agreed to marry a stranger does it matter if another stranger represented you at your wedding?

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^^^ Lol JB, be easy on the lady >> enjoy the trip.


Hibo, As Bro Ngonge mentioned you havent provided enough information.


I would just like to add there are rulings regarding the validity of a marriage contract.

One of them is you have to consent to the offer. And during the contract, your guardian(Wali) must be there. The guardian can be your father, brother or a person of respect in the Islamic community(e.g Imaam).


So the qn I can raise is did you give any man the permission to represent your acceptance of the offer? And if you are married I beleive a marriage certificate should have been issued. Do you have this in your possession or in your 'partner's?



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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Maybe the guy that married you off was on the net too! :rolleyes:

I don't know what to make of the rolling eyes, Ngonge. They're so unlike you. :D


Hibo Cumar, ma Torontaad joogta? Hadaad hibo cumartii aan garanayay tahay iiso sheeg (via PM, you must tell me the secret squirrel password to identify yourself). Anaa arintan gunteeda kuu keeniye.

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^ war ninyahow markaad afsomali ku hadashay, dhinac kale baa ii muuqday. ;)


su'aashu runtii waa cajaaib.


Hibo, walaal, as NGONGE said, the information you gave is not enough to ascertain the answer, and since this subject is a very important one, it is better if you contacted your local Imaams.


like sis WOL said, where is your Wali(father, brother, uncle..) in this situation. you only spoke of you and your mom, but without a Wali and your consent, it can't be a valid marriage Islamicly.


Allah(swt) knows best.

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